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154 Cards in this Set

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family name of the last czar/king of Russia (Nicholas II)
Lenin's gang of Communists/followers, took over Russia in 1917
Karl Marx
German philosopher
The Bolsheviks took over ____ in ____.
Russia in 1917
________ invented the ______ ______ and wrote a book called.... during what?
Karl Marx, Communist theory, "Communist Manifesto", industrial revolution
What was the Communist Manifesto?
Karl Marx' bk; said Bourgeousies and proleterians were evil, like slavery, proleterians would have a union, nothing to lose, utopian society, equal share of anything, but this was never implemented
fancy French term for "rich Capitalist"
fancy French term for "factory worker"
Who were the Soviets and why were they called that?
Russian Comms, Russia was a Communist country called the Soviet Union
Russia became Totalitarian, no freedom/dem./religion, ppl became slaves to Soviet govt, so nothing changed (before they were slaves of czars), Russians got banished to GULAGS if didn't follow rules (concentration camps in Siberia
When was the Cold War?
Describe the Cold War
unfriendly relationship b/w US and USSR, if war had gone further, nukes would have been used, in the end, USSR gave up Comm. for cap. and dem., cultural diffusion of dem and cap
Who was Gorbachev?
got NPP for ending Comm. in Russia, ended dispute between US and Russia, final leader of USSR, his leadership is the main reason why Cold War ended
When was Sputnik launched?
What was Sputnik?
first shuttle/radio satellite sent to space, biggest accomplishment by Russia, started space age, rival to NASA
Chernobyl, Ukraine
worst nuclear disaster besides Hiroshima and Nagasaki
When did Chernobyl, Ukraine get bombed?
Where is Red Square?
just outside Kremlin walls in Moscow, Russia
What are some famous landmarks in Red Square?
Lenin's tomb, St. Basil's Cathedral
When was the ABC News edition of Primetime Live finished? Why is that important?
Jan, 1990, last few months of USSR (Russia being Communist)
What does kremlin mean
Why was the Kremlin wall originally built?
built a little establishment, so they built a wall around it to protect from Mongolian Raiders
When was the Kremlin wall originally built?
How many guard towers were built along the Kremlin's perimeter wall?
Why is Kremlin special to Russians?
it's where their nation started
What is said to have happened to the architect of St. Basil's Cathedral after it was finished?
Ivan asked arch. if he could build another magnificent building, arch. said yes, but Ivan didn't want another one (jealous), so he blinded the arch.
Russian king
first czar, when did he become czar?
Ivan, 1533
What was Ivan's nickname?
Ivan the Terrible
________ moved the Russian capital from Moscow to_______. Why?
Czar Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, he traveled thru Europe and wanted the capital to be close to Europe
Who was the last czar?
Nicholas II
When did the Russian Czarist reign come to an end? Why?
1917, Lenin took over with Communism
leader of world's first comm. rev. in world and russia?
Why did Lenin live without luxury?
practiced what he preached (communism), only using what you need
Communist symbol
red hammer and sickle
Who was Stalin?
Lenin's successor, took over Russia after Lenin died, friend of US in WWII
What almost led to nuclear war between USA and USSR?
Cuban missile crisis; Russia almost bombed Cuba, JFK was pres. at the time
When was the Cuban missile crisis?
early 1960s
______ led the movement to create a single _______.
Prussia, German country
WWI began in...
WWII began in....when....
1939, Germany invaded Poland
How many ppl died in WWII?
50 million
After WWII, __________ ruled...
Communist govts., East Germany
Switzerland is....and...
multilingual, historically neutral
Capital of Germany
Germany's GDP is ______ largest in the ....
4th largest in world
Industries in the ____ developed around huge...
Ruhr, coal deposits
____% of Germans work as...
less than 3, farmers
Largest group of immigrants to Germany are from...
__________, _________, __________, _________ are considered a ______ region.
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Kaliningrad, Russia, Baltic
______ and ______ share the _________ peninsula.
Spain, Portugal, Iberia
The ______ brought ______religion to _______.
