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10 Cards in this Set

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What were the goals and methods of Argentine military
Goals: stop fall, of the country, staty in power & stop communism
-create a culture of fear
-Stop insurgents & communists

depoliticize society
outlawed political parties not 100% behind military
-universities censored &repressed
-press highly politicized
-despracaidos ? disappeared
-World Cup darlings
-Congress closed
How has the United Sates exerted and maintained its dominance in central America
Panama: helped them fight Colombia for independence in exchange for the Canal zone until 2000
-tried to influence political parties in CA
-occupied Nic, Haiti, DR at one point
-marines remained in Nic. 1912-33
-Economic imbalance meant they would follow US lead
-Platt amendment
-Big Stick Diplomacy vs. Good neighbor Policy
-El Salvador > trained army & funded
-Nic. > Funded & trained contras
-Trade Embargo on Nic. (1985) & Cuba (1960)
-Guat. made overthrow of Arbenz (1954)
-Bay of Pigs (1961)
-Alliance for Progress
How has the US respond to revolutions in Latin American?
-back the military > funds & training
-Ex. El Salvador, Nic., Cuba, Guat.
Anyone seen as communist is evil > as long as anti-communist in power they don't care
-Fear the spread of communism in its own backyard
-got involved > big Stick & then GNP
How has the US responded to revolutions in Latin America? Why?
-Nationalization: more equal land distribution, more equality of wealth (success)
-Agranian reform> failure & success > more even land distribution but working class wanted better wages & jobs
-literacy brigades> success > edu. became more available & free, doctors prominent
-Basic needs approach > S & F > lower infant mortality rate than Am. & higher life span (during special period couldn't meet them)
-Alliance w/ USSR > S & F > during the height they traded surgar for oil but during the special period they were abandoned & poor (GDP low
-Universal health care > S
What is Liberation Theology and what is its importance to Latin America
Movement in the church
-ideas promoted by some priests
-applied to LA b/c the church & members should be fighting for liberation from ills that affect them
-Structural sin
-Institutional violence
-Church calling for change > generational
-important b/c LA was very poor > in a revolution & this applied to them & also religious
Why did the US overthrow Jacobo Arbenz?
-Oligarchy disliked him
-introduced "radical" or offensive policies like argranian reform
-Land census of 1951/decree 900
-Guat. oligarchy was angry & called him communist
-any slight indication of Communism & they wanted him gone
Why did the Cuban Revolution become radicalized (i.e. Marxist & Pro-Soviet)?
Feudalism> capitalism > socialism
-means of production > private vs. state owned
-man of the people > had to benefit everyone by land reform & nationalization
-US tried to instruct him pushing Castro to the USSR
-Bay of Pigs put him in fear of US invasion so he became more authoritanian
What was the impact of the Cuban Revolution on Latin American politics outside of Cuba?
Saw Cuban rev. and follow suit
-FSLN in Nic. & FMLN in Salvador made rev. armies like Che and Castro
Am. more aggressive militant more gov. and aggressive
In Nic. The ortegas multi-cross gov. & aggressive
Why were lengthy military dictatorships so prevalent in the 1960s through the 1980s
-Usually military quickly put back Civilian rule but didn't this time
America's GNP stressed stability & pro-American
-Didn't want a war with America so they provided the stability
-Had support in funding from AM.
-Saw themselves as a final wall against their country falling
-New idealogoies & funds > they thought they had to stay in power & stop communism
Civil wars all over the continet
Why have Latin American reformists and revolutionaries tended to be anti-American
Americans funded the military who killed thousands
-hypocritical > wanted to stop communism for killing but they were supporting killers trained battalions like Atlacatl who killed them
-covered up human right violations

army as Pro-Am so they were different
yankee imperialism
invaded & ruined countries
School of the Americas