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51 Cards in this Set

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ESP Chapter 16. People demand that all parts of government provide good leadership, management and service. They will ____.
A. hold you in high regard for this
B. accept small failures
C. accept large failures if they can be justified
D. hold you accountable
Answer: hold you accountable
ESP Chapter 16. With regards to providing quality citizen service, you should know there are ____ customers.
A. internal
B. external
C. internal and external
D. neither internal nor external
Answer: both internal and external
ESP Chapter 16. Inside customers are ____ the local government.
A. inside of
B. outside of
C. both inside of and outside of
D. neither inside of, nor outside of
Answer: inside of
ESP Chapter 16. One of your major responsibilities as a supervisor is to provide quality ____.
A. arrests
B. convictions
C. reports
D. service
Answer: service
ESP Chapter 16. When delivering quality service, one of the two basic criteria is how well you deliver what you ____.
A. are able to
B. can afford to
C. promise
D. desire to
Answer: promise
ESP Chapter 16. When delivering quality service, one of the two basic criteria is how you handle citizens’ ____.
A. wants
B. needs
C. expectations
D. problems and expectations
Answer: problems and expectations
ESP Chapter 16. Citizens expect to get a good value for the ____.
A. size of the tax base
B. size of the department
C. reputation of the department
D. fees that they pay
Answer: fees that they pay
ESP Chapter 16. Local governments use ____ standards to define customer service.
A. personal
B. service
C. professional
D. financial
Answer: service
ESP Chapter 16. True or False. If standards are your responsibility, you should make sure they match your customers’ satisfaction levels.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 16. If standards are not your responsibility, you should monitor how well your ____ achieve the standard.
A. fellow supervisors
B. department heads
C. employees
D. neighboring agencies
Answer: employees
ESP Chapter 16. True or False. You should report back on the standards only if they are reasonable.
A. True
B. False
Answer: False
ESP Chapter 16. Service standards reflect how governments define ____.
A. customer service
B. budget constraints
C. Department of Revenue and Finance Operations responsibilities
D. workload
Answer: customer service
ESP Chapter 16. All of the following are inclusive of the (4) broad aspects of customer service, except ____.
A. Interpersonal Communication
B. Professionalism
C. Total Quality Management
D. The Work Environment
E. Organizational communication and culture
Answer: Total Quality Management
ESP Chapter 16. Interpersonal Communication entails all of the following except ____.
A. Being positive
B. Practicing good listening
C. Being aware of what you say without words
D. Remembering that appearances do matter
Answer: Remembering that appearances do matter
ESP Chapter 16. Interpersonal Communication entails all of the following except ____.
A. Respecting your audience
B. Choosing the right communication method
C. Planning the work space
D. Knowing when to ask for help
Answer: Planning the work space
ESP Chapter 16. Interpersonal Communication entails all of the following except ____.
A. Understanding the customer’s request
B. Continuous improvement
C. Having all the information you need
D. Being courteous
Answer: Continuous improvement
ESP Chapter 16. Interpersonal Communication entails all of the following except ____.
A. Learning from complaints
B. How you sound on the phone (efficient, professional, etc.)
C. Listening or waiting to speak
D. Learning to effectively resolve conflict
Answer: Learning from complaints
ESP Chapter 16. Interpersonal Communication entails all of the following except ____.
A. Learning to effectively resolve conflict
B. Controlling your anger
C. Doing your best to eliminate communication barriers
D. Keeping the workplace neat and clean
Answer: Keeping the workplace neat and clean
ESP Chapter 16. Professionalism entails all of the following except ____.
A. Having all of the information you need
B. Remembering that appearances do matter
C. Practicing courtesy
D. Learning from complaints
Answer: Having all of the information you need
ESP Chapter 16. The Work Environment entails which of the following?
A. Keeping the workplace neat and clean
B. Doing your best to eliminate communication barriers
C. Planning the work space
D. A and B
E. A and C
Answer: A and C
ESP Chapter 16. Organizational communication and culture entails which of the following?
A. Remembering that appearances do matter
B. Working with the media
C. Continuous improvement
D. A and B
E. B and C
Answer: B and C
ESP Chapter 16. With respect to customer ratings, some governments conduct comprehensive customer satisfaction ____.
A. opinions
B. ratings
C. judgments
D. surveys
Answer: surveys
ESP Chapter 16. With respect to customer ratings, some governments engage private firms who send out ____ who rate the quality of service they receive.
A. decoys
B. mystery shoppers
C. former clients
D. retired employees
Answer: mystery shoppers
ESP Chapter 16. Complaints are especially important because they are signals ____?
A. you’re in trouble
B. something is wrong
C. you need to deal with it
D. there is an unhappy citizen
Answer: something is wrong
ESP Chapter 16. The Chief Administrator and Department Heads use the budget to ____.
A. plan and control
B. manage and control
C. define cost
D. planning
Answer: manage and control
ESP Chapter 16. Citizens are interested in the budgets bottom line, it should assure citizens that their tax dollars are being used ____?
A. smartly
B. wisely
C. daily
D. effectively
Answer: wisely
ESP Chapter 16. Usually ____ months before your new Department of Revenue and Finance Operations year, supervisors and department heads will prepare their individual budgets.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: 4
ESP Chapter 16. (Which statement is falsE. What is your local government communicating to its internal and external customers?
A. like your running through a maze
B. the feeling a visitor gets about the organization
C. how it does business
D. should be pleasant and welcoming
Answer: like your running through a maze
ESP Chapter 16. Be aware of what you say without words, everything about you ____.
A. is looked at
B. is judged
C. communicates
D. has a meaning
Answer: communicates
ESP Chapter 16. A pleasant work environment can improve____ .
