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108 Cards in this Set

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"the ends justify the means"
Teleological ethics
"the only thing that evil needs to success is that good men and women do nothing"
Edmund Burke
The United States' lone contribution to ethical and philosophical theory is the school of thought called:
Molly Nash is famous for
Being the beneficiary of a brother who was created for the sole purpose of fetal farming
Roe v. Wade is
the statue that legalized abortion
Advances in stem cell research mean that we now are able to restore a cell to
Golden Rule
Moderation is all things
Might makes Right
"I want to know what is good regarless of what men and gods say about goodness"
Rosa Rodriquez is famous for
suing a doctor for "wrongful birth."
Deontological Ethics
Duty bound
Early church's practical response to the practice of exposure was
Public protest and to raise their children as their own
The First group targeted for destruction in Nazi Germany was:
"my life is worth nothing more than oysters."
David Hume
The earliest birth on record is
19 weeks
Definition: as long as it doesn't hurt any body
Proponent: John Stuart Mills
Most Obvious Flaws: Who defines hurt?
Virtue Ethics
Definition: Good in and of itself
Proponent: Socrates
Most Obvious Flaws: Who defines good
Definition: if it works then it's ethics
Proponent: Charles Pierce
Most Obvious Flows: What is good for one could be bad for another
Definition: Do unto others as you would want to be treated (Greatest good for greatest number of people
Proponent: Jeremy Benthem
Most Obvious Flows: Minority v. Majority
Situation Ethics
Definition: Love
Proponent: Joseph Fletcher
Most Obvious Flows: What is love?
Practical Imperative
Definition: Human beings can not be used as a means to an end
Proponent: Immanuel Kant
Most Obvious Flows:
Harmony Ethics
Definition: That we find harmony in the universe to attain ethics and in one self
Proponent: Buddha
Most Obvious Flows: Who are we basing the harmony on? The world is not at harmony
Obfuscation relate to ethics
We make things more complex then they should be
Finish the sentence: Morality that beings with me must logically and necessarily
End with me
Is culture a good source of ethics
No, culture changes and culture differs from one another
Part of deemed greater, then than the whole
"why would the adoption of nominalism be the death of all ethics
Everyone would have their own opinion and it would not work
Flaws in Buddhist Ethics
The Middle Way: No extreme, but to follow this is an extereme
Desire as the root of all evil: What is the desire is to do good
Why is the rape argument in abortion more of an empathy argument as opposed to a rational argument
Because rape does not justify quality of life
Define Good
Like God
Why is the idea of allowing abortion to protect teenagers against incest from the father particularly illogical in relation to the incest itself?
The father would want the baby dead because the baby is evidence and perpetuates the incest
What is the main problem with the "birth defects" argument in abortion
The quality if life argument, just because there is birth defects doesn't mean they shouldn't be born life is not determined by the quality of life.
What is the newest advance in stem cell research and why doesn't this make the embryonic stem cell debate obsolete?
A. Newest Advance: Pluripotency
B. Why is the need for embryonic stem cell obsolete in relation to the stem cell debate?
Because we can use adult stem cells and today more adult stem cells have been used them embryonic also there is PGD testing where it does not harm the embryos
Do the concepts of nirvana and karma function logically as moral categories?
Karma is what corner around goes around but what maybe bad to one could be good to another. To become all with the one doesn't make sense because that means you can be bad and good.
What are third way ethics and give one reason that this ethical system responds to a catch 22?
Definition: God is creative, God created us in his image, God supernaturally placed us on this earth.
Response to catch 22: God gives us a way out and we are responsive to God so we listen to him. There is no such thing as an accidental time with God
Everyone has ethics
The early church generally believed that ensoulment (life) begins at conception
Partial birth abortion generally is only done when the woman's life is in danger or when there are serious birth defects
All sins are the same in God's eyes
Infants do not feel pain in abortion until 28th week
In the majority of pro choice states laws have been passed that makes abortion training mandatory for all doctors regardless of their religious beliefs and ethical position
The word "inappropriate" in psychology does not denote a value judgment and is there for appropriate to use in the clinical treatment of emotional and mental illness.
