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99 Cards in this Set

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ESP Chapter 6. Three of your most important tasks as a supervisor are to ____, ____, and ____ employees assigned to your area.
A. select, orient, and train
B. choose, assign, and monitor
C. select, assign, and monitor
D. choose, orient, and train
Answer: select, orient and train
ESP Chapter 6. It is the job of ____ to screen job applicants.
A. human resources
B. supervisors
C. department heads
D. the training department
Answer: human resources
ESP Chapter 6. It is the ____ job to furnish a current, accurate description for each job to be filled.
A. human resources’
B. department head’s
C. supervisor’s
D. training department’s
Answer: supervisor’s
ESP Chapter 6. An accurate description of each job helps the organization comply with the ____.
A. Family Medical Leave Act
B. American’s with Disabilities Act
C. Disabled American’s Act
D. Equal Opportunity Employment Act
Answer: American’s with Disabilities Act
ESP Chapter 6. One reason to conduct a good interview is that you are not only interviewing, you are being ____.
A. judged
B. evaluated
C. interviewed
D. critiqued
Answer: interviewed
ESP Chapter 6. When preparing for the interview, the supervisor should collect and review the available information and gather his or her ____.
A. thoughts
B. opinions
C. facts
D. beliefs
Answer: thoughts
ESP Chapter 6. ____ guidelines say specifically that you must not disqualify a person because of race, sex, age, religion, nationality, disability or other personal characteristics that have nothing to do with the person’s ability to handle the job.
A. Equal employment
B. Standardized employment
C. Minority employment
D. Disability employment
Answer: Equal employment
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. You are allowed to ask questions about marital status, children, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or religion.
A. True
B. False
Answer: False. You are not allowed to.
ESP Chapter 6. When interviewing the applicant, you should put the applicant (and yoursel
F. ____.
A. in control
B. at ease
C. in close proximity
D. far apart from one another
Answer: at ease
ESP Chapter 6. One way to put the applicant at ease is to use the person’s ____.
A. personal history
B. educational history
C. employment history
D. name
Answer: name
ESP Chapter 6. When interviewing the applicant, you should phrase questions so that they will give you the information you need by asking ____ questions.
A. simple
B. complex
C. open-ended
D. close-ended
Answer: open-ended
ESP Chapter 6. When interviewing the applicant, you should listen carefully, hearing everything that is said as well as hearing ____,
A. how it is said
B. when it is said
C. about whom it is said
D. in what context it is said
Answer: how it is said
ESP Chapter 6. When interviewing the applicant, you should give applicants a chance to ask questions about ____.
A. the job
B. yourself
C. the company
D. your personal life
Answer: the job
ESP Chapter 6. You can tell a lot about people by ____.
A. the way they carry themselves
B. the questions they ask
C. their past work experience
D. their past life experiences
Answer: the questions they ask
ESP Chapter 6. After interviewing the applicant, you should ____ your observations promptly after the interview.
A. discuss
B. write down
C. share
D. disregard
Answer: write down
ESP Chapter 6. The effective supervisor follows ____ guidelines when asking interview questions.
A. personal
B. departmental
C. strict
D. legal
Answer: legal
ESP Chapter 6. The effective supervisor exercises good ____ when asking interview questions.
A. judgment
B. restraint
C. politics
D. grammar
Answer: judgment
ESP Chapter 6. The effective supervisor is always ____ and ____ when asking interview questions.
A. prompt and on time
B. fair and consistent
C. wise and knowledgeable
D. evaluating and documenting
Answer: fair and consistent
ESP Chapter 6. It is important to use a,an ____ approach to screen and interview applicants.
A. team
B. fair
C. consistent
D. individual
Answer: team
ESP Chapter 6. A,an ____ develops a comprehensive list of the most important qualifications and characteristics a person should have for the position.
A. screening committee
B. peer review committee
C. evaluation committee
D. qualifications committee
Answer: screening committee
ESP Chapter 6. ____ and ____ are often used when there are a large number of applicants.
