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17 Cards in this Set

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An element that is shiny and conducts electricity is likely to be a?
What's the octet rule?
Atoms will lose, gain, or share electrons in order to achieve a full set of 8 valence electrons.
The most reactive metals, which are soft and silvery-white are the:
Alkali Metals.
What do all nonmetals have in common?
Non-metals generally are not good conductors of heat or electricity, have a dull surface, are brittle to the touch, and are not easily molded into shapes.
Which class on the periodic table shares properties with both metals and nonmetals?
Using your periodic table and your knowledge of the relationship between group and number of valence electrons, how many valence electrons would Magnesium have?
Which of the following elements is a metalloid?
a. copper b. indium c. silicon
d. carbon
C (Silicon)
. Using your periodic table and your knowledge of the relationship between period and number of electron energy levels, how many energy levels does strontium have?
Use your periodic table to look up the atomic number and atomic mass of Boron. How many protons does Boron have?
The atomic number of Oxygen is 8. How many electrons would O 2- have?
What is a cation?
A positively charged ion.
The pull of an atom on another atom’s electrons is known as what?
Why does ionization energy increase as you move across the periodic table from left to right?
The ionization energy is the energy it requires to remove an electron from an atom. Across the rows, the number of protons (atomic number) increases which makes the positive charge on the nucleus higher. That holds its electrons closer to the atom making it harder to remove an electron.
Why are noble gases so unreactive?
They have a maximum number of valence electrons in their outer shells.
How many meters are in a hectometer?
100 meters
How many grams are in 4 kilograms if 1 kilogram = 1000 grams?
4,000 grams
Who is credited with first arranging the elements the way they are now arranged on the periodic table?
Dmitri Mendeleev