A. self -image
B. morale and productivity
C. your mental health
D. Who Cares
Answer: morale and productivity
ESP Chapter 16. Today, messages can be expressed face to face, phone call, voice mail, or E-mail. For customers who don't read well what is preferable communication method?
A. face to face
B. phone call
C. E-Mail
D. memo
Answer: phone call
ESP Chapter 16. (True or False. Because a question that is poorly handled can lead to a complaint, question and complaints should be thought of together.
A. True
B. False
Answer: True
ESP Chapter 16. (Which Statement is falsE. In reference to practicing good listening you should____?
A. take as much care when listening as you do when speaking
B. When someone is talking, you can occasionally interrupt
C. give the speaker your full attention
D. Ask questions
Answer: When someone is talking, you can occasionally interrupt
ESP Chapter 16. Your actions and the actions of your employes affect the way people feel about your ____?
A. citizens
B. city employees
C. risk management plan
D. local government
Answer: local government
ESP Chapter 16. As a supervisor, it is your job to continuously monitor how work is being done and to look for ways to improve service. In other words, citizens expect positive results at all ____?
A. service standard levels
B. citizen expectations
C. total quality management
D. moments of truth
Answer: moments of truth
ESP Chapter 16. Customers are people who pay to receive ____.
A. goods and services
B. credit cards with a limit
C. a good product
D. a good refund policy
Answer: goods and services
ESP Chapter 16. Courtesy includes____ , for example when streets must be closed for repairs courtesy means informing residents in advance.
A. scheduling, notifications, and announcements
B. notifying in advance, courtesy, informing
C. being polite, informing, expressing
D. informing, telling, expressing
Answer: scheduling, notifications, and announcements
ESP Chapter 16. Generally speaking customers fall into one of two categories____?
A. citizens , outsiders
B. internal , interpersonal
C. service , service providing
D. internal , external
Answer: internal , external
ESP Chapter 16. (Which statement is falsE. The following tips will help ensure good communication
A. Avoid words or phrases such as no, ill try, I don't know
B. make it a point to be positive
C. try to nod as the person is speaking, the speaker thinks you are listening
D. Sometimes it is helpful to replay what has just been said to see how courteous it actually sounds
Answer: try to nod as the person is speaking, the speaker thinks you are listening
ESP Chapter 16. "The work environment" refers to everything associated in your work area, including organization, physical setup, seating, signage and temperature. All customers ____ are affected by environment.
A. spending money
B. complaints and opportunities
C. ideals
D. internal and external
Answer: internal and external
ESP Chapter 16. (Which statement is falsE. The following are tips to help ensure good communication.
A. sometimes it is helpful to speak quickly and distinctly
B. when talking with a customer, take your time
C. listen carefully
D. avoid fidgeting, doodling, or looking out the window
Answer: sometimes it is helpful to speak quickly and distinctly
ESP Chapter 16. When an area is poorly heated or cooled, for example, the impression is that the organization does not see the employee as a ____?
A. person
B. valued customer
C. valuable resource
D. a true person
Answer: valuable resource
ESP Chapter 16. As a supervisor, make an effort to share the information you have, and clearly communicate by example and instruction that____?
A. gossip is seldom tolerated
B. gossip is unacceptable
C. the truth will set you free
D. standards are set by management
Answer: gossip is unacceptable
ESP Chapter 16. A question that is that is poorly handled can lead to a ____.
A. disturbance
B. danger signals
C. complaint
D. worry
Answer: complaint
ESP Chapter 16. No matter how hard you try to communicate, there will be times when, for whatever reason you are unable to resolve customers concerns. Try to remain calm and remember two things____?
A. its ok to subject yourself to verbal abuse, but remain calm
B. its ok to be hostile towards your customers if they don't understand, but try to remain calm
C. you do not need to subject yourself to verbal abuse or open hostility. As your local governments ambassador you can not engage in hostile behavior
D. calm the customer quickly, try not to be hostile since you a local ambassador
Answer: you do not need to subject yourself to verbal abuse or open hostility. As your local governments ambassador you can not engage in hostile behavior
ESP Chapter 16. Sharing accurate and useful information about the government is a job for ____?
A. for every employee, every day, and benefits the government as well as citizens
B. continuous media improvement on a daily basis
C. continuous improvement, from every one, every day
D. management, for the everyday benefit
Answer: for every employee, every day, and benefits the government as well as citizens
ESP Chapter 16. Unsafe practices and conditions usually lead to an accident or ____.
A. stress conditions
B. near accident
C. mistakes
D. damage
Answer: near accident
ESP Chapter 16. (Which statement is falsE. Tips for ensuring professionalism in you work unit.
A. Avoid taking work breaks in private areas. Outdoor work crews should be mindful of this
B. Stay up to date on the use of new equipment and on new methods for carrying out the work for your unit
C. Develop guidelines for greeting customers, answering phone calls, and responding to E-mails
D. Consider establishing phone ringing rule, every call should be picked up buy the third ring
Answer: Avoid taking work break in private areas. Outdoor work crews should be mindful of this
ESP Chapter 16. The identity of you local government will come from the way ____.
A. the customers feel about the local business
B. city management handles a major crisis
C. your local government identifies a potential problem
D. its employees think and feel about it
Answer: its employees think and feel about it
ESP Chapter 16. No matter how a concern is brought to you attention it requires a ____.
A. prompt, courteous, accurate reply
B. selecting, orienting, and training
C. direct answer
D. attention and selecting the accurate problem
Answer: prompt, courteous, accurate reply
ESP Chapter 16. Local governments use ____ to define customer service.
A. moments of truth
B. accepted policies
C. citizen’s expectations
D. service standards
Answer: service standards