A. Assessment centers and performance examinations
B. Assessment centers and peer evaluations
C. Performance examinations and peer evaluations
D. Performance examinations and background checks
Answer: Assessment centers and performance examinations
ESP Chapter 6. The ____ examination is the most beneficial tool if the position requires the operation of equipment or machines.
A. physical
B. performance
C. educational
D. technical
Answer: performance
ESP Chapter 6. ____ centers allow candidates to provide examples of how they perform in work related situations.
A. Training
B. Evaluation
C. Assessment
D. Qualification
Answer: Assessment
ESP Chapter 6. A new arrival who is properly ____ is much more likely to become a productive employee.
A. oriented
B. educated
C. instructed
D. critiqued
Answer: oriented
ESP Chapter 6. The four main ingredients of a job orientation program include all of the following except ____.
A. making the new employee feel welcome
B. discussing benefits and salary
C. explaining and informing
D. setting a check-back system
Answer: discussing benefits and salary
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. As the supervisor, it is your responsibility to ensure that the employee is off to a good start.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 6. The first ____ is critical.
A. week
B. day
C. hour
D. month
Answer: day
ESP Chapter 6. He or she will feel motivated and happy to be working with you if they feel ____.
A. well compensated
B. well rested
C. welcomed
D. mentored
Answer: welcomed
ESP Chapter 6. If the new employee is ____, they may become dispirited or even antagonistic.
A. shy
B. overworked
C. underpaid
D. neglected
Answer: neglected
ESP Chapter 6. One of the first things you should do is provide the employee with a,an ____, and introduce him or her to the rest of the staff.
A. personal area
B. assignment
C. nickname
D. summary of benefits
Answer: personal area
ESP Chapter 6. It is important to have a,an ____ worker spend the next few days with the new employee.
A. younger
B. seasoned
C. productive
D. same-sex
Answer: seasoned
ESP Chapter 6. It is important to make sure the employee receives concise and clear information about the new work ____.
A. situation
B. goals
C. hours
D. benefits
Answer: situation
ESP Chapter 6. It is important to discuss what you ____ the employee and what the employee expects from the job.
A. think about
B. expect from
C. like about
D. dislike about
Answer: expect from
ESP Chapter 6. ____ feedback is essential in reinforcing your expectations.
A. positive
B. negative
C. decisive
D. quality
Answer: positive
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. New employees needs to know where things are, how things are done and who does what.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 6. The first work assignment should be ____, but useful.
A. complex
B. simple
C. easy
D. hard
Answer: simple
ESP Chapter 6. For the first ____ to ____ months, the person on a new job is under some pressure.
A. 1-2
B. 3-6
C. 7-9
D. 10-12
Answer: 3-6
ESP Chapter 6. An understanding and supportive supervisor will use a ____ system to help new employees get adjusted.
A. check-up
B. check-out
C. check-back
D. check-with
Answer: check-back
ESP Chapter 6. An understanding and supportive supervisor will set aside time at the end of the first day and the first week, then monthly for the first six months. This helps keep employee ____ high.
A. expectations
B. morale
C. needs
D. desires
Answer: morale
ESP Chapter 6. It is more important that it has been in the past to have a ____ program.
A. training
B. evaluation
C. discipline
D. deferred compensation
Answer: training
ESP Chapter 6. You can create a climate for learning by endorsing ____ activities, encouraging employees to take advantage of them, and helping employees to grow on the job.
A. extra-duty
B. training
C. educational
D. relaxing
Answer: training
ESP Chapter 6. ____ will always be a significant part of an employee’s job.
A. Training
B. Salary
C. Benefits
D. Morale
Answer: Training
ESP Chapter 6. On-the-job training provides the employee with information on how to do the work and the way the ____ wants it done.
A. supervisor
B. specialist
C. expert
D. organization
Answer: D. organization
ESP Chapter 6. ____ training gives all employees a chance to find out whether they are doing their job correctly.
