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15 Cards in this Set

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a group of lines of poetry, usually four or more, arranged according to a fixed plan; verse of a poem. This plan may regulate the number of lines, the meter, the pattern of rhymes, or the words or thoughts: They sang the first and last stanzas of “America.”
the part of a poem or lyric that is usually written on one line; verse of poetry.
a picture formed in the mind; things imagined: a dream’s dim imagery (Shelley).
comparisons, descriptions, and figures of speech that help the mind form forceful or beautiful pictures. Poetry often contains imagery.
the manner of expressing ideas in words; style of speaking or writing. Good diction implies a skillful choice of words accurately used to express clearly the speaker’s or writer’s ideas.
what is suggested in addition to the simple or literal meaning. Example: When Elaine is described in legends about King Arthur as “the lily maid,” the connotation is that she was pale blond in coloring, delicate, sweet, and pure.
the meaning, especially the exact, literal meaning
poetic license
variation from regular usages and facts, such as is allowed in poetry.
two successive lines of poetry, especially two that rhyme and have the same number of feet. Example:
“Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though.”
blank verse
unrhymed poetry having five iambic feet in each line
to sound alike, especially in the last part: “Long” and “song” rhyme. “Go to bed” rhymes with “sleepyhead.”
to make rhymes.
the act of repeating; doing or saying again
the repetition of the same first sound or the same first letter in a group of words of line of poetry. Example: “The sun sank slowly” contains alliteration of s.
an implied comparison between two different things; figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily means one thing is applied to another thing in order to suggest a likeness between the two. Examples: “a copper sky,” “a heart of stone.”
the formation of a name or word by imitating the sound associated with the thing designated, as in buzz, hum, cuckoo, hiss, slap, splash.
a word or phrase so formed.
an exaggerated statement used for effect and not meant to be taken literally. Example: Waves high as mountains broke over the reef.