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19 Cards in this Set

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Your best friend just baked you a cake. Como Estas?
Estoy allegre. (I'm Happy!)
You ate cake way to fast. Como Estas?
Estoy enferma. (I'm sick.)
You just won a giant cookie. Como Estas?
Estoy de buen humor. (I'm in a good mood.)
Your sister stole your cookie. Como Estas?
Estoy furiosa. (I'm furious.)
Your dog ran away. Como Estas?
Estoy triste. (I'm sad.)
You had to haven't slept for three days. Como estas?
Estoy cansada. (I'm tired.)
You didn't wake up in time for lunch. Como estas?
Estoy de mal humor. (I'm in a bad mood.)
1. You lost your mom's iPod and are scared she'll be really mad. Como estas?
2. You found the iPod in your backpack. Como estas?
1. Estoy nerviosa. (I'm nervous.)
2. Estoy tranquilo. (I'm relieved.)
Your teacher has been talking forever. Como estas?
Estoy aburrida. (I'm bored.)
1. You saw talked to this really cute guy during lunch and you really like him. Como estas?
2. You can't stop thinking about this guy. Como estas?
1. Estoy enamorada. (I'm in love.)
2. Estoy preocupada. (I'm preoccupied.)
Translate: Me gusta hablar espanol.
I like to speak Spanish.
Translate: Es importante darme el dinero porque quiero comprar un Es facil aprendertelevision.
It's important to give me the money because i want to buy a television.
Translate: Es posible ayudarme aqui.
It's possible to help me over here.
Translate: Favor de estudiar conmigo.
Please study with me.
Translate: Es facil hablar ingles pero tengo que aprendar espanol.
It's easy to speak English but i have to learn Spanish.
Translate: Podria mirarlo?
Could you look at it?
Translate: Quiero comer la silla pero no puedo. Voy a practicar alli.
I want to eat the chair but I cant. I'm going to practice over there.
Translate: Me gustaria ver el periodico porque quiero leerlo.
I would like to see the newspaper because I want to read it.
Translate: Me gustaria limpiar el garaje con la escoba.
I want to clean the garage with the broom.