A. Employee
B. On-the-job
C. Technical
D. Academic
Answer: On-the-job
ESP Chapter 6. On-the-job training gives all employees a chance to learn new and better ways of ____.
A. doing their jobs
B. increasing their pay
C. qualifying for a new position
D. making their jobs easier
Answer: doing their jobs
ESP Chapter 6. On-the-job training gives all employees a chance to grow on the job by learning new skills and taking on added ____ which may translate into promotions and salary increases.
A. tasks
B. responsibilities
C. hours
D. incentives
Answer: responsibilities
ESP Chapter 6. When planning a training program, it is important to remember that you are designing it for a group of ____.
A. specialists
B. supervisors
C. experts
D. adults
Answer: adults
ESP Chapter 6. We learn by presenting material in a way that appeals to all ____.
A. learning styles
B. cultures
C. ethnicities
D. ages
Answer: learning styles
ESP Chapter 6. We learn through all of the following methods except ____.
A. abstract conceptualization
B. active experimentation
C. traditional reflective classroom environment
D. leadership transference
E. concrete experience
Answer: leadership transference
ESP Chapter 6. We learn best by ____.
A. seeing
B. feeling
C. hearing
D. doing
Answer: doing
ESP Chapter 6. Studies have shown it is important to present information so that both the ____ and ____ sides of the brain are stimulated, making it possible learn and retain more information.
A. left and right
B. front and back
C. left and frontal
D. right and rear
Answer: left and right
ESP Chapter 6. Training sessions should appeal to participants’ ____.
A. interests
B. emotions
C. senses
D. background
Answer: senses
ESP Chapter 6. All of the following appeal to participants’ senses except ____.
A. hearing words
B. seeing words, charts, pictures, and demonstrations
C. doing things
D. feeling involved
Answer: feeling involved
ESP Chapter 6. Specialized job instruction might be more effective in small groups of ____ or ____, allowing for an informal flow of questions, answers, and discussion.
A. 10-12
B. 8-10
C. 6-8
D. 2-3
Answer: 2-3
ESP Chapter 6. Larger groups of up to ____ will provide participants with an opportunity to interact with others who have a variety of backgrounds and experiences.
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
Answer: 20
ESP Chapter 6. Adults learn best when they are involved in a ____.
A. group
B. class
C. process
D. function
Answer: C. process
ESP Chapter 6. Adults should be given information over time. ____ sessions would be better than ____ sessions
A. weekly 1-hour, monthly 4-hour
B. monthly 4-hour, weekly 1-hour
C. weekly 4-hour, monthly 1-hour
D. monthly 1-hour, weekly 4-hour
Answer: weekly 1-hour, monthly 4-hour
ESP Chapter 6. Training sessions should be scheduled so as not to conflict with work schedules or planned ____.
A. assignments
B. vacations
C. operations
D. extra-duty
Answer: vacations
ESP Chapter 6. Instruction should follow a,an ____ pattern.
A. timed
B. necessary
C. logical
D. educational
Answer: logical
ESP Chapter 6. Steps should be taught in the order in which they ____.
A. appear in the planning phase
B. correspond to goals
C. correspond to institutional needs
D. are actually done on the job
Answer: are actually done on the job
ESP Chapter 6. Training should progress from the ____ idea to the ____.
A. most difficult to the easiest
B. first to the last
C. easiest to the most difficult
D. last to the first
Answer: easiest to the most difficult
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. It is not beneficial to give reasons why each task is done.
A. True
B. False
Answer: False
ESP Chapter 6. Employees will remember how the work is done if they know ____ it is done.
A. by whom
B. where
C. when
D. why
Answer: why
ESP Chapter 6. Students must have a chance to practice, if they are given no time to practice, ____ of the instruction is forgotten after one hour, ____ after one day and ____ after one week.
A. most, half, all
B. 50%, 60%, 70%
C. 60%, 70%, 80%
D. 55%, 65%, 75%
Answer: 55%, 65%, 75%
ESP Chapter 6. Adults learn best if they are ____.
