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55 Cards in this Set

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Religious Causes for Reform

1. simony and pluralism

2. immorality

3. nepotism

4. sale of indulgences

5. clerical ignorance

6. decline of church prestige

7. the Great Schism

simony and pluralism

simony: selling of church offices to the highest bidder (except papal office)

-the church needed money to fund expansion, warfare, and lavish lifestyles

pluralism: to hold more than one clerical office


-allowing immoral ppl to buy positions

-clerical officials are supposed to be celibate, poor, and obedient

-Pope were having affairs and producing bastard children


giving of church offices to friends/family

-these ppl were often ignorant

sale of indulgances

-the church began to sell "forgiveness"

-helped the clergy pay off debt from buying office

-filled coffers and helped with renovations

John Tetzel

-biggest seller of indulgances

-pope fully supported him

"coin in coffer rings, soul in purgatory sings"

clerical ignorance

-seminaries were held to teach ppl the dogma of the church

-ppl are not attending these seminaries

decline of church prestige

Babylonian Captivity

-for a long time, the papalcy was centered in Avignon, France

-France needed money to finance war, so the king decided he wanted to tax the church, so he moved the pope to france by packing the cardinal seats with frenchmen

Great Schism

3 popes, one in Rome, Pisa, and France

-the Council of Constance eventually managed to remove all three claimants and elected the one pope accepted by just about all - Martin V

Martin Luther

-born in East Germany, Saxony, to a middle class family

-believed in justice by faith

-95 Theses

-he did not want to create his own religion, simply reform the church and go back to the teaches that Christianity is based off of

95 Theses

seven main ideas included

1. salvation through faith alone

2. religious authority rested in the Bible, not the pope

3. The church consisted of the entire community of Christian believers

4. all work is sacred and each person should serve God in his of her own individual calling

5. marriage of clergy should be permitted

6. importance of 3 sacraments: baptism, communion, and penance

7. secular rulers are the supreme authority in all matters except theological ones


the belief that, when taken, the wine and the bread transform into the flesh and blood of Jesus


belief that the Holy Spirit is present in bread and wine ; they are only representative of Jesus

Reasons for Martin Lutehr's success

1. lived in Germany

-Germany was broken up, there was no one to punish him

2. ppl in germany hated the catholic church

3. there was nobody to mediate between him and the church, exactly what he wanted said was said

4. luther had internal support from several private churches


Luther debated against John Eck

-Luther failed miserably

-Eck was very very well prepared by the church

Pope Leo's Papal Bull

told Luther that he would repent or he would be labeled a heretic

Frederick the Wise of Saxony

-Prince of the region Luther lived in

-kidnapped Luther and brought him to castle

-he had an obligation to protect Luther (his own citizen)

-Luther stayed until he was called to appear in front of HRE and catholic church

Diet of Worms

calls Luther to appear before the church to answer questions about what he's been saying

-Luther refuses to recant = they can't kill him b/c then he would become a martyr

-if he had recanted his beliefs would have died out completely

Edict of worms

Charles V (HRE) specifically orders Luther not to publicly announce or speak about his beliefs

Luther's Bible

German vulgate

-put on the list of forbidden books

Peasant Revolt

Against the Murderous Thieving Hordes of PEasants

-Luther chastises peasants

-encourages nobles and wealthy to protect property and put down peasants

Lutheranism's stress on social reform

focused on women

-said they have a right to be educated

-equal rights

Hapsburg-Valois War

Frenach know that in order to get rid of the hapsburg, they must ask protestant Germany for help

Peace of Augsburg

establishes lutheranism as an official religion in Germany

-whatever German prince chooses = pole have to be

Northern/Central Germany = protestant

Southern Germany = catholic

Ulrich Zwingli


-not recognized as a real faith

-no gambling, drinking, smoking, cursing, singing, dancing

-idea: our focus needs to be on God and God alone

-doesn't follow Biblical stories

-was very dangerous

-Luther and Cath. church send legions to Zurich to crush rebellion

-becomes the basis of religious war treaties

John Calvin

-french lawyer

-wrote in latin

-Geneva, Switzerland

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

-God possesses all encompassing power and knowledge


-unification of church and state

-new "City of God"

-theory of resistance


-very radical

-based off of materialistic wealth

-the elect: those who are wealthy who are predestined to go to Heaven

-protestant work ethic : ppl work as hard as they can to achieve salvation (what keeps capitalism alive)

theory of resistance

if people try to take over your faith = you have the right to kill them

John Knox


-not as radical as calvin

-presbyterianism (calvinism in scotland)

