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39 Cards in this Set

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Distinction between establishment and services:
Gebhard v Consiglio (1995)

- “stable and continuous” vs “temporary”
- consider continuity and regularity
- presence of infrastructure does not prove establishment
Freedom of establishment
Article 49 TFEU

a. No restrictions on freedom of establishment
b. Includes agencies and subsidiaries
c. Do:
- self-employment
- run companies or firms on same terms as nationals of host MS
Treat companies as natural persons for freedom of establishment
You can use TFEU 49 in home MS if there is a 2 “union element”
Marks and Spencer's v Halsey
TFEU 49 has direct effect and can be relied upon in national courts
Reyners v Belgium
Any profit-making legal person governed by public or private law in home state gets equal treatment as a person
TFEU, a54

Services are such if normally provided for remuneration
Can be provided temporarily
Services on same terms as host MS nationals
Can sue home MS if they're in the way
Alpine Investments
TFEU 56 has direct effect and can be relied upon in national courts
Van Binsbergen
Distributing abortion information could be restricted because while abortion is a commercial service, the ones handing it out did not have a commercial motive.
Grogan (1991)
Services can be provided remotely, by telephone, fax or internet
Alpine Investments (1995)
A business can use its own workforce to provide services, even if they are not MS nationals
Van der Elst (1994)
Right to travel to other MS to receive tourism services
Luisi and Carbone (1984)
Right to travel to other MS to receive medical services at expense of state insurance
Geraets-Smits (2001)
NHS confirmed to be liable for treatment in other MS if treatment at home not possible without undue delay
Watts (2006)
Definition of “restriction” for TFEU 49 + 56:
“national measures liable to make less attractive the exercise of fundamental freedoms”
Gebhard v Consiglio

“national measures liable to make less attractive the exercise of fundamental freedoms”
TFEU 49 forbids distinctly applicable measures, i.e. laws that apply to foreigners
Reyners v Belgium
TFEU 49 forbids indistinctly applicable measures – things applying to all but with discriminatory effect
Commission v Italy
TFEU 49 forbids non-discriminatory stuff that impedes freedom of establishment without any discrimination
Sodemare SA
Directive 2004/38, article 24
All Union citizens shall enjoy equal treatment to home nationals in a MS (2004/38 does not apply to companies)
Directive 2006/123, 2(1)
Applies to services provided by individuals/companies established in a MS
Directive 2006/123, 2(2) + 2(3)
Exceptions to applicability
Directive 2006/123, 1(5)
Does not affect criminal law
Directive 2006/123, 1(6)
Does not affect labour law, including health and safety
Directive 2006/123, 4(1)
A service is any self-employed activity normally done for remuneration
Services Directive 9-13
Laws/authorisation schemes only permissible where:
- Non-discriminatory
- Overriding public interest reason
- Proportionate
- Not duplicating similar rules in other MS
- Transparent criteria and not arbitrary application
Directive 2006/123 outright bans
- Discriminatory nationality requirements
- Bans on establishment in multiple member states
- Obligations to insure with provider in host state
MSs must evaluate these for compatibility
2006/123, 15

- Quantitative and territorial restrictions
- Obligations to take a certain legal form
- Obligations to provide additional services
Company that refused to reimburse local company for municial billboard tax lost because the fee was reasonable
Viacom v Societe
Public Policy (must be a genuine threat to a fundamental interest of society)
Omega Spielhallen
TFEU 51 exception - activities connected to the exercise of official authority
Reyners v Belgium

- These are very tightly construed by the courts
Cassis de Dijon: applied to Establishment:

Measure must be:
- Indistinctly applicable
- Justified by imperative requirements in the general interest
- Suitable for obtaining the objective
Cassis de Dijon: applied to Services:
Measure must be:
- Indistinctly applicable
Alpine Investments

- Justified by imperative requirements in the general interest
- Suitable for obtaining the objective
- Case where two Danish nationals used UK incorporation rules then set up a branch in Denmark to get around tougher rules at home.
- Justification for not registering was soundness of companies.
- Held that creditors have other checks and can obtain guarantees.
Centros (1999)
Indirect discrimination: only firms with the state having a majority shareholding can be offered contracts.
- Justification was to protect confidential data
- Held that such breaches could just be made a criminal offence
Commission v Italy (1989)
Non-discrimination case impeding freedom of establishment: care homes not allowed as for-profit businesses
- Justification to maintain financial stability of social care system
- Held this was a reasonable way to organise social care system
Sodemare SA (1997)
Only those “established in Holland” can be social security advisers
- Justification: necessary for the administration of justice
- Held that Netherlands address for service would be sufficient
Van Binsbergen (1974)
UK patent renewal prevented from working Germany by law restricting it to professionals
- Justification was service users would be harmed by bad advice from unqualified persons
- Held it was a routine service and that harm would not be severe
Sager v Dennemeyer (1991)
Businesses established in Netherlands banned from cold-calling potential customers
- Justification was it protects the good name of Dutch financial sevices industry
- Held it was proportionate because limited to potential customers and other means of contact existed
Alpine Investments (1995)