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40 Cards in this Set

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Largest; gentetic control center; DNA Contains: nuclear envelope,nucleolus, nucleoplasm:(has chromatin)
Manufacture Proteins. Consists of two subunits. Free floating or on ER.
Rough Endoplasmic
Reticulum Has Ribosomes and is responsible for the production of protein
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
No ribosomes and is rsponsible for the movement of lipids
Golgi Body The "post office".
Packages and sends proteins
Small sac that transport substances
Digestive center of the cells.
Contains powerful enzymes.
Liquid filled space. Stores food, waste, and water.
Material between the nucleus and outer-boundry of a cell. In constant motion- cytoplasmic streaming.
Cell Wall
Outer most part of a plant cell. Supports and protect the cell.
Allows for Photsynthesis. Contains Chlorophyll.
septae vs non-septae
septa: walls that divide hyphae into segments
Nonseptate hyphae are one long, continuous cell not divided into individual comprtments by cross walls
Septate have walls with small pores that allow the flow of organelles & nutrients tween compartments. organelles.
Cylindrical Bodies in animal cells. Aids in cell division.
Short hair like tructures.
Long Whiplike structures.
Eucaryotic microbial cells contain:
Membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic ret., Golgi app., vacuoles, cytoskeleton, and glycocalyx
most eucar's have it, its an outermost boundary that comes into direct contact with the environment. composed of polysaccarides, can be fibers, a slime layer, or a capsule. contributes to protection, adherence to surfaces, and recept. of signals. supported by either cell wall or membrane
Fungal Cell Walls
have a thick layer of polysach. fibers composed of chitin or cellulose and a thin layer of mixed glycans
fungi/algae cw's are rigid and give struct.support and shape. different chemically from procary.'s
What structures are present in only SOME eucaryotic types?
Cell wall, choroplasts and locomotor organs
Cell membrane composition
typical bilayer of phospholipids with protein mol's, also contains, sterols. the rigidity confers stability on euc. membranes. very inportant if you lack a cell wall.
Name all the cell structures in most eucar.'s
cell membrane, vacuoles, mitochon, ER, golgi app, cytoskeleton
How do Microscopic eucaryotes move?
Locomotor organs, such as flagella or cilia
Smooth ER
is a closed tublar netowrk without ribosomes that fucntion in nutrient processing
pro- has appendages, cell envelope (glycocalyx) and cytoplasm, and eu has surface structures, cell walls in some, a nucleus, organelles, and cytoskeleton. both have ribosomes,cytoplasm and chromosomes
mitochondria/ functions
elliptical shape. contain cristae, outer membrane, inner membrane, the matrix contains:dna, ribosomes and enzymes. , they divide independantly-unlike any organelle. They make ATP.
flexible framework of molecules that anchors organelles, provides support, permits shape change and movement in some.
2 groups of fungi
Macroscopic - mushrooms, puff balls, gill fungi and Microscopic - molds-hyphae, yeasts-round
2 components of cytoskeleton
microfilaments and microtubules
Chloroplasts structure
envelope (double membrane) stroma matrix, stroma, , dna, ribosomes, thylakoids, stacked into grana. they carry green pigment used in photosynthesis
acquires nutritents from a wide variety of organic materials.
Pfiesteria Piscicada
Red Tide- Dinoflagellates infect see life and those who eat the fish become ill.
Medically Important Flagellates
Trapanosomia, Leishmania, Giardia, Trichomonas
Trapanasomes- Flagellate
T.Brucei= TseTse fly, sleeping sickness-Africa, -brain. T Cruzi=Reduviid bug, Chagas disease
Leishmania- Flagellate
vector is sandfly- causes cutaneous, mucocut.or visceral infection-widespread in India, Africa nad Mexico
sexually transmitted, t-vaginalis, not geographically isolated, causes
-balantidium coli- causes diarrhea
Ameobe- Pseudopoda
Entamoeba histolytica -ameobic dysentary. common wherever fecal contam. water is drank lives half life as a trophozoite and half as cyst
plasmodium- causes malaria, vector is the mosquito-
fecalcontam. illness.
Parasitic Helminths
flatworms, roundworms-nematodes, and flukes-trematodes/ not all are parasitic- many are freeliving
Pinworm- enterobius vermicularis
large intestinal parasite. ingest eggs, hatch- mature, sexual reproductino lays more eggs- carried to anus- person scratches and releases eggs onto bedclothes person becomes host. rarely fatal.