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48 Cards in this Set

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system of thoughts and beliefs
wanted a written constitution and believed in separation of power
believed that talk of revolution would lead to chaos
Universal Manhood Suffrage
all adult male citizens can vote
Serbian Revolt
the only European revolt that was successful
Greek Revolt
greeks won support, but lost the war
king after Napoleon was overthrown
Charter of French Liberties
called for a two house legislature
supported monarchy
Ancien Regime
"old regime"
Charles X
an absolute king who suspended all citizens' rights
"Citizen King"
Louis Philippe
right to vote
Second Republic
made a new constitution after the revolution
Louis Napoleon
aka Napoleon III/Napoleon's nephew; second french dictator
Napoleon II
son of Napoleon who died young
Prince Metternich
Austrian prince (Hapsburg)
the movement of people to cities and transformation of small towns to cities
Interchangeable Parts
all parts are identical and easy to replace
Assembly Line
a line of people whose job was tedious but also helped factories run more smoothly
Henry Bessemer
made a way to purify iron to make steel
Iron V. Steel
iron is weaker, more expensive, and less durable
Alfred Nobel
made dynamite; also used his fortune to fund the Nobel Peace Prize
Alessandro Volta
invented the battery
Thomas Edison
invented the light bulb
Nikolaus Otto
invented the gas-powered engine
Gottleib Daimler
made the first car
Henry FOrd
first to mass produce cars
Wright Brothers
invented the airplane
Samuel Morse
invented the telegraph
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone
Guglielmo Marconi
invented the radio
buisnesses owned by investors
Alfred Krupp
bought iron, coal, and transportation companies and made a monopoly
John D. Rockefeller
owned all the oil in America and thus made a monopoly
a group of big buisnesses who set standard prices for products
companies who put all other companies in a trade out of buisness
Louis Pasteur
proved that germs caused diseases; made pasteurized milk and a rabies vaccine
a process that cleaned milk
William Morton
created anesthesia
FLorence Nightingale
called for sanitary hospital standards
Joseph Lister
created anesthetic
Rich People Lived...
outskirts of cities
Poor People Lived...
slums in the middle of cities
Louis Sullivan
made skyscrapers
Sweage Systems
purified water, minimized disease, and promoted cleanliness
where poor people lived and factories were