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50 Cards in this Set

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woman desire emotional influence and connection from relationships

men desire respect and admiration

what is the basis of getting out needs met in marriage

God is the basis

differences in temperament are present at which stage of life


temperamental differences

influences how children behave toward individuals and objectives in their environment

3 primary differences that lead to difficulty in relationships

background, gender, and personality

temperament refers to the_____ of behavior rather than the what and _____

how, why

how do you express love to God?

listen to God's voice, hold fast to God, obey God's commands and teachings


the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people

what is necessary to loving others well?

being honest with ourselves and others

reasons we have difficulty in relationships

we create a fantasy person in our minds,

we want to be the fantasy person for the other person,

we act like we have it all together

what environmental factors and background can influence your personality

culture, birth order, family values, trauma, major events

moral structures that can influence your character

choices, relationships, church life, family values, relationship with God

when someone deals with a lack of relatedness what can it lead to?

loneliness and depression

deep longings

an intense desire that cannot be dismissed as an emotional reaction to a circumstance

evaluative thinking

both God and man think and they arrive at conclusions that determine their intentions

active choosing

both God and man can choose particular goals to pursue, and they can choose specific actions designed to reach those goals

emotional experiencing

John 11 Jesus felt sad when his friend Lazarus died, and John 2 Jesus was angry with the moneychangers

with regard to personality development, temperament refers to _______

the how of behavior

temperamental differences

they are present at birth, they influence how environments impact children, they influence how children behave toward individuals and objects in their environment

easy babys

normal sleeping and eating patterns, adapts well to new situations, generally in a good mood

slow to warm up babys

adjust to new situations over time

character based

moral structure that influences many facets of our lives

John 14, loving God is


soft startup

a key to effective problem solving is the ability to make a complaint properly

primary differences that lead to difficulty in relationships

personality, gender, background

an important key in having relationship

to accept responsibility and realize that we make mistakes too

communal relationships can meet what needs?

monitor and track each others needs, provide help when the other is distressed, resist keeping score in the relationship


refers to how long it takes a child to adjust to change over time


the result of a lack of close intimate relationship

satisfying relatedness leads to...

vitality and well being

exhange realtionships


John 13, Jesus' example to us

washing the disciples feet


shows the world that we are Jesus' disciples


made up of temperament, background, personality


a moral structure that influences choices, relationships, church life, family values, and other aspects of a person


refers to the energy level of a positive and negative response


refers to the child's length of time on a tack and the ability to stay with the task through frustration

central task of leadership

influencing God's people for God's purpose

3 ways leaders gain influence

position, power, personality

most important thing a man can do when he is in conflict with a woman

accept her influence


acts and then (maybe) reflects

sensing vs. intuitive

parts and pieces vs. patterns and relationships


a lifestyle is decisive, planned, and orderly

lack of impact

why men find it hard to fail


the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character


percentage of all problems can be solved in a marriage

a love relationship with God is....

real and personal

God speaks through....

Bible, prayer, circumstances

stress response

epinephrine and glucocoricoids are the backbones

reward for obeying God

God reveling Himself to you