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64 Cards in this Set

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•This is the term to describe when someone’s love for their country has caused hatred for another country

•Jingoism was a part of nationalism, and raised competition to be the best country.
Scramble For Africa
•This was a time period from 1875 – 1912, where many European countries took pursuit in conquering many different African colonies.

•Many countries claimed parts of Africa to expand there empire saying it could be useful economically.
Boer War
•This was war in 1899 between the African tribes people (Boers) and the British European colonizers in South Africa.

•The British were supper cruel to the Boers in SA (imprisoned many women) and the Boers have since hated the British..
Industrial Revolution
a. Was a sustained period of economic growth and change that was brought by the use of mineral energy and technological advances to manufacturing
b. Took place between 1750 – 1850
c. The industrial revolution was the start of many new inventions and business management.
Laissez Faire
-These were doctrines made by physioctate Adam smith

-This formed the basis for nineteenth – century economic reform.
Franco - Prussian war
- War fought between Prussia and France
- Led by Otto von Bismarck
- finished unification of Germany (prussian victory)
• This was a new European outlook on religion, society, and politics
• It was a set of ideas, mostly criticizing, and questioning of traditional institutions, and customs, and morals.
The Triple Entente and the Tripple alliance
a. This came into existence in 1907 and was an alliance made up of GreatBritain, France, and Russia
.b. They were an alliance that went against the "Triple alliance" of Germany, A-H, and Italy in WW1. KNOW THE ENTENTE AND ALLIANCE

