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104 Cards in this Set

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What is wampum?
strings of shells presented as symbolic words of condolence
Hiawatha was?
responsible for the formation of the Iroquois Confederacy, uniting the Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida and Seneca tribes.
How did environmental change shape the transition from Paleo-Indian to Archaic ways of living?
Southward migration, more abundant small game and wild food sources, less dependence on large mammals. Allowed for first settlements. Allowed agriculture to take hold.
How do Paleo Indians and Archaic peoples differ?
Paleo-Indians - nomads, traveled in bands, no gender roles assigned.
Archaics - settled, built first year-round villages, gender roles designated
The mutual bestowing of gifts and favors
What changed around 2500 B.C.E?
food surpluses allowed for some tribes to gain power over others, first economic divide.
a few closely clustered communities ruled by a hereditary leader, different than a state in that it is less far reaching
Mexica, lived in and around present day Mexico, human sacrificers, capitol was Tenochtitlan, had pochteca to trade outside their realm
South America (Chile and Peru), capitol Cuzco, had a wide variety of crops
predate both the Inca and Aztec, greatly influenced by Teotihuacan, developed highly advanced calendar and numerical system.
able to produce two crops a year by building irrigation canals, highly influenced by mesoamerican culture
ancestors of modern Pueblo indians, lived in apartment style housing, had Kivas for religious ceremonies
Poverty Point
Large mound site in Louisiana (lower Mississippi river), was a large and bustling trade center.
Ohio valley mound builders, treated their dead according to their political status
Moundbuilders, buried elites with pearls, mica, quartz and other sacred things.
centered in Cahokia (St. Louis), spread new strains of Maize and beans along with cultivation techniques. First full time farmers in the East.
Northwest Peoples
Didn't rely on farming, meat (viz. fish) dehydration techniques allowed them to erect permanent villages.
Nuclear vs. Extended Family
Nuclear - mother/father/kids
Extended - included family members of the Nuclear family
Native Religions
Believed there was a life energy in nature which pulsated with spiritual power, dreams were interpreted, another after-life world was to come.
Christopher Columbus
(c. 1451 – 20 May 1506) was a Genoese navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere
Columbian Exchange
worldwide transfer of plants, animals, germs and people, it was shaped by the efforts of European countries to gain wealth and slave labor
West African savanna nation, Timbuktu was it's biggest city, formed due to the trans-Saharan trade routes.
south of mali, it was the largest of a group of Chiefdoms that were consolidated into kingdoms.
African Family Structure
matrilineal, kids = wealth, extended family important.
Period just after the dark ages during which the Classical tradition of Rome and Greece re-emerged and scholarly advancement in all fields (philosophy, medicine, science) was taking place like never before
Reasons for Chaos during the Renaissance
growing socio-economic divide, religious conflict, growing power of the monarchs, wages falling, prices rising
Joint Stock Company
a business corporation that amassed capital through sales of stock to investors. Allowed less wealthy folks to get a piece of the action
Martin Luther
German Monk, attacked the practice of indulgence selling, initiated the Protestant Reformation. Grace through faith
John Calvin
French, divine grace alone led to salvation.
Council of Trent
Catholic reformation done by catholics, brought the Roman Catholic church into existence
Lutheranism and Calvinism
Lutheranism - took hold in Scandinavia
Calvinism - took hold in France, England and the Netherlands
Henry VIII
persuaded Parliament to pass a series of acts dissolving his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (she couldn't bear a son) and naming him the supreme head of the Church of England
Militant Calvinists, hated popery, conversion experience necessary to be a member of the church
New Slavery
dehumanization of the slaves, mindless exhausting labor, slaves were bought as property.
Treaty of Tordesillas
drew a line through the mid-Atlantic, Spain got west of the line, Portugal got east.
St. Augustine
First lasting European colony in North America
New Mexico
500 Spaniards siezed a city from the Tewa, renamed it San Juan and claimed it for Spain
grant that awarded Indian labor to wealthy colonists
New France
established by Samuel De Champlain at Quebec in 1608
Indentured Servitude
people were granted passage to the New World and any necessaries they might need in exchange for 4 to 7 years of work.
New Netherland
On the mouth of the Hudson, Dutch traders built Fort Nassau.
Mayflower story, first civil body politic, had the mayflower compact
Royal Colony
a crown appointed Governor who would appoint people to offices in the govt.
Proprietary Colony
Awarding territory to wealthy elites who were responsible for peopling, governing and defending their land.
Lord Baltimore
founder of Maryland, meant as a refuge for Catholics, adopted a headrights system.
