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28 Cards in this Set

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Italian Renaissance 1300-1500
Rebirth of Greek and Roman ideas, art, philosophy and lifestyles. Bridge from Medieval to Modern age.
Michelangelo 1475-1564
Sculptor and painter
Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519
Inventor, philosopher, scientist and artist.
Dante d 1321
Author of The Divine Comedy
John Wyclif d 1384
Church reformer in England. Translated much of the Bible into English. Died a natural death.
Hundred Years' War 1337-1453
Edward III of England claims French crown, assumes title of King of France. Ended with battle of Castillon, first battle in European history where use of canon was major factor in victory.
Black Death devastates Europe throughout Middle Ages
Revisited roughly every generation. Killed approx 75 million people in Europe between 1347-1351
The Great Schism 1378-1417
Two popes, one at Rome, the other at Avignion.
Jan Hus d 1415
Dutch reformer, burned at the stake, His friend Jerome soon shared his fate.
Gutenberg Bible 1453
Gutenberg & Johannes Fust, his financier, print the 42-line Mazarin Bible at Mainz.
Agincourt 1415
Henry V wins improbable victory, claims throne and marries Catherine, daughter of Charles VI.
Counterpoint in music 1437
John Dunstable develops counterpoint in musical composition.
War of Roses 1455-1487
Series of civil wars fought in England between the houses of Lancaster (red) and York (white)
Humanism in Italy
Florence under the Medici becomes center Renaissance humanism
Turks capture Constantinople 1453
The kill Emperor Constantine XI, end fo the East Roman (or Byzantine) Empire.
Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile 1469
Thus uniting Spain and inaugurating Spain's golden age of power.
Colomus discovers Watling Island, Bahamas Oct 12 1492
Financed by Ferdinand and Isabella
Amerigo Vespucci 1499
Sails from Spain on voyage of discovery of S. America
Vasco da Gama 1497
Rounds Cape of Good Hope on voyage to India.
Pesant revolt in England 1381
Led by Wat Tyler
Joan of Arc d 1431
Burned at the stake as a heretic in Rouen. In 1456 her trail was annulled.
Henry VI of England
Crowned king of England in 1429, king of France (at Paris) in 1431
Richard, Duke of York 1454
Named Protector of England during insanity of Henry VI
Ghiberti 1452
Completes Gates of Paradise at Florence Baptistry (work began in 1425)
Erasmus of Rotterdam 1465-1536
European humanist
Edward IV of England crowned 1461
Son of Richard of York
Richard III claims English throne 1483
Richard probably murdered his nephew young Edward V, son and heir of Ed IV.
Henry Tudor Crowned as Henry VII of England 1485
He defeated and killed Richard III, start of the Tudor dynasy.