TRIPLE Alliance: 1882: Germany, Austria & Italy (vs France)
TRIPLE ENTENTE:1907: Great Brit, France & Russia
U- Boats
a. These where the most destructive navel weapon by the Germans at the time, the submarine
b. The U bouts destroyed many navel fleets
This was signed november 1918
_ it ended all fIghting in WW1
a. this was the term used for Germanys war strategy
b. It was extremely fast paced war and required tanks and air support it destroyed everything
c. Germany used this strategy to take over France and many other countries
London Blitz
THis was the 60 days of continoues bombing of London.
- By German airforce
The Big Three
a. This was the allies main big powers and this included USSR, Great Britain, and USA
b. They were ran by Churchill, Trumann, and Stalin they were the victors and made the decisions for post war agreements.
The Final Solution
-this is Hitler's "Final Solution to the Jewish Question"
-this is Hitler's plan to have a systematic genocide of the Jews, which resulted in the bloody Holocaust
a. The command for total killing of Jews
b. This was the first large scale attempt in killing Jews.
a. This was a old religious sacrifice that the Jewish people did, and its also the name of the mass killing of Jews.
Iron Curtain
a. This was a term used by Winston Churchill and it meant that Europe would become divided into a east and west and would control by superpower countries.
a. This was a night on November 9 1938
b. It was the start of the killing of Jews
c. Jewish people were killed, stores destroyed, and synagogues burned.
a. This was a totalitarian political party that praises the government and nationalism
b. This was what many European Countries were becoming like, Germany and Italy
a. This was a style used by Chamberlin
b. It was significant because it meant reasoning with countries in order to preserve the peace.
Mein Kampf
- "My Struggle"
- Hitler wrote this book when he was in jail
- It contained his ideas for society including contempt for jewz and others.
a. This was one of Hitler’s three goals
b. It meant “living space” this was Hitler’s goal to expand Germany.
c. Tried to expand Germany inWW2
• Where literary and philosophical entertainment at dinner parties, organized by wives and daughters of nobility
• Many famous intellectual influencers pieces about enlightenment were read at these salons
Estates General
- A official body assembled periodically by the medieval French state
- Consisted of 3 reps from 3 seperate estates : CHURCH, those who faught, and the common people who worked.
NAtional Assembly
- the third estate (commoners)
- Formed june 1789
- claimed to bieng the ture reps of the French Nation
Congress of Vienna
- Meeting of European Powers after Napoleonic wars in 1815
- Goal was to establish peace after a decade of war
- Established balance of power to preserve the status quo in post- revolutionary Europe and to prevent any 1 country from being a powerhouse and threatening others
Munich Confrence
At this meeting, the British and French agreed to give up Czechoslovakia in order to appease Hitler.
-Germany had wanted to take over the territory of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland for various reasons.
-The areas was important for defense reasons as well as the vast amount of resources in the area.
-Hitler said that he would risk another war to obtain this land.
-Again other countries wanted to appease him and the Munich Conference came about.
-British, French, Germans, and Italians came to a conclusion and met nearly of Hitler's demands.
-They had all hoped that this would keep the peace.
-Hitler had even promised to settle any disputes through negotiation.
-Chamberlain had foolishly believed Hitler.
The Directory
The middle class government that Napoleon overthrew.
Napoleonic Code
The system of laws introduced into France in the early 1800's.
- During napoleans rule
The nineteenth century movement to reunite Italy.
- A political philosophy based on freedom of the individual
-representative government dominated by the propertied classes and minimal government interference in the economy.
- Assosiated with constitutional reform in first half of 19th century.
In 1860s, as a result of opposition to his policies, Napoleon III began to liberlize Frnace's govt. He reached out to workers and gave them trade unions and the right to strike; he gave opposing political parties the right to campaign; and the legislative body was given more say in state affairs (SO it GIVES other people MORE RIGHTS).
- Radical faction of Marxist social democrats; followed political theory based on violent revolution
- The bolsheviks came into power with Lenin after October Revoltion.
THis was a french method
- Monarchy has most power (king or queen)
    “Black Hand”
"group that assasinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand - one of the causes of Wwi, Bosnian activists ; favored the creation of a pan-Slavic kingdom**
This was the annexation of Austria on March 13, 1938;-Hitler had threatened Austria of invasion and so they willingly accepted the Nazi's taking control of the government to avoid conflict.;-Britain saw that it was peaceful and did not opposed the move and France was unable to respond due to political problems of their own;-This only increased the idea to Hitler that the west was weak.
    Beer Hall Putsch
·         by 1923 the Weimar Republic looked on the verge of collapse ;o    gave the Nazis and other right-wing parties the opportunity to overthrow the government;·         Hitler and the Nazis decided to stage an armed uprising in Munich on November 8 ;o    quickly crushed;·         Hitler was arrested, tried for treason, and sentenced to prison for 5 years ;·         proved a major turning point in Hitler's career ;o    saw clearly the need for a change in tactics; §  the Nazis would have to use constitutional means to gain power;
Meaning the “majority.” Term Lenin applied to his faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party. It became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution.;-small faction of the Russian Social Democrat, which was lead by Vladimir Lenin;-it is an organization which is dedicated to violent revolution wanting to destroy capitalist system.;-they believe in themselves as vangaurd of revolution.
War Communism- The economic policy adopted by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War to seize the banks, heavy industry, railroads, and grain.
    Factory System
-system of manufacturing that began in the 1900s and is based on the concentration of industry into specialized, large establishments to produce goods in large quantities. The system arose in the course of the Industrial Revolution.
The factory system replaced the domestic system, in which individual workers used hand tools or simple machinery to fabricate goods in their own homes or in workshops attached to their homes. The use of waterpower and then the steam engine to mechanize processes such as cloth weaving in England in the second half of the 18th century marked the beginning of the factory system.
Meaning the “minority.” Term Lenin applied to the majority moderate faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party opposed to him and the Bolsheviks.• second main branch of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party from 1903 until the the consolidation of the Bolshevik dictatorship under Lenin; o 1903 the party had been divided after Lenin's faction gained the majority (Bolsheviki=members of the majority and Mensheviki=members of the minority);o led by Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov;• Menshevism vs. Bolshevism;o Lenin favored a small, disciplined party of professional revolutionaries ; Mensheviks wanted a loosely organized mass party;• willing to cooperate temporarily in a parliamentary democracy while working toward the ultimate achievement of the socialist state , participated in Alexander Kerensky's provisional government;*
created by the Paris Peace Conference as a buffer state between France and Germany - was supposed to be a demilitarized state
    successor states
·        New states that were created at the end of WWI from lands that were taken away from the German, Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires.
-Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Polans, Czechoslovachia, Austria and Hungary
