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126 Cards in this Set

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These two dyes are used for identification of reticulocytes.

What are they staining?

new methylene blue

brilliant cresyl blue


What are the two types of reticulocytes produced in cats



What are aggregate reticulocytes?

WHat do they look like

Similar to reticulocytes in dogs

indicate an active regenerative response

They are clumping/coalesceing of blue dots

What are punctate reticulocytes

What do they look like

reticulocytes that have been in circulation for 1 day

The blue dots are not clumping/coalesceing

WHy do you need an absolute reticulocyte count and how is it calculated

retics affected by anemia

% reticsx RBC /100 = reticulocytes

What is the prefered expression of erythroid regeneration

absolute reticulocyte count

Although not as accurate as the absolute reticulocyte count, what else can be suggestive of regernative response (CBC)


RDW (red cell distribution width)

These two findings suggest a platelet problem

petechia and epistasis (surface bleeding)

These two findings suggest a coagulopathy

hematomas and cavity bleeding

This is the total blood volume of dogs and cats ___ of the body weight



What % of the body weight be donated and well tollerated


What percentage of actue blood loss secondary to hemorrhage will cause cardiovascular signs


How long will it take an anemia to become macrocytic and regenerative

3 days

How long to see a maximal reticulocyte response?

4-7 days

What 3 things are the hallmark of acute blood loss




10 mls of whole blood per lb of body weight will increase the Hct ___%

10 %

These type of blood losses are regenerative (list of diseases) (11)

acute blood loss

iron deficiency anemia


inherited erythroid defects

Hb disorders

Erythrocyte membrane abnormalities

Phosphofructokinas deficiency

Pyruvate kinase deficiency

Neonatal isoerythrolysis

Infection associated hemoysis


What is a common cause of iron deficiency anemia

chronic external blood loss

Iron depleted occurs when iron stores are depleted but these two iron levels are normal

serum iron

blood hemoglobin concentration

iron defidient erythropoiesis has a mild anemia and ____ serum iron levels


What is iron deficiency anemia?

most advanced stage

absent iron stores

low serum iron concentration

low hemoglobin

low Hct

What might be some causes of chronic external blood loss that may result in IDA (4)

severe flea


GI blood loss

nursing animals

This is a classical manifestation of iron deficiency (C/S)
pica - dirt, clay, feces, and metal

What can detect GI blood loss if it is not evident?

occult fecal blood test

Animals with this disease are exercise intollerant, have pica, and possibly have cardiomegaly

chronic blood loss anemia (IDA)

On CBC, what is noted with IDA

What other abnormality noted on CBC can occur with chronic blood loss?


What are serum iron levels with chronic blood loss?

5-60 (normal 60-230 ug/dL)

What 3 things can cause false normal serum iron concentrations
hemolyzed samples
iron supplementation
recent tranfusion

What occurs with cardiomegaly with TX secondary to IDA

resolve with TX

TX for IDA

How long must be treated?

ferrus sulfate with a meal

iron dextran IM (anaphylaxis)

weeks to months, but iron store may never return to normal

What is the normal RBC life span in dogs


Normal RBC life span in cats


What level must bilirubin be for jaundice

2 mg/dL

THese are two hallmark features of intravascular hemolysis and indicate a more severe disorder



These two breeds have insignificant microcytosis and macrocytosis

microcytosis - Akitas

Macrocytosis - poodles

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) abnormalities



What form of heme cannot carry oxygen?

How is it able to carry oxygen

ferric form (Fe +3)

reduced to Fe+2 by cytochrome b5 reductase system

Animals with methemoglobin reductase deficiency have these clinical signs (Hg disorders)

- cyanotic mm

- blood remains dark after air exposure

This condition in DSH and Siamese have pigmented and pink-flurorescent teeth and bones (congential pink tooth).


deposition of heme products in teeth/bones

THese are overhydrated, cup-shaped erythrocytes with a slitlike pallow on blood film

Associated with this disease in general and specificially

RBC membrane defects
Alaskin Malamute - chondrodysplastic dwarfism
How do RBC generate energy?
anerobic glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway)

This is a chronic hemolytic disorder accentuated by a hemolytic crises and an exertional myopathy

phosphofructokinase deficiency (PFK)

Dogs with PFK who have excessive panting, barking, extensive excerise and high temperatures can develope these 2 C/S




elevated temp and alkalosis causes lysis of PFK deficient cells resulting in crisis of severe anemia

What breed of dog is PFK common in?

