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20 Cards in this Set

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articulation or joint
A place where two bones come together.
The terms used for degree of motion for a joint include:
synarthrosis-nonmovable joint
amphiarthrosis-slighly movable joint
diarthosis-freely movable joint
Define and list examples of:
Fibrous joint
The bones that are united by fibrous tissue and exhibit little or no movement.
Sutures between the skull, between tooth and skull, and the distal end of the ulna and radius.
Define and list examples of:
Cartilaginous Joints
Two bones united by cartilage. Only slight movement can ocur at these joints.
Ribs and sternum.
Synovial Joint
Freely movable joints that contain synovial fluid in a cavity surrounding the end of articulating bones.
Most joints of the appendicular skeleton are large, synovial joints, whereas many of the joints that unite the bones to the axial skeleton are not.
List the type of joint and some examples
Plane Joint

Between ribs and vertebrae
Between carpals, metatarsals, tarsals
Between sacrum and sacrum
List name of joint and some examples
Saddle joint

carpal and metacarpal of thumb
between carpals
between sternum and clavicle
List name of joint and some examples
Hinge Joint

Humerus, ulna, and radius
femur and tibia
between phalanges
talus, tibia, and fibula
List name of joint and some examples
Pivot joint

Atlas and axis
Radius and ulna
List name of joint and some examples

Coxa and femur
Scapula and humerus
List name of joint and some examples
Ellipsoid Joint

atlas and occipital bone
metacarpals/tarsals and phalanges
radius and carpals
mandible and temporal bone
Movement away from the median or midsagittal plane
The movement toward the median plane.
Pronation and supination
The elbow flexed at a 90-degree angle. Pronation is rotation of the forearm so that the palm is down, and supination is rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces up.
Turning the foot so that the plantar surface faces laterally
Turning the foot so that the plantar surface faces medially.
protraction and retraction
Protraction is a movement in which a structure, such as a mandible, glides anteriorly. In retraction, the structure glides posteriorly.
The movement of a structure to one side or the other, such as in moving the mandible from side to side.
movement anterior to coronal plane.
movement posterior to the coronal plane.