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31 Cards in this Set

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Arrival in Jamestown, VA.

Settlement of the first successful American colony, in 1607. Royal Charter given to VA Company.

Arrival in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Puritan Pilgrims came in 1620 aboard the Mayflower led by William Bradford. They drafted the Mayflower Compact to govern their colony.

The importance of the year 1619. (S)

The first slave ship came to Virginia, the House of Burgesses was established, and the first tobacco export was sent to Britain.

The French and Indian War (7 Years War) (W)

A war that lasted seven years where French and British and Spanish colonies were fighting against each other. The French had more Natives on their side but the British still won and got Florida from Spain and Canada from France.

The American Revolution. (W)

From 1775-1784, America fought and won against Britain to become an independent nation. Caused because Britain was levying unfair taxes on America which benefitted Britain but not them.

The making of the Constitution.

In Philadelphia, politicians met to discuss the creation of a new Constitution to amend the old Articles of Confederation. The Pro- and Anti-Federalists had to come to a consensus.

The elections of 1800 and 1860. (S)

1800: Thomas Jefferson, first Democratic-Republican, made it into office, bringing in the two-party system in full force.

1860: Abraham Lincoln became elected as a "sectional" President, as he was only elected in part of the States and was not representative of the South.

War of 1812. (W)

Conflict between America and Britain, caused by British impressment (taking American seamen onto British vessels), and British blockades restricting American-European trade. They didn't gain or lose anything.

The Mexican-American War. (W)

Caused by a dispute on land on the Nueces strip, and after Americans invaded Texas' government and broke away from Mexico to be annexed by America.

The Civil War.9 W)

Caused by slavery and political issues; 1850 Compromise, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Election of 1860, etc. Divided Union from Confederacy.

The Spanish-American War. (W)

When Cuba tried to break from Spain, and America's Monroe Doctrine brought them into conflict with Spain, as well as the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine. America became a world power after this.

America in World War 1. (W)

America was interested in simply trading equally with both parties to turn a profit during the war. Germany started sinking American ships, however, and restricting American trade. America signed the Treaty of Versailles but didn't join League of Nations.

The Louisiana Purchase. (E)

America purchased Louisiana from the French in 1803 for around $15 million.

The Florida Purchase. (E)

America purchased Florida from the Spanish for about $5 million.

The Annexation of Texas. (E)

American settlers who lived in Mexican Texas declared independence in 1836, and was annexed by America in 1845. This sparked the Mexican-American War.

Mexican Cession. (E) (W)

Consisted of Upper California and New Mexico, which Mexico ceded to America after the conclusion to the Mexican-American War in 1848.

The Alaska Purchase. (E)

America purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867 for $7.2m.

The Annexation of Hawaii. (E)

Occurred in 1898, after American sugar planters overthrew the Hawaiian monarch and formed their own provincial government.

The Annexation of the Philippines and Puerto Rico. (E)

After the Spanish-American War, America annexed Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines from Spain.

Invention of the "Cotton Gin". (I)

In 1794 by Eli Whitney, a machine that separated seed from cotton fiber much more efficiently than manual labor.

The first Textile Mill. (I)

In 1790 by Samuel Slater, a building that housed machinery for cotton item production, and was important for the Industrial Revolution and factory construction.

The telegraph. (I)

Created by Samuel Morse in 1843, sent message in 1844. Early form of long-distance messaging systems widely used until the 20th Century.

The first steamboat. (I)

First successful steamboat created by Robert Fulton in 1807. Propelled by steam and machinery, versus sailboats.

The first electrical lightbulb. (I)

By Thomas Edison in 1879, could last for several hours before dying and essentially eliminated the need for candlelight.

The discovery of oil. (I)

Discovered in 1859. Sparked the oil rush and started the petroleum industry, which led for Rockefeller's Monopoly.

The publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin". (S)

A novel that strongly advocated for abolitionism and is said to have been a cause of the Civil War.

Civil War battles of Sort Sumter, Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg. (S, W)

Fort Sumter - first battle

Antietam - Union victory that provoked the Emancipation Proclamation

Gettysburg - Largest # of casualties, crushed Confederate Army

Vicksburg - Union victory, gave control of the Mississippi River which cut the Confederacy in half

Massacre of Wounded Knee. (W)

1890, ended conquest in the West. Broke any other resistance to assimilation of Native Americans.

Democratic, Republican, Populist, Socialist and Progressive parties.

Democratic - Andrew Jackson in 1828

Republican - Former Whig party members in 1854

Populist - Founded by agrarians in 1892

Socialist - Eugene V. Debs in 1901

Progressive - Founded by Roosevelt in 1912

Causes and effects of the Spanish-American War.

Causes: Cuba's struggle for independence, sinking of U.S.S. Maine

Effects: Spanish control over NA ended, Emergence as a world power

The Treaty of Versailles.

Treaty that formally ended World War 1. America ratified it.