Moors, Islamic, Iberia
The Alps separate....
Italian peninsula from the rest of Europe to its North
main religion of Spain today?
Roman Catholic
____% of people in Spain speak...
75, Castilian Spanish
Moorish influences in Spain today
Arabic architectural styles, natural features/settlements with Moorish names
Vatican city
independent, theocratic country in the heart of Rome
________ are trying to make their region....
Basque country ppl, a separate country
______ and ______ developed from... (languages)
Spanish, Portuguese, Latin
5 romance languages
Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Romanian
Portugal's capital and...
Lisbon, largest city
3 names for England
England, United Kingdom, Great Britain
Britain has a.... ....govt.
constitutional monarchy
In Britain's government, the Prime Minister is...and the Queen has the ceremonial title of...
government, head of state
Celts are ancestors of...
Scots, Welsh, Irish
During the _____ the British Empire ruled more than...of...
1800s, 1/4, world's land area
_______ won independence from British in_______
Ireland, 1921
About ________ Irish died in....because of the...
1 million, mid-1800s, potato famine
About ___% of Greenland is covered by... (dimensions?)
85, ice cap as much as two miles high
world's largest island owned by Denmark
Most ppl in Ireland are... (what religion?)
Roman Catholic
Dublin is...
Ireland's capital and most populous city.
The Industrial Revolution began in what country?
Today, much of _____'s labor force works in _________
Britain's, service industries
Ireland has....taxes and a ......
low, well educated workforce
Which countries make up the Benelux countries?
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg (BNL, every other letter in benelux)
What eventually led to the European Union (EU)?
early economic association of Benelux countries
The EU introduced the... in ...
euro, 1999
new common currency introduced in 1999 by EU
The _______ have worked hard to....
people in Netherlands, reclaim land from sea
people of Netherlands
dialect of Dutch spoken in northern Belgium
Scandinavia is made up of...
Norway, Sweden, Finland, and major Russian city Murmansk
capital of Belgium
capital of Belgium and headquarters of the EU and NATO
smallest member of EU, but highest per capita GDP in world
What does Netherlands mean? Why?
low lands, large areas of this country are below sea level, and the Dutch have used a system of dams, dikes, and canals to make polders
reclaimed land from the sea
What was "Unity"?
american module (second piece of ISS) that contributed electrical data systems for the craft to the ISS
Canada's contribution to the ISS
robotic hand moving along truss to help conduct exp. and assemble/repair station
What did European countries give to ISS
lab to conduct 500 experiments
Japan's contr. to ISS
"back porch" on the Jap. Experiment Module for outerspace exps.
How is the ISS primarily powered?
solar power
In... Russia launched the.... This marked...
1998, first piece of ISS, start of new age in space exploration and colonization
first module/piece of ISS
what does Zarya mean?
From where does Russia launch its space vehicles?
Baikonur launch pad
American astronaut _____ ______ said what about the first piece of the ISS?
Michael Foale, during Cold war era, countries launched individually to show what they could do, now countries work together to show what wrld can do
Russia's space station destroyed in 2001
ISS is about the size of...
5 bed house
The ..... launches its pieces of the ISS from the French Guiana.
European Space Agency
The European Space Agency launches its ISS pieces from... in...
French Guiana in South Am.
estimated total cost of ISS
$100 billion
America's estimated total cost for ISS
$44 billion
Russia charges.... for one of the __ seats aboard the...
$20 million, 3, Soyuz spacecraft
Dennis Tito
world's first space tourist
Mark Shuttleworth
world's second space tourist, first African in space
When did China conduct its first spacewalk?
