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15 Cards in this Set

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Who developed DEMOCRACY?
What is the Feudal System?
A hierarchy system of ruling that is lead by a monarch (King/queen), followed by lords, knights, and serfs
What does RENAISSANCE mean?
Rebirth/ change; a new interest in learning and the arts
Who was Alexander the Great?
The 20 year old leader of Macedonia who wanted to create a great empire. In 10 years time, he had created an empire larger than the US that linked the Mediterranean with the rest of the world.
What was the greatest "gift" the Romans gave the world?
written laws
pride or extreme love for one's nation/country
when a country takes over another country and places them under their rule; use the country for raw goods and as a new market
What were the 5 areas that were influenced by the Greeks?
Drama - plays; History - passing of knowledge/written history; Science - biology, math; Government/Politics - democracy; Architecture
Was DEMOCRACY for Everyone in Greece? Explain.
No, only for Greek men. If you were a woman, slave, or not Greek male, you could not vote or have a voice in government.
Why was they system of laws so effective in Rome?
The laws were written down and recorded. This helped protect ALL citizens and had them treated the same.
In the Feudal System, which group farmed the land?
In the Feudal System, which group protected the land and its people?
In the Feudal System, which group showed loyalty to the leader and was given land to use?
What is a MANOR?
land, crops, area where a Lord lived. The land given from the Monarch
What influences did the Industrial Revolution have upon the world?
cities grew rapidly (dirty, unsanitary, disease infested, crowded), poor working conditions, long hours.