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22 Cards in this Set

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Jules Ferry
(1880s) Prime Minister of France. Wrote "On French Colonial Expansion" Saw a need for places to import and export to. Said French have a duty to civilize other nations. Saw Frenchmen as Patriots. Important for justification of colonization.
Otto Wagner
(late 1800s) arachitech who helped with the building of the Ringstrasse. Very Modern. Wanted city to be funcitonal and expandable. His designs were centered around transportation. Important because he introduced a new era in architecture.
Department Stores
(1870s-1890s) shopping had become a way for women to enter into the public sphere. Department stores were a safe place for women to go in public. This is the first time you are seeing women in public by themselves. Was testing society's social norm and creating the "new woman"
"New Woman"
(1880s) women were living more independent lives. taking jobs such as clerical work, becoming librarians, teachers, etc. some where even choosing not to get married. Big issue was their riding bikes. They now had feedom to get around more easily. They were pushing social norms of the time.
Paris Commune
(1870s) Declared Paris a republic. WEre trying to create equality. A cap was put on salaries, there was no rent, the red flag became their symbol. Significant because people became scared that they could happen in London, Berlin, and other major cities. Socialist saw this as a hope for future revolutions.
The Desecnt of Man
(1850s) Darwins book on the evolution of man. Followed his book Origin of the Species in which he talked in detail about evolution, but not human evolution. This fosters the growth of imperialism and becomes a justification for colonization and in some instances genocide.
"Invente Traditions"
(late 1880s-early 1990s) written by Hobsbawm. He talked about how countries have created these traditions in which to give themselves a history that apears to be older than it actually is. These traditions are things such as the national anthem, flag, pledge, public heros etc. They give a group of people like German who have no ties a new identity and history.
Second Industrial Revolution
(1890s-1910s) Everything is now being built out of steel. Electricity is being indtroduced, etc. This brings Europeans out of the Great Depression and sets up a need for imperialism. They are manufactoring so much they now need places to export and new lands in which to extract natural resources. Justification for Industrialism.
The "Great Depression"
(1870s-1890s) Market crashes in early 1870s. Economy has slowed down after the boom from industrialization. Sets up a need for new leadership and also is a precursor to the second industrial revolution.
Seperate Spheres
(19th Century) Idea that there are seperate social spheres for men and women. men have public and political sphere and women had private and domestic sphere. Important to understand why men and women interacted the way they did and to understand the scandal of the new woman.
Berlin Conference
(1880s) European countries got together to set up official lines of colonie sin Africa. Instigated becasue both Franc eand Belgum had claims in the Congo. Territories are based on what is best for European countries, not what is best for African nationals. Many people groups who did not have anyting in common were suddenly put forced to be ruled under one government. Many tribes didn't live in these certain areas and rather they migrated from place to place (ex. Massi)
Social Darwinism
(late 1800s)After Darwin publishes the Descent of Man this idea that humans conform to survavial of the fittest just like animals takes over. This is used to justify colonization and even genocied of colonies natives.
"The White Man's Burden"
(late 1800s-early 1990s) by Kipling. The idead that the whitman has a responsibility to civilize those who are mot. This is and exuse for colonization, imperialism and nationalism.
( ) Part of Vienna in which public and political buildings were built in a ring. Created a sort of downtowm area. It symbolized a more modern culture.
Otto von Bismarck
(late 1800s) Prussian and German statesman. oversaw the unification of Germany. Greatly influences German and International politics throughout his time of service.
Battle of Adowa
(1890s) battle between Italy and Ethiopia. Ethiopia was able to resist colonization because of this. They sought help from other european countries around them.
Battle of Omdurman
(1890s) batthle in which the British were able to defeat the Sudanees. Brittian was able to use modern rifles and artillery to do so and thus asserted dominance over less modernized countries.
Congo Free State
(late 1800s- early 1990s) controlled by Leopold II (King of Belgium). Very profitable colony. Huge export of rubber. Was know for the extreme brutatllity towards natives such as cutting off right hands, chain gangs etc.
How does Conrad's Heart of Darkness portray European imperialism in the Congo? How did his account go against the rhetoric of the "civilizing mission?"
I. Intro: Explain importance of book at the time it was written.
II. Explain how imperialism was portrayed
III. Explain "civilizing mission"
IV. conclude with how this is contradictory
What were the reasons for and justifications provided for European imperialism in the late 19th century? in what ways were they contradictory?
I. Intro: explain imperialsim
II. Civilization
III. imperials
IV. conclusion: total contraditcion
In what ways are Zola's Germinal and Ibsen's "A Doll's House" representatives of literary realism?
I. Intro. Explain realism
II. Germinal explain
III. Doll's House explain
IV. How they are a comparison of reality.
Using Zola's Germial as on e of your sources, what were the differences between working class and middle class in late 19th century.
compare and contrast Germinal and a Doll's House.