English springer spaniels

less commonly in cockers

HOw is PFK diagnosed

PCR DNA test

These are two regulatory enzymes in the anerobic glycosis pathway

phosphofructokinase (PFK)

pyruvate kinase (PK)

This RBC enzymatic deficiency has mild C/S despite a persistent hemolytic anemia and high regerneation

pyruvate kinase deficiency

Aniamls with this RBC enzymatic deficiency can possibly lead a normal life


phosphofructokinase deficiency

What occurs with phyruvate kinase deficiency (RBC level)

lack the adult erythrocyte isoenzye R-PK and express a fetal M-PK form that is dysfunctional

Besides a highly regenerative anemia and mild C/S what occurs about 1 year of age with PK deficiency

unexplaned myelofiborisis and osteosclerosis of the BM

What do PK dogs die from

anemias and generalized hemosiderosis (Fe overload) with associated liver failure before 8 years of age

DX of PK

molecular screnning test

What is special about feline erytrocytic PK deficency

hemolytic anemia

no ostosclerosis

Is TX availible for feline PK deficiency?

prednisone and spleenectomy

____ binds to the RBC to cause IMHA

IgG or IgM +/- complement

Why are spherocytes formed?
phagocytes remove a portion of the membrane leaving RBC with reduced surface area/volume ratio
What are different proposed infectious causes of IMHA
viral - FeLV, FIV, FIP, URI, GI
bacterial - lepto, M. hemofelis
parasitic- Babesiosis, leishmaniasis, HWD, Tick

What are different RX proposed causes of IMHA (7)








What are Immune/Endocrine Dz proposed to cause IMHA



What are breeds that have a genetic predisposition for IMHA? (6)
american cockers
english springer spaniel
old english sheep dog
irish setter
What age are dogs with IMHA
young adult to middle-aged

Although rare, cold-reacting antierythrocytic AB causing skin lesions such as: ____ may not show hemolysis


gangrenous necrosis or ear, nose, tail tip and nail beds

Labratory results with IMHA (4) (non RBC)
leukocytosis (degree of necrosis
+/- thrombocytopenia (Evans/DIC)
increase liver enzymes

DX of IMHA (3)

Need 1 of the 3

Marked spherocytosis

true autoagglutination

Positive direct Coombs' Test

Spherocytes in smaller numbers can be seen with these other diseases

zinc intoxication


microangiopathic hemolysis

Do cats get spherocytes?

no, due to the small size and lack of central pallor

What is macroscopic agglutination
autoagglutination in EDTA or on a glass slide

What is microscopic agglutination

stained blood smear or saline wet mount

Coomb's test AKA

what dose it test for

direct antiglobulin test

detect AB, complement or both on the RBC surface

What can a Coombs' test not differentiate between

primary or secondary IMHA

If a dog with suspected IMHA is negative on Coombs' test, what is next

look for other causes of anemia

Causes of FN Coombs' Test

not enough AB bound to RBC

Labratory error

Will a few days of therpay cause a negative Coombs' test?

it should still be positive


TX underlying cause

Transfusion (DEA 1.1 negative)








anticoagulation TX if DIC - heparin

WHy do dogs die of IMHA

overwhelming hemolysis and thromboemboli and infections

How do glucocorticoids help with IMHA

interfere with the macrophage Fc recepots and impair clerance of AB coated RBCs

When should spleenectomy not be considered

pets receiving immunotherpay in addition to prednisone.

When is anticoagulation therapy instituted

after evidence or suspicion of thormboemboli

Mortality rate for IMHA


Negative prognostic facotors for IMHA

rapid drop in PCV

high serum bilirubin

non-regenerative anemia

persistent autoagglutination

thromboembolic complications

This cat blood type developes strong naturally occuring anti antibiodies against___

B against A

Kittens born to this Queen and Tom are at high risk for feline neonatal isoerythrolysis.

What happens to these kittens

B queen and A tom

AB and A kittens are born healthy, but detiorated after ingesting colostrum

TX for feline NI

TX is rarely successful

When do dogs develope NI alloantibodies

If bitch has received blood products

How long after first blood transfusion can alloantibodies form

4 or more days after transfusion.