A. at ease
B. older adults
C. younger adults
D. assisted in the work
Answer: at ease
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. It is important to create an atmosphere in which everyone is free to make mistakes without feeling embarrassed.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 6. It is important to hold training sessions in a place that has a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere, away from ____.
A. anything familiar
B. anything unfamiliar
C. home
D. the everyday work area
Answer: the everyday work area
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. The training session should be held in a well-ventilated place with comfortable chairs, and adequate lighting.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 6. People typically learn at a ____ pace.
A. slow
B. quick
C. steady
D. snails
Answer: steady
ESP Chapter 6. When evaluating the training program, try to measure what ____ it had.
A. effect
B. turnout
C. positive feedback
D. negative feedback
Answer: effect
ESP Chapter 6. True or False. If the instruction did not accomplish all it was designed to do, you should try to find out what went wrong so that the next program can be planned more successfully.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 6. ____ are most valuable resource.
A. trainers
B. supervisors
C. managers
D. employees
Answer: employees
ESP Chapter 6. The Americans with Disability Act requires employers to ? p62
A. treat the disabled like a friend not an enemy
B. ensure that job descriptions contain accurate information , concerning the job
C. when interviewing a disabled employee, make eye contact
D. have personal knowledge of the employees disability documented in a file
Answer: ensure that job descriptions contain accurate information , concerning the job
ESP Chapter 6. Three of your most important tasks as a supervisor are ____,____and____ the people assigned to your job area.
A. Selecting, evaluating, training
B. Recruiting, selecting, training
C. Selecting, orienting, training
D. Recruiting, orienting, training
Answer: Selecting, orienting, training
ESP Chapter 6. In most jurisdictions, the ____ screens job applicants. pg 62
A. Personnel
B. Human Resources Department
C. Management
D. Supervisor
Answer: Human Resources Department
ESP Chapter 6. A reason to conduct a good interview : you are not only interviewing, you are ____.pg62
A. leaving an impression
B. being asked question
C. showing who is the boss
D. being interviewed
Answer: being interviewed
ESP Chapter 6. Your interview will be the applicant's first contact with his or her ____ and first impressions should be a ____ one?pg 62
A. new supervisor , good one
B. new employee , great one
C. new organization , lasting one
D. work place , lasting one
Answer: new supervisor , good one
ESP Chapter 6. Equal employment guidelines say specifically that you must not disqualify a person because of____. pg 64
A. race, sex and religion.
B. nationality and disability.
C. personal characteristics that have nothing to do with the person’s ability to handle the job.
D. all of the above
Answer: all of the above
ESP Chapter 6. If you can examine your ____ in advance, you can stop yourself from making an unfair and perhaps illegal- employment decision. pg 64
A. personal beliefs
B. personal biases
C. prejudices
D. attitude
Answer: personal biases
ESP Chapter 6. Who should you consult in your organization for guidance about the criteria for screening and questions to be asked during an interview? (choose wrong answer) pg 64
A. Human Resource Office (HR)
B. Department Head
C. Equal Opportunity Officer
D. Legal Department
Answer: Department Head
ESP Chapter 6. Ways to make your interview more successful include? p64
A. put the applicant and yourself at ease
B. listen carefully and write down your observation promptly after the interview
C. phrase questions that are often difficult to answer
D. both A and B
Answer: both A and B
ESP Chapter 6. Knowing that people learn in different ways can help you to present material in a way that fits employees____ ?P 70 caption
A. learning styles
B. conceptual styles
C. traditional learning
D. learning concepts
Answer: learning styles
ESP Chapter 6. The first work assignment for the new employee should be a ____ but the work should be ____? p67
A. tasking, useful
B. useful one,simple one
C. useful, not to easy
D. simple one , useful
Answer: simple one , useful
ESP Chapter 6. After the training program has been completed, it is important to try to ____ what effect it has had.72
A. evaluate
B. document
C. measure
D. assess
Answer: measure
ESP Chapter 6.. Employees will remember ____ something is done if they know ____ it is done.