"the focus of the Munich Conference;Germany had wanted to take over the territory of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland for various reasons.;-The areas was important for defense reasons as well as the vast amount of resources in the area.; -Hitler said that he would risk another war to obtain this land.;-Again other countries wanted to appease him and the Munich Conference came about.;-British, French, Germans, and Italians came to a conclusion and met nearly of Hitler's demands.;-They had all hoped that this would keep the peace. ;-Hitler had even promised to settle any disputes through negotiation.;-Chamberlain had foolishly believed Hitler.
    Tennis Court Oath
The King had declared the activities of the Third Estate illegal and refused to recognize the "National Assembly."  Meeting in defiance at an indoor tennis court at Versailles, the Third Estate swore not to separate until a constitution had been written for France. Only one delegate dissented. Their oath is known as the Tennis Court Oath.  CORRECT?
    The Encyclopedia
"written by Diderot, Encyclopedia- Condemned Christianity as fanatical and unreasonable. The purpose of the Encyclopedia was to “ change the general way of thinking”. It became a major weapon of the philosophes’ crusade against the old French society. The contributors attacked religious superstition and advocated toleration as well as a program for social, legal, and political improvements that would lead to a society that was more cosmopolitan, more tolerant, more humane, and more reasonable.
    The Spirit of the Laws (separation of powers)
Montesquieu, The Persian Letters, Spirit of the Laws- Criticized French institutions, especially the Catholic Church and the monarchy. He attacked traditional religion, advocated religious toleration, denounced slavery, and used reason as a form of liberation. He distinguished republics, suitable for small states, and based on citizen involvement; monarchy, best for middle-sized states and grounded in the ruling-class’s adherence to law; and despotism, apt for large empires and dependent on fear. He advocated the separation of powers.
Russia (1917-1939), Italy (1922-1939) and Germany (1933-1939) might be regarded as mean totalitarian states. Within these states, the individuals had no right of free speech, free publications and free associations. The individuals had no right to form political parties. There was only one governmental party which imposed its dictatorial rule on the people. This one-party regime was concerned with the 'total' activities of its people - their work, their leisure, their religion, even their private lives. The basic concept of the totalitarian state was best expressed in Mussolini's well-known phrase, "all within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." In short, the state was the master, the individual the servant.
    Ultimatum to Serbia
at the start of WWI, after the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austrian leaders gave an ultimatum to the Serbs (July23,1914)... The ultimatum was so extreme (so ridiculous) that Serbia had no choice but to reject it; this gave the Austrians an excuse to declare war on Serbia 5 days later (July 2).
Urbanization refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of an entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities
was a union of several Soviet republics
    War reparations
o   After the devastation of World War I, the victorious Western Powers imposed a series of harsh treaties upon the defeated nations. These treaties stripped the Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary, joined by Ottoman Turkey and Bulgaria) of substantial territories and imposed significant reparation payments on Germany (("War Guilt Clause')
- the payment of damages , considered a logical consequence of the wartime promises that Allied leaders had made to their people that the Germans would pay for the war effort ("War Guilt Clause')
       Constitutional Monarchy
constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the perimeters of a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e., uncodified) or blended constitution
a sun-centered conception of the universe.
-Heliocentrism is the view that the sun is at the center of the universe. It was proposed by some ancient Greeks,[1] and became the dominant view in the 1700s and 1800s. It was abandoned in the 20th century
       induction vs deduction
Scientific Induction- Scientific method in which generalizations are derived from data gained from empirical observations vs deduction which believes one could start w/self-evident truths, and deduce more complex conclusions
       Principia Mathematica
Isaac Newton, Principia Methematica- He invented the calculus, a mathematical means of calculating rates of change. He studied alchemy. In PM, he spells out the mathematical proofs demonstrating the universal law of gravitation. He defined the 3 laws of motion: every object continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless deflected by a force, the rate of change of motion of an object is proportional to the force acting on it, and to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. He showed that these laws govern the planetary bodies as well as terrestrial objects. His ideas were soon adopted in England.
       The Skeptical Chemist
written by Robert Boyle, an English chemist, He formulated the relationship between the Volume and pressure of gas (boyle law) and Invented air pump
       Two Treatises on Government
written by John Locke- Argued against the absolute rule of one man. He believed that humans lived in a state of equality and freedom rather than a state of war In this state of nature, humans had certain inalienable rights—to life, liberty, and property. He did not believe all was well in the state of nature. Since there was no impartial judge in the state of nature, people found it difficult to protect their rights. So they mutually agreed to establish a government to ensure the protection of their rights. This agreement established mutual obligations: government would protect the rights of the people while the people would act reasonably to the government. If the government failed to keep up its part of the deal, the people might form a new government. For Locke, however, the community of people was primarily the land-holding aristocracy who were represented in Parliament.
    Lend-Lease Act
Because Britain was broke the U.S. should lend rather than sell weapons
March 1941 the house passed it.
To ensure safe delivery of Lend lease goods Roosevelt ordered the U.S. navy to patrol halfway across The Atlantic and he sent American troops to Greenland
    Operation Barbarossa
-this was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Unions in 1941, which opened up the Eastern Front;-Hitler's lost in this operation ultimately resulted in the Third Reich's defeat even though he attempted to launch other invasions such as Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad, Operation Nordlicht, which all ended in defeat.;P.S. nonimportant fact: Nazis were victorious operationally, but defeated strategically.
    Operation Overlord
D-Day/Operation Overlord - June 6, 1944 ;o    invasion of Normandy beach, France by Allied Forces; five assualt divisions ;o    Utah andOmaha(American forces), Juno (Canadian forces) , Sword and Gold (British forces);·         purpose of the operation ;liberate Paris and head for the Rhine to capture Berlin
Support for the established order in Church and state. In the 19th century it implied support for the legitimate monarchies, landed aristocrats, and established Churches.
• a philosophy rooted in thought of Marx. Has same basic goals as socialism (a classless utopia), but includes the belief that violent revolution is necessary to destroy the bourgeois world and create a new world run by and for the proletariat.
• a radically nationalistic political ideology that sought to regenerate social & cultural life of a people, stressing their “glory” and in contrast to individualistic democracy and “nationless” socialism. It began with Mussolini in Italy, but reached its peak with Hitler in Germany.
• from the German word for National Socialism [see “Fascism” for its beliefs]
• : the belief that a government should influence and determine all areas of a nation-state, having the ultimate say in the “totality” of the nation’s direction. It includes cultural, artistic, and intellectual areas of life as well as the political and military areas.