What are the blood groups in dogs

DEA 1.1






Blood type in cats




How is a major crossmatch for a blood transfusion performed

RBC (d) and plasma (r) - if agglutination occurs, receipient will chew up RBC and is an incompatable donor.

What is the large form of hemobartonellosis

Mycoplasma haemofelis

The small form of hemobartonellosis

M. haemominutum (less pathogenic)

This is feline infectious anemia

Mycopsama hemofelis

Transmission of M. haemofelis


blood sucking ectoparasites?

How dose M. Haemofelis cause anemia?

Stages of anemia

opportunistic organism that causes illness under predisposing conditions. CYCLIC

Parasitized RBC sequestered by spleen and removed

parasitic incubation

acutre parasitemia

recovery/carrier stage - life

DX of M haemofelis

no serologic testing

PCR testing

blood smears - ear or shortly after collection

TX for M. haemofelis : clinical response seen in...
doxycyline 3 weeks
clinical response with in days
remain carrier (dosen't clear parasite) although relapses are uncommon

This is the dog version of hemobartonellosis

transmitted by (vector)

Develope C/S only if

Haemobaronella canis

brown dog tick

only develope dz if have a serious dz or spleenectomized


____ are found in RBC



___ are found in macrophages


Large ____ form in vessel walls of organs and causes vascular occlusion


TX of Cytauxzoonosis



high mortality

Babesia is endemic in these 2 breeds

what age are more succeptible

Grey hounds

Pit bulls

Puppies 8m of younger

Vector for Cytauxzoonosis

suspect Lone star tick

Vector for babiesiosis


What causes problmes with babesiosis that results in the anemia

parasites dammage contributes to anemia, but the secondary IMHA and oxidative dammage are more pathogenic

DX of Babesiosis

DNA testing

organisms in erythrocytes

This has single or large paris of piriform organisms in RBC

B. canis

This has single intracellular organism in RBC

B. gibsoni

What is the best way to see parasitized RBCs

few erythrocytes are parasitized, examine the buffy coat or ear prick

TX for Babesia

imidocarb dipropionate


tick control

What compounds can cause methemoglobin formation (4) and can also cause Heinz Body formation
benzocaine containing skin products
layrngeal/nasopharngeal sprays
phenazopyridine (numbs bladder)
acetaminophine (cats)

Why do cats get methemoglobinemia with acetominophine

They cannot conjugate drugs with glucuranides and their sulfate conjugation and glutathione pathways are rapidly saturated and depleted

instead of excreting acetaminophen as a glucuronide conjugate, they produce reactive metabolite that causes RBC dammage - Heinze body and methemoglobinemia

Although labratory tests can determine methemoglobinemia, what is an in house meaurement that can determine if it is clinically important

drop of blood on a filter paper remains brown after exposure to air

the control venous sample turns red

then methemoglobin concentration exceeds 10%

What % of methemoglobin conctration will the MM appaer cyanotic but no serious signs?

C/S are seen at this %



Heinz body represent

irreversibly denatured and precipitated hemoglobin in RBC

What other RBC morphology might be noted with Heinz body anemia?

eccentrocytes (moon shaped zone caused by shift of Hb to one side of the cell)

These are a few food items to causes of Heinz body formation



These systemic disease have been implicated with these systemic diseases




DM (ketoacidosis)

These household items can cause RBC membrane dammage

naphthaline (mothballs)

toilet bowel deoderizers

pennies from this year cause life threatoning intravascular hemolysis

since 1983

besides zn toxicosis, what other heavy metal can cause acute intravascular hemolysis and methemoglobinemia

acute copper toxicosis

fulminat hepatic failure by copper storage toxicosis in Bedlington terriers

What is the TX for acetominophen


increases the sulfate availibility for conjugation and provides cysteine for gluthione regeneration and metabolism of toxic metaboties

What level of phosphorous cause hemolysis

less than 1 mg/dL

but in clinical practice can occur with values less than 2.5 mg/dL

What diseases can cause severe hypophosphatemia induced hemolysis


hepatic lipidosis

starvation-refeeding syndrome

phosphate-binding antacids

TX for hypophasphatemia induced hemolysis

IV sodium or potassium phosphate

must measure P and Ca q 6 hours and then switched to oral

schistocytes occur with this anemia

microangiopathic hemolytic anemia