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16 Cards in this Set

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how to program an interactive application without events

a monolithic loop:

-check keyboard

-check mouse

-check touch panel

-check timers for animation

-parse input

-do actions

-program processing etc

this takes up alot of cpu power and time and stuff

how to program an interactive application with events

program sets up connections

-provide fn for when keyboard is pressed

-provide fn for when mouse is pressed

-provide fn for when specific on screen button is pressed

-provide fn on a timer for animations

interactive compnent goes to sleep. if any of the above interactions happen, the program wakes up and those registered functions are called

central even loop that runs our program

hidden inside your GUI library, gets started when you make a GUI application

while(not time to quit) {

get next event E (waits)

dispatch event E(calls assoc. fn)


event queues

input events are typically placed in a queue

ensures that events are processed in order

main loop removes them from the queue

event system benefits

distributed and isolated coding

standardized events - develop a API and re-use it

less worrying about core loops and other simultaneous tasks

live changes - you can add new event listeners in real time with code without thinking of other parts of the program

types of events

device events

-mouse button 1 down, wheel turned

GUI events

- enter/leave screen or widget, scroll, repaint

window events

-resize window, close window

programmer-defined events

-message arrived, calculation finished

events available are heavily dependant on the OS, programming language, libraries etc

event information

nature of event info depends on event type, toolkit windowing system

common info in an event record

- event type

- event time

- state of modifier keys (alt, shift, ctrl etc)

event specific info

- mouse location, button state

- key pressed/released

- window/compnent affected

hierarchy and events

if a button is pressed, does the button get the event, or the encapsulating window, or both

containment hierarchy

components can be contained within other components

used to determine where to send an event

bottom-up dispatch (bubbling)

floats up

the lowest in the hierarchy gets it first

widget get a lot of power, and get "first crack" at it to act first or to cancel an event

top down dispatch (capturing)

the highest in hierarchy gets it first, and it then works its way down

can globally manage your events

- a frame can filter which events hits its children

positional dispatch

the item pointed to by the positioning device (mouse, touch, etc) gets the event

focused dispatch

the item with "focus gets the event


a way of indicating the current active widgets

usually shown visually

can be modified programmitically

life cycle of a mouse click


user: clicks mouse button

OS: mouse button was clicked as screen position X,Y

Windowing system: mouse button even in window Z, at relative window coordinates X1,Y1


UI toolkit: widget button1 was clicked. check for callback or notification request for this widget, and invoke appropriate associated code.

Application: some procedure or method carries out action that we want attrached to that button

events: lessons

events are just simple loops and queues

its a programming model that helps with divide and conquor

- isolates each event and controller's actions to make programming easier

there are various dispatch styles