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40 Cards in this Set

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Bronze Age (historical period)
3600-1200 BCE
Archaic Greece (historical period)
800-500 BCE
Homeric poems written down
750-725 BCE
Iliad and Odyssey take their final written form after centuries of development as oral literature
Classical Greece (historical period)
500-323 BCE
Persian Wars
490-479 BCE
Greeks vs. Persians
Peloponnesian War
431-404 BCE
Athens vs. Sparta
Death of Socrates
399 BCE
Battle of Chaeronea
338 BCE
Macedonians triumph over independent Greek city-states
Death of Alexander the Great
323 BCE
Also: End of classical Greece / Beginning of Hellenistic period
Hellenistic Period
323-31 BCE
Conventionally dated from the death of Alexander to the victory of Augustus at Actium
Founding of Rome (traditional date)
753 BCE
Roman Republic (historical period)
509-31 BCE
Assassination of Julius Caesar
44 BCE
Roman Empire (historical period)
31 BCE-476 CE
Strictly the latter date refers only the end of the Roman empire in the west
Battle of Actium
31 BCE
Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) defeats Mark Antony and gains sole power
Reign of Augustus (first Roman emperor)
31 BCE-14 CE
Death of Jesus
33 (30-36) CE
Precise date uncertain
Battle of Milvian Bridge
312 CE
Also: Conventional date of Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity
Council of Nicaea
325 CE
First ecumenical council of Christian Church
Fall of Roman Empire (traditional date)
476 CE
Deposition of Romulus Augustulus, the last (western) Roman emperor
Early Middle Ages (historical period)
500-1000 CE
St. Benedict founds monastery of Monte Cassino
530 CE
Origins of the Benedictines, most important monastic order in western history
Hijra (Hegira)
622 CE
The prophet Muhammad emigrates from Mecca to Medina
Coronation of Charlemagne
800 CE
King of the Franks crowned "emperor of the Romans" by Pope Leo III
High Middle Ages (historical period)
1000-1250 CE
Also known as the "Central Middle Ages"
Investiture Conflict
1075-1122 CE
Showdown between the papacy and Holy Roman Emperors
First Crusade
1096-1099 CE
The one that successfully recaptured Jerusalem in 1099
Death of St. Francis of Assisi
1226 CE
Later Middle Ages (historical period)
1250-1500 CE
Note substantial overlap with the period of the Renaissance
Hundred Years War
1337-1453 CE
France vs. England
Black Death
1348-1350 CE
Pandemic,bubonic plague, peaked 1348–1350
Italian Renaissance
1350-1550 CE
Turkish conquest of Constantinople
1453 CE
Also: End of Byzantium, the eastern Roman Empire
Gutenberg's Bible
1450 CE
Also: Gutenberg's printing press
Martin Luther's 95 theses
1517 CE
Also: Beginning of Protestant Reformation
Magellan's crew circumnavigates the globe
1519-1522 CE
Copernicus and heliocentrism
1543 CE
Publication of The Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres (book)
Council of Trent
1545-1563 CE
Major council of Catholic Counter-Reformation
Thirty Years War
1618-1648 CE
Virtually all the great powers of Europe
Peace of Westphalia
1648 CE
Series of treaties ending the Thirty Years War