President Bush has outlaws stem cell research
Barna says that 50% of all born again believers do not believe in moral absolutes
The Bible states that conscience is an infallible guide
Peter Singer believer that a child ins not alive it has reached 28 days inside the womb. From 28 days after conception the child is legally alive
According to Michael Gorman abortion was uncommon in the Roman world
Michael Gorman says that Jews did practice abortion like most other people in the Roman world
Michael Gorman states that Aristotle is against abortion after the 40 day mark for males and the 80-90 day mark for females
List SIX options for when life begins
Brain Waves
Birth-head exits the womb
Name the THREE types of absolutism found in Geisler and give a different proponent (person) for each
Unqualified- Kant
Graded- Augustine
Conflict- Luther
Explain from each perspective listed why viability is not desired as a criterion of life in the abortion debate
Pro-choice side- my body my choice
Pro-life side-viability begins way earlier, like at conception
Doctors' side- Do not want to deal with it because of being sued, it is to indefinite
What is a presupposition?
How does this relate to the monkey video?
Man is an animal
Something special about Humans
The Christian concept of compassionate absolutism
Compassion absolutism means there are such things as absolutes but Christians should be compassionate within those absolutes like Jesus.
Pragmatism—what does this mean and are there flaws? William James, Charles Pierce
School of thought where whatever works is what is good.
Flaws: Who does it work for? Duration of time- how long do we have to see if it works? Just because it works doesn’t mean it’s good- evil can be efficient.
Analogia entis
“Analogy of being”- argument against Dawkins; If man and woman are like animals than ethics all come down to degree….. so we would only act a degree more ethical than dogs. If humans are animals than why do we put them in jail when they act that way
Normative ethics—where do we get normative ethics?
That which is normative for culture. Example: Science
The implicit belief in all morality—that there is something of value there
Human life is valuable- opposite of Hume
I Cor. 10:13 and radical nominalism. Ethics and an understanding of the general. Presupposition?
The part is greater than the whole; individuality trumps commonality; there must be something greater than the individual to have ethics
The problem with values clarification. My morality =
no morality; if it’s personal opinion then it’s nothing more death
Examples in the Scripture of deception/lying vs. Matt. 5:37
Rahab & Let your yes be yes and your no be no
Ellie Wiesel’s quote on ambiguity
Ambiguity always aids evil
Categorical Imperative
Kant- do unto others as you would like them to do unto you; Jesus gets the golden rule from God but who knows where Kant gets it; Nietzsche argues that if there is no God than it is not rational because no one would care and act in accordance
Nietzsche on the reduction of ethics to egoism
Will to Power, What I want
Deontological ethics
Duty bound ethics
Malcolm X
Proponent of teleological ethics where the ends justify the means- by any means necessary
Technology and the “against nature” argument, or “it’s natural”
Hug a cobra
# of people who die every day awaiting an organ transplant, #’s on the waiting list, #’s who will die without receiving an organ?
100,000 on waiting list; half (50,000) will die without receiving an organ
Can ethics be rescued out of the realm of personal opinion?
They can’t be rescued if you say they are “mine.” Ethics have to come from an outside source.
Who aspired to make “ethics rationale?”
Emanuel Kant
Plato’s The Ring of Gyges—moral of the ring illustration?
The ring itself does not make you good or evil it only allows you to do what you really want to do
America’s one and only contribution to Philosophical/Ethical theory?
Why is WWJD appropriate for ethical discussions
Since Jesus is God and that which is like God is good, then what Jesus says is ethical
NAMBLA and issues of free speech and liberalism, credo
Who defines what is hurtful
Euthyphro question
Is something good because God loves it or does God love it because it is good? Neither- nothing is good outside of God. Good is that which is like God.
Harmony ethics advocates/religions concept of time in relation to Oppression
Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, New Age Movement- seek harmony in the universe
Oppression becomes a part of the process; time is linear- moving toward a conclusion; every moment has meaning
Michael Gazzaniga and Neuroethics—what would the conclusions of this mean in ethics?
Ethics are nothing more then what comes from the brain.
Problem: Death of ethics. Ethics pass through the brain but do not come from the brain
Wiccan Rede and reaping and sowing differences
Rede believes that you can do what you will but it will come back to you three times. The bible doesn’t specify that you will get it back in this life.
