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103 Cards in this Set

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How does God begin the revelation of the Decalogue?
by revealing himself and by stating the reality of his Lordship
What doesn't God ask for at the beginning of the Decalogue?
What doesn't God command at the beginning of the Decalogue?
How doe the Lord start his law in history?
identifying himself by what he had done
What does God not attempt to prove?
his own existence
What is the prologue a summary of?
all that had happened in the book of Exodus up to this point
The ten commandments are not a form of ______________?
What do the ten commandments produce?
What is true freedom?
the ability to love and serve God unimpeded by sin
Why are the ten commandments to be kept?
Out of a sense of gratitude for God's deliverance and liberation from sin
What is the first commandment?
You shall have no other gods before me
What does it focus on?
the internal worship of God
What does it indicate?
our moral values are dependent and contingent upon what or whom we desire and worship
What is true morality a reflection of?
the will and character of God
What happens when God's morality is rejected?
God must be reinvented
With what commands does the decalogue begin and end?
commands about idolatry
How can we state the first commandment positively?
You shall have me as your God
What can worship of other gods do?
What is the second commandment?
You shall not make for yourself a carved image
What does this commandment focus on?
the external worship of God
What does this commandment indicate?
a true external perception of God is essential for true worship and morality, for one's perception of God will affect one's personal and moral relationship with him
Contact between God and man is __________?
on God's terms and in the way in which he prescribes
What does this commandment indicate?
Any artificially devised representation of God will be deficient
Christians are not to fashion an image of God, but rather _____________?
to worship the God in whose image they are made.
What do attempts to make an image to worship betray?
a fundamental misunderstanding of God
How do we state this commandment positively?
You shall worship me properly in your external worship
It is not enough to worship the correct God, rather _____________?
one must worship the correct God correctly.
What are the common moral and theological issues addressed by the second commandment?
1) idolatry
2) church ordinances
3) church discipline
4) church worship
5) false conceptions of God
What is the third commandment?
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
What does this commandment focus on?
the verbal worship of God
To reject God's name is to what?
commit the unpardonable sin
What does this commandment indicate?
One's use of God's name is a reflection of one's understanding of God
What is the Lord's name equated with in Scripture?
his character
What are the eight areas God's name specifically involves?
1) His authority
2) His protection
3) His glory
4) His holiness
5) His majesty
6) His moral standards
7) His reputation
8) His saving power
How is this command stated positively?
Use God's name properly
What does the third commandment prohibit?
the misuse of God's name
When we pray and conclude with "in Jesus name," what are we declaring?
that we are praying in accord with God's character
What do we do when we pray "in Jesus name" with selfish motives?
we take his name in vain
What is the fourth commandment?
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
What does this commandment focus on?
the temporal worship of God and the temporal rest of man
What is the climax of the creation week?
God's rest
How can the sabbath be seen in natural law?
Men have a desire for regular worship and men have a desire for regular rest
What does resting from work prevent?
Men from making work their ultimate source of security and affording them an opportunity to rely upon and worship God
What does resting from work allow?
Man to enjoy that which has been produced through his work
What does rest from work help to mitigate?
the effects of the fall, which turned into toil, and encourages people to be industrious for six days
What is the first evidence that the Sabbath is always in effect?
God sanctified the Sabbath during the creation week
What is the second evidence?
Cain and Able offered sacrifices "at the end of days"
What is the third evidence?
The seven day week was in effect from creation
What is the fourth evidence?
Job observed a regular time of worship
What is the fifth evidence?
The manna provision included double portions on the Sabbath eve
What is the sixth evidence?
The sabbath is the fourth commandment in the moral law
What is the seventh evidence?
Jesus noted that "the sabbath was made for man"
What is the eighth evidence?
Jesus faithfully kept the sabbath
What is the ninth evidence?
the writer of Hebrews claimed, "there remains therefore a Sabbath for the people of God"
What is the tenth evidence?
the prophets refer to the sabbath in the context of the new heavens and the new earth
The early church moved the Sabbath to what day?
When did all of Jesus' named post-resurrection appearances take place?
When did the Holy Spirit come?
