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17 Cards in this Set

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sensation of food being hindered in passage from mouth to stomach

oropharyngeal; stoke, enlarged thyroid, skeletal muscle disorder, decreased saliva

esophageal; obstruction, motility disorder (both solids and liquids)

3 zones of esophagus

upper esophageal sphincter


lower esophageal sphincter

between swallows tone in UES and LES protect against reflux


failure of complete LES relaxation with swallows, hypertensive LES

aperistalsis of smooth muscle of esophagous = none, zilch, zero peristaltic propagations

Type 1 achlasia

high res vs regular, high res has more sensors so better pictures and straight line measure the contractions all the way down

in normal we expect a smooth change in pressure

no change in the pressure in the LES,

ALL have aperistalsis and no LES opening

achalasia clinical symptoms

dysphagis for solids in all and liquids in 2.3

chest pain

weight loss


increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma

Achalasia in X-Ray

movement image

dilated esophagus

bird beack distal esophagus due to hypertensive poorly relaxing LES

chest x ray of gastric bubble

Endoscopy of LES

dilated esophagous with poor motility, retention of food

puckered closed LES

esophagitis due to retained food, candida

can pass a scope thru

achalasia LES

can't do much with the aperistalsis, but can relax he muscles


pneumatic dilatation

botulinum toxin into LES, interfers with aceytlcholine release

drugs to relace smooth muscle, nitrates, cqclium channel blockers


usually caused by cancer, does not present with other symptoms or causes of normal achalasia

need to always check to make sure its not a tumor


hypotensive LES

atrophy of the muscle and replacement with fibrous tissue

neural dysfunction may proceed muscle disease

manometry; esophageal body dysfunction, weak LES

clinical featuresl esophagitis from reflux, dysphagia due to dysmotility

difuse esophageal spasm

simultaneous contractions some nl peristlasis

spontaneous repetitive contractioncs

nutcracker eso

high amplitude conractions


any sympotmatic condition or histopatholigic alteration resulting from GER

Factors that maintain the GE junction

intrinsic LES pressure

extrinsic pressure via diaphragm

intraabdominal location of LES (hiatal hernia)

phrenoesophagela ligament

acute angle of his

pathogenesis of GERD

transient LES relaxation

hypotensive LES, LES affect by hormones, drugs, and food, progesteron decreases LES, LES decerased by beta blockers

LES decreased by fat chocolate alcohol peppermint

only a small numer

Consequences of GERD

heartburn, without endoscopic esophagitis


dysphagia, peptic stricture and a schatzkis ring about a hiatal hernia, peristaltic dysfunction and mucosal inflammation



correlated to the number of ions and if the bolus is present