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103 Cards in this Set

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P=regulate blood pressure
V=regulate blood volue
C=controle composition of blood

3 basic homeostatic mechanisms of the urinary system

1. routine/random
2. clean catch midstream
3. sterile
3 types of urine sample
The amount of urine a body should produce every 24 hours
1500 ml (800 - 1200 ml)
Hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland to tell the kidneys to reabsorb more H2O:
ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)
Needs to be administer slowly; retain solution for 5-10 minutes for cleansing, 30 minutes for a retention:
Age child should have full urinary control of their bladder
3-4 years
An adult receiving a cleansing enema should receive how much fluid
1000 ml
absence of urine; <100mL/day
Stop the flow for a few minutes when the client complains of cramping
Appropriate in the administration of an enema
Basic unit of the renal system is the
Blood in the urine is called
Blood tests for renal funcitons are used to evaluate:
how well the kidneys are working
Diet high in fiber, fluid intake 2500-3000ml day, increases exercise, provide privacy- management of
Bowel training program
Capacity of bladder:
Given to expel flatus:
Carminative enema
Drugs that induce defecation
Certain types of fluids such as alcohol increase fluid output by inhibiting the production of
anti-diurietic hormone
Caffeine products such as coffee, tea & cola drinks also increase _________ production.
CCMS checks for
Cleaning around the urethral orifice regularly helps prevent
Given primarily to prevent escape of feces during surgery, prepares intesting for diagnostic testing, or to remove fecal impactions:
cleansing enema
Will weaken the bowels natural responses, resulting in chronic constipation:
continual use of laxatives
Lower UTI; inflammation of bladder; more common in women or ppl with diabetes
Inflammation of the urinary bladder
Endoscopic test; used for biopsy, removal of calculi, measures bladder capacity, stent placement top complications are 1) infection 2) perforation 3) hematuria
Condition that results in insufficient ADH and a lot of urination
Diabetes insipidus
Blood BUN (blood, urea, nitrogen), creatinine level, electrolytes (salt & potassium) and radiologic:
diagnositc tests for urinary systems
Encourage fluids, bland foods, increase foods with soluble fiber, oatmeal, skinless fruits, and potatoes when you are having this elimination problem:
Difficult painful voiding is called
Discomfort in the pubic area and either an inability to void or frequent voiding of small volumes are clinical signs of
Diseases of the kidney may affect the ability of the nephrons to produce
Abnormal amounts of protein or blood cells may be present in the urine or kidneys may stop producing urine altogether, a condition known as
renal failure
Condition of producing a lot of fluid
Increases urine formation by preventing the absorption of water and electrolytes from the tubules of the kidney into the bloodstream. Commonly prescribed for hypertension and cardiac disease:
Painful or difficulty voiding
Solution introduced into the rectum and large intestine to distend the intestine and irritate the intestinal mucosa:
Involuntary urination in children beyond the age when voluntary control is normal; causes - family hx of , difficult access to toilet facilities or home stresses:
Glycoprotein hormone secreted by kidneys to stimulate RBC production when hypoxia is sensed:
Sphincter normally under voluntary control:
External sphincter
Disease, age, meds, foods, social/cultural factors, surgery, social/cultural issues; these factors affect
Fetus begins to excrete urine between __________ weeks of development.
11th and 12th
Fluids and foods high in sodium can cause fluid retention as water is _______ to maintain the normal concentration of electrolytes.
Common disturbance of urine elimination; voiding at frequent intervals; more often than normal.
These will cause the colonic movement to cease or slow down by blocking parasympathetic stimulation to the muscles of the colon:
general anesththetics
Inflammation of kidney; more frequent in children who have had a recent case of strep throat; MOST COMMON KIDNEY DISEASE
This is important to maintain the stretch and contractibility of the detrusor muscle so the bladder can fill adeqately and empty completely:
good muscle tone
Assists in the bladder emptying
abdominal muscle contraction
Greatest hazard when insufficient water is taken with bulk-producing laxatives containing fibers, seeds, granules is that the drug may obstruct the
During this, the container is held high above the rectum no higher than 18"
high enema
How long are the large intestine in an adult?
125-150cm (50-60 in)
How much fluid does a normal adult require in 24 hours?
2600 ml