What did Jesus declaring to be Lord of the Sabbath allow him to do?
move the day of sabbath observance
Israel looked forward to the Messiah, hence ______________; Christians look back to the Messiah, hence ______________.
1) they rested on the seventh day
2) they rest on the first day
What is the fifth commandment?
Honor your father and mother
What does this commandment address?
the sanctity of governance
Why is this command placed at the head of the second table of the law?
If one truly understands what it means to submit to authority, as well as what it means to protect and provide for those under one's authority, one will not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, or covet.
What does the Hebrew word translated "honor" denote?
respect as well as submission
What is honor contingent upon?
the position into which the Lord has placed individuals
Who does the governance prescribed in the commandment extend to?
all of human existence
Who are the seven relationships covered by this commandment?
1) God and believer
2) Mankind/created order
3) State and citizen
4) Employer/master and employee/slave
5) Pastor and layman
6) Husband and wife
7) Parent and child
What is the sixth commandment?
You shall not murder
What does this commandment address?
the sanctity of human life
What does the Hebrew translated "murder" refer to?
the unlawful, malicious, taking of human life
How many different Hebrew words communicate the act of killing?
What does "ratsach" exclusively refer to?
the purposeful killing of human beings
What is the possible exception to the term "ratsach"?
Numbers 35:27, 30
How does human life differ from animal life?
man is made in the image of God
What is the substantive view?
the Imago Dei consists in some characteristic possessed by man (physical, mental, or spiritual)
What is the functional view?
The Imago Dei consists in what man does (e.g. create, exercise dominion, etc)
What is the relational view?
the Imago Dei consists in man's ability to interact with others (e.g., God, other image bearers, the environment, etc.)
What is a second way human life differs from animals?
man has an immortal soul
What six things doesn't this commandment prohibit?
1) Killing animals
2) Defending one's home at night
3) Defending oneself
4) Accidental killings
5) Capital punishment
6) Just wars
What was a city of refuge?
The killer in an accidental killing was to flee to the city of refuge and stay their until the death of the high priest
What is the seventh commandment?
You shall not commit adultery
What does this commandment address?
the sanctity of intimacy
What is this akin to?
the Christ/church relationship
How is the husband/wife relationship like a divine covenant?
1) both are permanent
2) violation of the husband/wife relationship metaphorically impacts the integrity of the Christ/church relationship
What is the most fundament human institution?
Adultery is an offense against whom?
all of the faithful parties in a marriage covenant
What is the eighth commandment?
You shall not steal
What does this commandment address?
the sanctity of property
Who does the Bible view as the only true owner of property?
Traditionally, what has this commandment been understood to prohibit?
In the Old Testament, what were the five ways property was kept in check?
1) tithes to support priests, widows, and orphans
2) the reversion of land every 50 years
3) the reversion of most houses every 50 years
4) the cancellation of debts every 7 years
5) other laws to protect the poor such as gleaning rights and interest free loans
What is the ninth commandment?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
What does this commandment address?
the sanctity of truth
What does this commandment explicitly focus on?
bearing truth in a legally binding format, such as in a court of law before a judge, where another's wellbeing is at stake
What is the focus of the commandment upon?
perjury or malicious lying
Does this commandment say, "Always tell the truth"?
Who is the judge before whom Christians are to be truthful?
the Lord
For Christians, what is truth telling predicated upon?
their relationship with the Lord
What is the opposite of God being truth?
God being a liar
In a moral context, what is the opposite of God being truth?
Viewing oneself to be the source of truth
What is it to despise truth?
to despise God
What are the seven biblical examples of commendable non-truth speaking?
1) the Hebrew midwives' lie concerning the birth of male babies
2) Rahab's lie concerning the location of the spies
3) Michal's lie concerning David's whereabouts
4) David's lie concerning his mission
5) Samuel's lie concerning his intentions
6) An angel's lie through false prophets concerning Ahab's victory in warfare
7) Military/warfare related to lies
What are the five biblical example of non-commendable lying?
1) Annanias' and Sapphira's lie concerning their money
2) Cain's lie concerning Abel's death
3) Saul's lie concerning his obedience
4) Gehazi's lie to Elijah concerning his greed
5) Peter's lie concerning his knowledge of Jesus