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68 Cards in this Set

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5 causes of low back pain?
fx, strain, disc herniation, infection, referred pain
How many people will need healthcare relating to low back pain?
What are the 3 goals of LBP tx?
hasten recovery, control pain, facilitate rehab
What % of pts w/ LBP/sciatica will resolve in 6 wks?
What % of pts w/ LBP will resolve in 12 wks?
What are 6 things in the hx that are ominous for LBP?
bilateral radicular pain, saddle anesthesia, urinary inconcinence, urinary retention, inc urinary freq, overflow inconinence
What diagnosis is one of the few LBP emergencies?
cauda equina sundrome
What is the tx for cauda equina syndrome?
w/i 24-48 hrs surgical decompression must be done or neurologic impairment may result
What 3 things in the hx may indicate fx?
major trauma, fall from height, female over 50
What are risk factors for LBP due to infection?
over 50, under 20, fever and chills, pain worse supine, recent UTI, IV drug abuse, immune suppression
What is done on PE for possible infection?
take temp, spinous process percussive pain
What are risk factors for tumor causing LBP?
over 50, under 20, unexplaines weight loss, pain worse supine, severe nocturnal pain
If pulse is weak and rapid and BP low what is indicated?
retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Why is the Shober test done?
to test lumbar flexion
How is Shober test done?
mark PSIS, 5cm down, 10cm up, upon flexion the line should stretch at least 20cm
Why is the Trendelenburg test done?
to test strength of glut medius indicating compromise of L5 nerve root
What are 3 etiologies for pos Trendeleburg test?
disc herination, spinal tumor, intraspinal abcess
What does straight leg raising test for?
sciatic nerve pain
What are 3 causes of pain on spinous process percussion?
fx, infection, tumor
What are the 5 reflex grades?
0=absent, 1=dec, 2=normal, 3=inc, 4=clonus
What is clonus?
alternating m contraction and relaxation in rapid succession indicative of disconnect b/t upper and lower motor neurons
Where is the patellar reflex?
Where is the achilles reflex?
Where is the superficial anal reflex?
S2, 3, 4
What does a + Babinski sign look like?
dorsal flex of 1st toe
What are 4 dx's causing + Babinski sign?
multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebrovasc acciden, brain tumor
What is grade 0 m strength?
flaccid paralysis
What is grade 1 m strength?
can palpate m contraction but m cannot move affected body part
What is grade 2 m strength?
can move body part w/ gravity removed
What is grade 3 m strength?
movement against gravity
What is grade 5 m strength?
full strength against resistance
What is cause of grade 3-4 m strength?
What is cause of grade 0-2 m strength?
CNS problem - CVA, Guillain-Barre syn, MS
What n inn iliopsoas?
Inn of quads?
Inn of hip adductors?
Inn of tibialis anterior?
Inn of ext hallicus longus?
Inn of ext digitorum longus and brevis?
Inn of glut medius?
Inn of fibularis longus and brevis?
Inn of glut max?
Inn of gastrocnemius and soleus?
What is tx for SD of L-spine?
counterstrain for TP, ME, HVLA
What is cause of LBP on iliospsoas strength testing?
discogenic pain, appendicitis, sigmoid colon dys, uretal calculi, prostate cx, salpingitis
What is seen on PE for iliopsoas problem?
inc pain standing, + Thomas test, + TP medial to ASIS, NN SD L1-2, + pelvic shift, sacral SD, piriformis, spasm
What is tx for acute iliopsoas problem?
ice, DO NOT use heat, indirect OMT
What n for sensation to ant thigh?
What is n for sensation to medial side of foot?
What is n for sensation to space b/t great toe and 2nd?
What is n for sensation to lateral side of foot?
What is n for sensation to percanal skin?
What does + valsalva test indicate?
space occupying lesion in spinal canal
What does + Naffzinger test indicate?
space occupying lesion in spinal canal
How is Soto Hall test done?
pt supine and passively flex until pain is elicited at site of spinal disorder
What does Patrick test for?
sacroiliitis, hip joint dx
What does + Nachalas test indicate?
femoral n entrapment or dx
What are the 3 prone tests for LBP?
Nachlus test, palpation, strength testing
What are 3 causes of spinal stenosis?
hypertrophy of facet joints, Ca++ deposits in lig flavum/post long lig, loss of IV disc height
What is quality of spinal stenosis pain?
achy, shooting pain, paresthesias
What is seen of PE w/ spinal stenosis?
worsened by ext, osteophytes and dec IV space on imaging
What is tx for spinal stenosis?
OMT to dec restrictions and inc ROM, PT, NSAIDS, low dose steroids, epidural steroid inj, sx lamenectomy
What is pathogenesis of herniated nucleus pulposus?
narrowing post long lig, usually at L4/5, L5/S1, exerts pressure on n root below vertebra
What is seen of PE for herniated nucleus pulposus?
weakness, dec reflexes, sensory deficit in dermatome, + straight leg test, MRI is gold standard
What is tx for herniated nucleus pulposus?
few sx candidates, bed rest < 2 days, OMT indirect, HVLA
What is most overlooked cause of LBP?
quadratus lumborum m dysfunction
What supportive care is concern in LBP pts?
narcotic abuse
What 2 conditions of LBP is HVLA relatively contraindicated?
spondylolisthesis, herniated nucleus, pulposus