Taoism ethics
Harmony ethics; ying and yang; ethics has to do with coming into harmony with the universe
The etymology of the word nice is
Transcendent and Immanistic ethics
Above this world
Richard Dawkins’ understanding of Ethics and flaws to his thought
Ethics whatever helps the species to survive
What is meant by tipping?
Irreversible Climate Change
What is Stephen Hawkins’ viewpoint?
We are in a precarious situation and may have already passed the pointof no return. “Tipping point”- is irreversible climate change. We must stop before we become like Mars.
Social Contract theory—problems
In order to have society, everyone has to give a little (speed limit). Believes everyone can get along
Social Contract advocates—John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Jacques Rousseau
Social Contract means that in order to have society everyone had to give a little.
Locke- we can all get along
Hobbes- thinks that the life of men is nasty and short
Rousseau- resort back to the noble savage; share everything in common
Flaws: You never sign a contract; seems to be forcing ethical systems upon people; if there is no God then why would anyone care and what is the point of ethics
Example: Speed limit- you only follow it to the degree you want to
Is/ought fallacy
Just because something is a certain way doesn’t mean it ought to be that way
Dawkins: this is the way we are therefore it’s okay
Flaw: logical fallacy
Why is viability a problem in the pro life/pro choice debate
No one likes the argument; it all depends on technology
Doctors: liable if they make a mistake
Pro choice: it restricts access; abort fewer babies
Pro life: life begins even before viability- conception
Sex selection and abortion—effects, countries involved, viability of arguments against
We are selecting babies solely based on sex; we are going to end up with a bunch of extra males; USA, China, and India are involved; with all of the extra males they will probably all get killed off in a war
Medical technology and its effect on the abortion argument
It will affect viability because the higher the technology the earlier babies will live outside the womb
Percentage of abortions that are second abortions
Laws surrounding abortion on a state level—effects on abortion rates/ Penn’s 3 laws that dropped abortion 50%
Parental consent, Federal information Act, 24hr waiting period
Breast cancer link?
There is no link between abortion and breast cancer
The amount of money an abortion facility makes per year according to Eric Hannah
$1 million each year
Englewood, New Jersey, clinic and the number of partial birth abortions per year at that one facility. What is a partial birth abortion? How is it done?
1,250 partial birth abortions per year; a partial birth abortion is when the baby is in the last trimester. They cut a hole in the back of the baby’s head and suck the brains out without any anesthetic.
Do mothers of aborted babies die during abortions? Do regulations on reporting techniques differ from state to state? Is there a greater risk in giving birth or abortion?
Giving birth
Fetal farming laws and the concept of legal births
Legal birth is the end of the second trimester and the beginning or the third trimester
Fetal farming: before a baby is legally alive we can do whatever we want to the embryo or fetus
Problems with “health exception”—what are the problems? To what does the phrase reduce?
The “health exception” reduces down to the mental health of the mother. This reduces down to the phrase, “Mental health day,” which means it reduces to whatever I want.
Ron Fitzsimmons
He claimed that partial birth abortions never happened and they only happened when it was necessary for the mother’s health. Later, he came back and admitted to lying through his teeth
Bills that will probably come before the Supreme Court linked to abortion
Parental consent law, 24 hour waiting period, forcing doctors into abortions, state sovereignty laws (traveling across state borders to get abortions) clinical reports- no one is ever prosecuted because clinics don’t have to report what they are doing
Various opinions of when life begins
Singer- 28 days
Why are rape/incest clauses not pertinent to the abortion argument?
This is an empathetic argument rather than a logical one. The method of conception doesn’t determine biology.
Patri Potestas—what is it? Matri Potestas?
Power of the Father in Roman society
Switched to power of the mother- basis for legal decisions at this point; fathers have no choice but to pay
Obama and infanticide bill
Obama didn’t pass a bill that gave babies who survived abortions a right to life
Money in having eggs harvested if from U. of Maryland, Berkley?
U. of M- $6,000 Berkley- $20,000
Black market price of a white baby boy?
Laci and Scott Peterson—what does this case illustrate?
Scott was charged for a double homocide, the mom and the baby; if the father kills the baby it is murder but if the mother kills it then it’s considered theraputic