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20 Cards in this Set

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Where Are Ethnicities Distributed

Ethnicity is identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth.

Where Are Ethnicities Distributed

Race is identity with a group of people who share a biological ancestor. Distribution of persons of color matters to geographers.

International Migrations

most African american descended from Africans who experienced forced migration. Those people were forced in to slavery. Now African american people are are mainly in the southeast where slavery was most prominent.

International Migrations

Most Asian Americans and Hispanics are descended from voluntary immigrants to the United States during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.Hispanic Americans generally entered the U.S. from Mexico or other Latin American countries, and stayed clustered in the Southwest.

Where are most African Americans from?

Most African Americans are from Western Africa

Where are most Hispanic Americans from?

Latin AmericaMost commonly immigrants are from Mexico and Puerto Rico Third largest group of Hispanics came to United States from Cuba.

Where are most Asian Americans from?

Asia Most commonly immigrants are from China and India Next largest groups are from the Philippines, Korea, and Vietnam

Internal Migrations of African Americans

The Great Migration: In the early 1900s over a million African Americans moved from the rural South to the urban North

De Jure Segregation in the United State

Landmark Supreme Court Case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, states that laws that segregate races were constitutional, because it provided separate, but equal, treatment of blacks and whites (in this case it was regarding segregated railroad cars).

De Jure Segregation in the United States

In response to Plessy vs. Ferguson Southern states created laws that became commonly referred to as the “Jim Crow” laws to segregate black from whites.

Overturn of Jim Crow

Plessy vs. Ferguson was overturned in 1954 with the case Brown vs. Board of Education.


t was the policy of banks to refuse loans to African Americans, and anybody who lived near neighborhoods that were predominantly African American. This policy was known as redlining

De Jure Segregation in South Africa

South Africa had a formal system of segregation called Apartheid. People were categorized and given different rights based on their race.

Objective #3

Explain why conflicts arise between ethnicities

Difference Between Nationality and Ethnicity

Nationality is an identity with a group of people who share legal attachment to a particular country. You can be Irish (ethnicity) and American (nationality). While nationality is legal and can be changed, ethnicity is cultural and cannot be changed.

Centripetal Forces

Unifies groups/states (countries)

Centrifugal Forces

Divides groups/states (countries)

Why do ethnicity have conflict

When there are too many centrifugal forces and not enough centripetal forces conflict arises

Notable Ethnic Conflicts

Diaspora of the KurdsPartition (separation) Ethiopia and EritreaPartition (separation) of India and Pakistan

What is ethnic cleansing?

A process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region.