John of Leyden

-much much more radical

-not very successful

-claimed to be Jesus

-threw his own mother in jail when she denied it

-"Ruler of Westphalia" :proclaimed himself ruler of west HRE

-Luther and Cath. church get together again to stop him

-Leyden takes his mother to a church, sets the building on fire, and kills them both

King Henry VIII

several wives

-Catherine of Aragon

-Anne Boleyn

-Jane Seymore

Thomas Cranmer

Act of supremacy

Acts of Six Articles

Catherine of Aragon

-important person in Spain: aunt of HRE

-had a daughter named Mary

-Henry wanted a divorce from her but pope said no

-Henry eventually get what he wanted by making the claim that she was once for his brother, and he should not be looking at someone who belonged to his brother

Anne Boleyn

-had an affair with Henry

-gives birth in wedlock : Elizabeth

-henry had her arrested and executed when she failed to give him sons

Thomas Cranmer

-archbishop of canterbury

-gives Henry VIII his divorce

Jane Seymour

-3rd wife

-gives birth to sickly child, edward

-dies from child birth

Act of Supremacy

-passed and signed by parliament

-establishes official break between cath. church and england

-established political ruler as head of church and state

-established anglican church

Act of Sic Articles

-made Catholic beliefs obligatory

-only difference is the allowance for divorce

Edward VI

-teenager when he took over

-preferred calvinism

-Book of Common Prayer : standardized church services

"Bloody" Mary

-married Phillip II under agreement that they would rule their respective countries

-full catholic

-goes on a crusade to find ppl who don't agree w/ her and called them heretics

-died from stomach cancer

Elizabeth Settlement

-to make peace with elizabeth

-makes sure country is in good hands

-elizabeth gets to rule as long as she keeps catholic symbols and doctrines in church

Elizabeth I

-repared everything

-slept aroung a lot

-refused to marry, claimed to be married to england

-took care of her ppl

-philip II tried to seduce her several times

Spanish armada

-phillip sends bulk of his army to attack england

-encountered a giant storm along the way and lost 1/2 his ships

-english lured them into english channel

-english had smaller, faster boats and crushed the spanish forces

-marked the fall of the spanish empire

Pope Paul III

recognized problems within the church and tried to reform

Index of Forbidden books




Counicil of Trentq

-reaffirmed the dogma of the catholic church

1. stop selling indulgences

2. outlaw simony and nepotism

3. send ppl of clergy back to seminary

4. faith and good deeds/work = salvation

5. latin vulgate of the Bible is the only acceptable version

6. called for more religious pieces of artwork

7. reaffirmed importance of seven sacraments



-spiritual soldiers of the catholic reformation

-founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola


- did the dirty work of fighting religious wars

-bing education w/ religion : tutor the clergy and nobility

-carried the Christian message to Latin America, Asia, and Africa and preserved catholisism in southern germany and much of eastern europe

-used the inquisition heavily in italy and spain to suppress heresy, to control protestantism and to reassure the dominance of the catholic church

Protestant Effects on the Catholic Reformation

1. religious unity of europe is shattered

2. northern europe = protestant

southern europe = catholic

3. civil authority gain control over church authroity

4. the importance of individual reading the Bible encouraged growth and education and capitalism

5. religious wars will pop up all throughout europe; for the next 200 yrs, most wars have religious undertones

Charles V land holdings

-he was under constant attack

-wanted to make sure he held onto all his land so he got forces from HRE, Spain and half of Germany (catholic half)

Eague of schmalkaden

-military alliance between N. Germany princes


Peace of Augsburg

whose reign, his religion

-charles realizes if he doesn't stop conflict= loss of empire

Catholic Crusade

-Charles V retires to monastery and divides empire between brother and son

-Ferdinand (brother) gets HRE

-Phillip II (son) gets Spain and spanish colonies

Phillip II and his power

-very strong minded

-wanted all of europe to be catholic

-believed in fighting war against protestants

-peacefully took over portugal

-builds up army and navy w/ gold and silver

Dutch Revolt

Duke of Alva trying to convince dutch ppl by force to become catholic, many are killed

Counicl of Troubles

"council of blood"

-put ppl on trial to as heretics

-killed 18,000 ppl

-dutch declared their political and religious independence in 1581