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14 Cards in this Set

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Juniperus virginiana
Base Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Anti-infectious - helps the body strengthen immunity and throw off the illness
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue/ bacteriostatic (inhibits)
◾ Diuretic - decongesting for lymph and veins
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Insecticide - insect repellent
◾ Mucolytic - breaks down mucus (pulmonary)
◾ CNS tonic, sedative
◾ Tonifying to the veins and lymph

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Increases strength and endurance during difficult times
◾ Encourages the ability to hold steady and persevere
◾ Supports confidence in challenging situations
◾ Grounding

No safety issues specific to this oil. Many sources tell us to avoid Cedarwood oil during pregnancy. There is no research to support this claim with Juniperus virginiana. The existing uncertainty may be due in part to the many different types of Cedarwood oils.
Chamomile, Roman
Chamaemelum nobile
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic (strong) - relieves spasms and cramps. Analgesic.
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation
◾ Sedative for nervous, respiratory, digestive systems
◾ Tonic for nervous, respiratory, digestive systems

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Calms, soothes, and sedates
◾ Reduces anxiety, worry, and over-thinking
◾ Assists those who are sensitive or feel misunderstood
◾ Harmonizes

No safety issues specific to this oil.
Lavender angustifolia
Lavandula angustifolia
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation, cooling
◾ Antirheumatic - prevents and/or relieves rheumatic pain and swelling
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Antiviral
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Antinfectious
◾ Cicatrisant - cell-regenerative for skin, healing for scars
◾ Decongestant
◾ Deodorant
◾ Tonic

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Calms, soothes, nurtures
◾ Encourages balances in all body systems
◾ Reduces anxiety and fear
◾ Helps calm and control panic attacks

No safety issues specific to this oil.
Citrus aurantifolia
Top Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Anti-infectious - helps the body strengthen its own resistance to infective organisms and throw off the illness
◾ Antiviral - destructive to viruses
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Digestive tonic
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Lymphatic stimulant

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Refreshes and uplifts
◾ Eases anxiety and fear
◾ Brings sunshine and light to fight feelings of depression

It is considered best to buy citrus oils that are from organically grown fruit as citrus trees can be heavily sprayed with pesticides. Cold pressed Lime is considered Phototoxic. This lime is distilled and isn't phototoxic.
Citrus sinensis
Top Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Antiviral
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Carminative - settles digestion and may assist in preventing gas
◾ Digestive system tonic/stimulant
◾ Sedative
◾ Stomachic - stimulates the stomach

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Unblocks and circulates stagnant energy
◾ Soothes the perfectionist who can't tolerate mistakes
◾ Calms those reluctant to ask others for help
◾ Combats pessimism

May cause skin irritation. Use in low dilution (1%, 5-6 drops per ounce of carrier) when applying to the skin, such as in bath or massage oils. Older, oxidized oils increase potential for skin irritation. Best to buy citrus oils that are from organically grown fruit as citrus trees can be heavily sprayed.
Mentha piperita
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain, antifungal, anti-infectious
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Carminative/tonic - settles digestion and may assist in preventing gas
◾ Cooling - reduces itching
◾ Febrifuge - reduces fever
◾ Decongestant
◾ Expectorant
◾ Immune stimulant
◾ Protects the liver

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Clears energy
◾ Uplifts and stimulates to the mind to combat fatigue
◾ Awakens, refreshes
◾ Stimulates digestion of new ideas and creativity
◾ Supports self confidence

May antidote homeopathic remedies. May cause skin irritation. Use in low dilution (1%) when applying to the skin. Avoid using Peppermint with children under 5 years; it's too strong. May be more therapeutically effective in small doses. I don't recommend adding it to a full body bath since it can easily be skin irritating, causing a burning sensation and reddening of your skin.
Cinnamomun camphora
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Anti-infectious - protects against infection
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Immune stimulant - stimulates functioning of immune system

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Soothes anxiety and stress
◾ Relieves depression
◾ Reduces fear
◾ Supports self confidence

If oxidized, it may cause irritation or sensitization. It may antidote homeopathic remedies. It is too strong to use with babies or children under five years old on their faces or in a steam. Care must be taken when using with asthmatics.
Aniba rosaeodora
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antidepressant/uplifting
◾ Analgesic
◾ Anti-inflammatory - reduce inflammation
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Anti fungal - inhibits growth of fungus (Candida, athlete's foot)
◾ Antispasmodic
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Cephalic - remedy for the head (in this case, clears the head)
◾ Immune support - stimulates functioning of immune system
◾ Sedative
◾ Tonic - strengthens and restores vitality
◾ Nourishing for the skin

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Assists meditation
◾ Helps prepare for any spiritual healing
◾ Calms to the nerves
◾ Acts as an antidepressant

No safety issues specific to this oil.
Vetiveria zizanoides
Base Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antifungal - inhibits growth of fungus
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Cooling
◾ Grounding
◾ Immune stimulant - stimulates functioning of immune system
◾ Nervine - supports the nervous system: strengthens, restores, eases
◾ Sedative - reduces activity, calming (insomnia)
◾ Tonic - strengthens and restores vitality

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Connects one with the earth and earth energies
◾ Grounds and protects
◾ Sedates and restores
◾ Connects one with oneself

No safety issues specific to this oil.
Ylang Ylang
Cananga odorata
Base Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Cooling -will cool a hot, inflamed area
◾ Nervine - supports the nervous system: strengthens, restores, eases
◾ Sedative - reduces activity, calming
◾ Tonic - strengthens and restores vitality
◾ Hypotensive - lowers high blood pressure

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Relaxes
◾ Encourages feelings of euphoria
◾ Helps one to experience pleasure and joy
◾ Promotes sensual awakening

May cause skin irritation. May be sensitizing. Use in low dilution when applying to the skin, such as in bath or massage oils. Do not use on inflamed skin or on dermatitis. Do not use with someone who has low blood pressure as it is used to lower blood pressure (and tachycardia).
Dilution Ratios
1 oz
1% = 5-6 drops
2% = 10-12 drops
3% = 15-18 drops
Dilution Ratios
2 oz
1% = 10-12 drops
2% = 20-24 drops
3% = 30-36 drops
When to use each dilution...
1% Dilution — Use for children under 12, and seniors over 65, pregnant women and people with long-term illnesses or immune systems disorders. A 1% dilution is also a good place to start with individuals who are generally sensitive to fragrances, chemicals or other environmental pollutants.

2% Dilution — Use for general health supporting blends such as skin care, natural perfumes, bath oils or for blends you like to use everyday.

3% Dilution — Use this dilution when creating a blend to address a specific, acute health concern, such as pain relief or getting through a cold or flu.
Which oil should not be used in bath blends?
Do not use Peppermint, Mentha piperita, in your bath as it may cause skin irritation even if blended into a carrier first. Use any of the other nine essential oils covered in the Beginner's Introduction to Essential Oils - Aromahead Institute.