Toleration Act
aka Acts of Religious Toleration. Drafter by Baltimore. Didn't protect non-Christians, did not separate church and state
cash crop for the colonies, was almost the downfall of the colonies, people wanted to grow it instead of food crops.
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon leads 300 troops against a groups of natives. Virginia was in financial straights and some decided a war of extermination would be the cheapest way to defend themselves against the natives.
Why did slavery (mainly of Africans) come to replace indentured servitude?
Fewer whites were attracted to the prospect since wages were on the rise in England, a monopoly held by the Royal African Co. was broken allowing other companies to begin shipping slaves to the Americas.
Massachusetts Bay Colony
settled by a group of well to do Puritans tired of the popery and ritual involved with religion, had the "Model of Christian Charity" as its guide book of social and political ideals.
John Winthrop
Lead the Puritan settlers to the Mass. Bay Colony. 700 people on 11 ships.
New England Way
a system of Puritan practices established by the ministers in that area, developed out of fear that the different churches might do things differently
Roger Williams
Separatist minister, advocated complete separation of church and state. Opposed compulsory church service and govt. interference in the goings on of the church. 1st major N.E. way challenger
Anne Hutchinson
2nd Major challenger to the new england way. publicly criticized the clergy for promoting the idea that good works led to salvation.
Period after Oliver Cromwell's death when the king was placed back into power.
Pequot War
Connecticut and Massachusetts (along with the Mohegan and Narragansett) waged war against the Pequot because of tensions arising over land and the fur trade
King Philip's War
Wampanoag chief retaliating against Plymouth's hanging of 3 Wampanoags for the death of a Christian Indian, 5 percent of the colonists were killed.
Salem Witch Trials
accusers were depressed, one parent teens, accused were mid aged wives and widows who were reasonably well off.
Beaver Wars
Iroquois v. Huron (and other pro-French indians) over beaver skins and being pissed about all the deaths by disease (smallpox)
a group of landed elite in NY, second only to the Carolina rice planters. 5 families held 1.75 million acres they hoped to rent to people.
WIlliam Penn
Pennsylvania (Penn's Wood's) founded as a Quaker haven
Pacifists, preached equality, toleration for all, founded by George Fox
The Glorious Revolution
William of Orange and Mary (James II) daughter came into England with a small Dutch army and forced James II (catholic) into France. Created a limited monarchy, or constitutional monarchy.
Leisler's Rebellion
Uprising by NY militia men, seized control of lower NY for two years under the command of Jacob Leisler.
Protestant Association
formed to secure Maryland for William and Mary, people were afraid that the proprietor of their colony would still be faithful to catholic James II
King William's War
War against France, Louis XIV supported James II, NY and NE attacked New France, failed. Iroquois acted as allies, all their villages were destroyed except the Cayuga.
Grand Settlement of 1701
Two treaties, the five Iroquois nations made peace with France and it's Indian allies in exchange for fur access, agreed to not support Brits militarily any longer.
Queen Anne's War
England fought France and Spain in the War of Spanish Succession. Reinforced American's awareness of their weakness.
A nation's power is measure by its wealth, especially in gold. Export goods for gold and don't pay for imports with it. Horde it up.
Navigation Acts
Series of regulations on trade between England and its colonies. English ships only, enumerated goods, only English goods. Molasses act, taxed imported molasses.
Enumerated Goods
sugar, tobacco, rice, indigo, furs, and naval stores (masts, hemp, turpentine, and tar)
Middle Passage
Slave route from Africa to the Americas. Unspeakably bad conditions.
Boston Massacre
4 Bostonians killed, 7 wounded. Due to a crowd that had gathered in protest of a British soldier's treatment of a Boston apprentice who was trying to collect a debt from an officer.
Seven Years War
aka French and Indian War. Britain and the colonies defeat France and gain more land as a result Britain wants to reorganize itself in the colonies, tightening down on economic and political affairs, the colonists don't dig it.
George Washington
Was a 21 year old spectator and surveyor when he was sent to persuade the French in the Ohio Valley (who had been fortifying the area) to leave. He and his troops were driven out.
Albany Congress
A gathering in Albany NY to negotiate a treaty between the British and the Six Nations Iroquois. Had to do it in order to drive the French out of the Ohio River Valley.
Stamp Act
Passed into law in 1765 it required that all official documents be printed on a special watermarked paper. Violators were prosecuted in jury-less vice admiralty courts.
Declaratory Act
Came along with the repealing of the Stamp Act. affirmed Parliamentary power over the colonies in all cases whatsoever.