Sept. 2008
_______ is not a member of the ISS project
orbital speed of ISS
17,500 mph
Why is it important for ppl in space to exercise?
no gravity means bones/muscles have nothing to do, so they waste away
time zones in Russia
___% of Russia's pop lives to the ___ of the _______
80, west, Ural Mts (European side of Russia)
practical reason for the onion dome arch style in Russia
snow drops off (snows a lot)
What is the Moscow subway known for?
built in 1930s when Stalin was dict, try to show wrld how great Russia was, possibly finest subway in wrld
Russia's space headquarters
Star City, just outside Moscow
Yuri Gagarin
first human to go into outer space 1961
Russia's space station, completed in 1986
St. Petersburg
Russia's 2nd biggest city after Moscow
St. Petersburg was known as...during...
Leningrad, Communist era
Winter Palace
czar's palace in St. Petersburg
The Winter Palace is now called....
Russian port city, it's not frozen due to Gulf Stream current
Today the Hermitage is used for...
art museum
The _______ ______ Empire ruled the northern part of the ______ for about __________ during _________.
Austro-Hungarian, Balkans, 500 years, 20th century
The _______ _______ Empire ruled the southern part of the _____ for about _____ years throughout ______
Ottoman Turkish, Balkans, 500 yrs, 20th cent.
The _______ drove the Ottoman Turks out of the ______.
Serbians/Yugoslavs, Balkans
In _____, the _______________ Ferdinand went to _________. Why?
1914, Austro-Hungarian Archduke, Sarajevo, to talk peace with Serbians and prevent war
What happened to Archduke Ferdinand? What happened after that?
the Serbians assassinated him, WWI began
The Peace Treaty of ______ ended WWI.
What did the Peace Treaty of Versailles do to the Balkans?
rewarded them with more land, which they called Yugoslavia
The _______ committed the worst atrocities during the 3 way civil war in _______ (place) in the early ______.
Serbians, Bosnia, 1900s
The peace treaty that ended the three way civil war in Bosnia was signed in _________ (place) in __________ (year).
Dayton, Ohio, 1995
Muslim Albanians make up ___% of Kosovo.
What is Kosovo?
southern Serbian state
___________ make up 90% of Kosovo.
Muslim Albanians
Why did NATO attack Serbia in spring of ____?
1999, get them to stop doing genocide against Muslim Albanians in Kosovo
Iron Curtain Speech
represented the fact that East European countries were Comm., Winston Churchill went to Missouri to make speech while German was split by Berlin wall
Who was Winston Churchill?
prime minister of England in 1942, came up with "iron curtain" slogan, said Europe divided into East and West in his Iron Curtain speech
response to the Warsaw Pact, stands for N. Atlantic Treaty Org., members were W. Europe, US, Canada, still exists today, made to defend from possible Comm. attacks
Warsaw Pact, where was it signed?
East European countries entered an alliance with USSR, signed in Warsaw (capital of Poland)
New NATO members
1999 former Comm. countries like Poland, Hungary, Czech Rep. joined, 2004 former USSR members join (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia)
Balkans 3 facts
1.nations in the Balkan Pen. share histories of internal division and foreign domination 2. many diff. ethnic groups live in the BP 3. great turmoil has characterized Balkan nations since end of Comm. there
when Iron curtain fell, very bad 3-way civil war b/w Serbians, Croatians, and Muslims broke out here
means Implementation Force, NATO Operation: implementing Dayton Peace agreement
Holocaust Deja Vu Kosovo
deja vu=French term for repeat occurence, mini Holocaust in 1999 against Muslims in Kosovo
Kosovar diaspora
about 500,000 out of 1.5 million Muslims in Kosovo fled
NATO Airwar was against...
The NATO Air war started...and lasted...
March 1999, 78 days
Russian response to NATO air war
Yeltzin was mad by cowardly NATO attacks against their friend Serbia
Who was Yeltzin?
first democratic pres. of Russia
Kosovo Independence was gained in...
Feb. 2008
How did Kosovo get its independence?
big countries like US recognized them, defended by NATO, made a Declaration of Ind.
Serbia's response to Kosovo's dec. of ind.
mad because they lost land, led to them attacking and burning the American Embassy in Belgrade b/c the US supported Kos.'s ind.