H2O accumulates in kidney; urine flow is obstructed and backs up into the kidney; can happen during pregnancy:
Solutions used in disposable enemas are
Fleets enema are what type of solution?
Fleets enema adverse effect
retention of sodium
Tap water is what type of solution?
Tap water enema lowers osmotic pressure could have fluid and electrolyte _________ on the person.
If a client is put onto a cold bedpan, the client will not defecate because the ________ sphincter muscle contracts.
Involunary, unpredictable passage of urine
functional incontinence
Impaired neurologic function can interfere with the normal mechanisms of urine
neurogenic bladder
Involuntary loss of urine occurring at somewhat predictable interval when a specific bladder
reflex incontinence
One experiences a loss of urine of less than 50 ml occurring with increased abdominal pressure ex: sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting
stress incontinence
State of which one experiences a continuous and unpredictable loss of urine
total incontinence
Involuntary passage of urine occurring soon after a strong sense of urgency to void
urge incontinence
Increase in this means urine is more concentrated which may indicate fluid deficit/dehydration; excess solutes such as glucose in the urine
increased specific gravity
Measures accurate urinary output for critically ill patients
indwelling catheter
Irrigating a Foley with NS helps prevent
drainage obstruction
IV radio-opaque dye and series of x-rays of the kidneys
intravenous pylogram
These are caused by dehydration, infection, diet, urinary stasis:
kidney stones/calculi
Kidneys double in size between ages
5 and 10
Kidneys reach maturity between
1st and 2nd year of life
Kidneys, ureters, bladder x-ray
Solution no higher than 12" above the rectum:
low enema
Monitor fluid intake, positioning head of bed elevated to Fowlers position; these measures promote:
normal voiding habits
Anticholinergic, antispasmodics, atropine, belladonna, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, antihypertensives; these medications cause:
Medications that cause urinary retention
Impared neurologic function can interfere with the normal mechanisms of urine elimination
neurogenic bladder
Voiding 2 or more times at night
Introduces oil into the rectum and sigmoid colon, softens feces and lubricates the rectum
Oil retention enema
Constipation is a big problem and need to increase water and fiber in diet; kidney function diminishes, nephrons decrease impairing filter abilities in this population:
older adults
Low amount of urine: 100-400ml/day
Usually lasts 24-48 hours and is caused by direct handling of the intestines which temporarily ceases the intestinal movement:
Paralytic ileus
hereditary fluid filled sacs/cysts; treatement includes controlling BP
Polycystic kidney
Kidney function reaches maturity between
1st and 2nd year
Are able to hold urine beyone the urge to void
18-24 months
A = amount
C = clarity
C = color
C= concentration
O= odor
P= pH
K= ketone
A= 1 1/2 - 2 l/day
C= clear
C= straw, yellow, amber
C= 1.005 - 1.030
O= slightly aromatic
P= 4.8-8 (6 is normal)
G= no
Pt.s who have nausea, cramps, colic, vomiting, or undiagnosed abdominal pain are not recommended to use
Bacterial infection that can either start in the bladder and work up or can enter thru the bloodstream:
Length of the average adult rectum:
10-15 cm (4-6 in)
Limit carbonated beverages, chewing gum, drinking with straws, cabbage, beans, and onions:
reduce flatulence
Involuntary loss of urine occurring at somewhat predictable intervals when a specific bladder volume is reached:
Catheter inserted to femoral artery and ran to renal artery; successive x-rays are taken; assess blood flow to distant too insertion site after procedure and apply pressure to site; diagnostic test to measure profusion of kidneys:
Renal arteriogram
Used to detect renal disease, malignancy and trasnplant status; percutaneous--aided by US thru skin; incisional--surgical incision
renal biopsy
Secreated by kidneys when BP is too low to increase vasoconstriction and reaise BP
Uses cystoscopy to complete an IVP; Dr. puts catheters into ureters and injects dye to assess kidney and ureter funciton
retro-grade pylogram
Serious consequence for the client whose urinary output falls below _____ ml/hr - damage to kidneys:
Voiding small amount frequently, bladder retention, restlessness, NOT hematuria:
signs of urinary retention
Specific gravity of urine is 1.035 means
the urine is concentrated
Spinal cord injuries and head injuries can decrease the sensory stimulation for
The adult urinary bladder holds __________ of urine before the micturation reflex is initiated.
250-450 ml
Toddlers have some control of defecation at age
11.5 -12 months
Urge to void when bladder has
150-200 ml
Urinary output ___________ a day necessary
Emptying bladder is impaired the urine accumulates and the bladder becomes distended
urinary retention