Revenue Act
aka The Townshend duties, taxed glass, paint, lead, paper, and tea imported to the colonies from England
Committee of Correspondence
Sam Adam's idea to form a committee in every community in Massachusetts for the purpose of exchanging info and coordinating measures to defend colonial rights.
Lord Dunmore's War
Colonists killed 13 Shawnee and Mingo tribespeople, in retaliation the natives killed an equal number of white Virginians. Virginia then opened a campaign. Fought at Point Pleasant. Peace conference followed.
Tea Act
Passed in order to save the East India Company from ruin. Eliminated import duties on tea entering England and allowed the E.I. Co. to sell tea directly to consumers.
Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
Lord Dunmore proclaimed that he would guarantee freedom to any able-bodied slave willing to enlist in the cause of restoring royal authority in VA.
Intolerable Acts
Series of Acts instituted by Britain to assert it's authority. Post Boston Tea Party
Boston Port Act
Ordered the British Navy into Boston Harbor if the colonies didn't pay for the tea by a certain date.
Massachusetts Government Act
Revoked the Massachusetts charter and structured the govt. to make it less Democratic.
Administration of Justice Act
Permitted any person charged with murder while enforcing British authority in the colonies to be tried in England or in another colony.
Quartering Act
In addition to forcing townspeople to house British troops the new Quartering act permitted the Royal Governor to requisition empty private buildings for housing troops.
Continental Congress
Every colony but Georgia sent a rep from their Committees of Correspondence to Philadelphia to discuss what needed to be done about the Intolerable Acts.
Olive Branch Petition
Submitted to George III by the 2nd Continental Congress viz. John Dickinson of PA, presented 3 demands. Cease fire at Boston, repeal the Coercive Acts, allow negotiations to establish guarantees of American Rights.
Common Sense
Thomas Paine's pamphlet that lit the fire of Revolution in many people's minds.
What values and practices did all the Natives share despite their Diversity?
reciprocity, belief that the land need be taken care of and shared, belief that nature pulsated with life energy, extended family importance.
What forces were transforming West Africa before the advent of the Atlantic Slave Trade?
The same progression that was happening among peoples everywhere. Intellect and academics were gaining importance, a market economy was beginning to emerge, people indebted to others were beginning to be put into slavery.
How did European monarchs use commerce and religion to advance their nations fortunes?
Send an army, take a place over. Claim all their resources and wealth, give them the "gift" of your respective religion, as repayment to you for the gift you gave them "allow" them to slave away doing work to make you money.
What role did the Colombian Exchange play in the formation of an Atlantic world?
The new germs served as a way to thin the native populations and weaken them for an easy take over. The new plants that were found in the new world (tobacco) were huge cash generators. It's like when another kid has a toy that no one wanted before and suddenly all the kids want it and will fight over it.
How did the European relations with Natives affect the success of the early European colonizing efforts?
The Europeans came in with a superiority complex and the mind set that whatever they found was theirs. This made for rough going with the Natives. If they had only been more willing to share and less overbearing things may have gone a lot easier.
What values and practices did all the Natives share despite their Diversity?
reciprocity, belief that the land need be taken care of and shared, belief that nature pulsated with life energy, extended family importance.
What forces were transforming West Africa before the advent of the Atlantic Slave Trade?
The same progression that was happening among peoples everywhere. Intellect and academics were gaining importance, a market economy was beginning to emerge, people indebted to others were beginning to be put into slavery.
How did European monarchs use commerce and religion to advance their nations fortunes?
Send an army, take a place over. Claim all their resources and wealth, give them the "gift" of your respective religion, as repayment to you for the gift you gave them "allow" them to slave away doing work to make you money.
What role did the Colombian Exchange play in the formation of an Atlantic world?
The new germs served as a way to thin the native populations and weaken them for an easy take over. The new plants that were found in the new world (tobacco) were huge cash generators. It's like when another kid has a toy that no one wanted before and suddenly all the kids want it and will fight over it.
How did the European relations with Natives affect the success of the early European colonizing efforts?
The Europeans came in with a superiority complex and the mind set that whatever they found was theirs. This made for rough going with the Natives. If they had only been more willing to share and less overbearing things may have gone a lot easier.
Quebec Act
Establishes catholocism as a state religion, no legislature, extends Quebec into the Ohio Valley
First Continental Congress
Acts to offend rest of colonies, beginning of a search for collective action.
Lexington and Concord
King declares colonies in a state of rebellion, Continental Army established.