A. why, how
B. how, where
C. why, where
D. how, why
Answer: how, why
ESP Chapter 6.. Adults learn best when they are ____ the process. pg 70
A. part of
B. involved in
C. included in
D. instrumental in
Answer: involved in
ESP Chapter 6. Supervisors can spend more time planning ahead and preventing problems if routine work is handled by ____, ____ employees. p68
A. reliable, seasoned
B. capable, well-trained
C. reliable, capable
D. skilled, well-trained
Answer: capable, well-trained
ESP Chapter 6.. When orienting new employees, you should follow several steps (which is not a step) pg 67
A. Introduce new employees to everyone they will come into contact with during the first week.
B. Explain reports and important forms that are completed routinely.
C. Set up a training program.
D. Give the new employee a tour of the work area.
Answer: Set up a training program.
ESP Chapter 6. When interviewing the applicant you should ____ p 64
A. create a formal atmosphere
B. sit behind a desk or table facing each other
C. create an informal atmosphere
D. ask direct questions that can be answered with a yes or no
Answer: create an informal atmosphere
ESP Chapter 6. A(n) ____ supervisor follows legal guidelines, exercises good judgment, and is fair and consistent when asking interview questions. pg 65
A. good
B. fair
C. knowledgable
D. effective
Answer: effective
ESP Chapter 6. You can often tell a lot about people by ____.pg 66 caption
A. their body language.
B. the kind of questions they ask.
C. their attitude during the interview.
D. the way the dressed for the interview.
Answer: the kind of questions they ask.
ESP Chapter 6. ____ is another of your supervisory responsibilities, it benefits the employee , you, and the entire organization. pg 66
A. Setting up a check back system
B. Job orientation
C. Giving the new employee a general orientation to your organization
D. Setting up a performance examination
Answer: Job orientation
ESP Chapter 6. The four main ingredients of a job orientation program are: pg 66
A. making new employee feel welcome, discussing expectations, explaining and informing, setting up a check back system
B. making a new employee feel welcome, explaining and informing, asking specific questions, setting up a check back system
C. allowing employee to feel welcome, coaching , mentoring, training
D. selecting, orienting and training
Answer: making new employee feel welcome, discussing expectations, explaining and informing, setting up a check back system
ESP Chapter 6. The first ____ is critical to making a new employee feel welcome and at home.pg 66
A. day
B. week
C. two weeks
D. couple of hours
Answer: day
ESP Chapter 6. One of the first things you should do is provide the employee with a(n) pg 66
A. employee handbook
B. organization chart to show them where they fit in to the organization
C. name tag
D. assigned office or personal space to put personal belongings
Answer: assigned office or personal space to put personal belongings
ESP Chapter 6. Early in the orientation period two points should be made clear, they are? pg 67
A. what you expect of the employee, and what the employee expects from the job
B. what the employee should expect from the job, and what the employee expects from management
C. what work they will be performing, and who does what.
D. where things are, and how things are done.
Answer: what you expect of the employee, and what the employee expects from the job
ESP Chapter 6. Studies show that if there is no time to practice, ____ percent of the instruction is forgotten one hour after a task is learned, ____ percent one day later, and ____ percent one week later. pg 71
A. 45, 55, 65
B. 50, 60, 70
C. 55, 65, 75
D. 60, 70, 80
Answer: 55, 65, 75
ESP Chapter 6. Training sessions should appeal to participants' senses, people learn by (which is not on
E. pg 70
A. hearing and seeing words
B. seeing charts and pictures
C. doing things
D. touching job-related materials
Answer: touching job-related materials
ESP Chapter 6. Some people learn best through (which is not) pg 68
A. active listening
B. abstract conceptualization
C. concrete experience
D. traditional reflective class-room environment
Answer: active listening