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38 Cards in this Set

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What are interest groups?
Organization of people with a common interest who want the same policies
What is the difference between interest groups and political parties?
Political parties enter election battles, interest groups use these parties as avenues of interest
What is another distinction between interest groups and political parties
Interest groups are policy specialists, political parties are policy generalists.
What was James Madison's opinion of interest groups and lobbying?
Negative, disliked factions, took away from democracy.
What is pluralist theory?
Politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.
What is elite theory?
Societies are divided along class lines and an upper-class elite rules, regardless of the formal niceties of governmental organization.
What is hyperpluralist theory?
Groups are so strong that government is weakened. This is an extreme, exaggerated form of pluralism.
What is a problem with pluralism?
It is too ideal.
What does pluralism say?
Groups compete and no group is dominant. Groups play by the "rules". All groups have equal resources. Lobbying is open.
What does elitism say?
Real power is held by few.
Money=power. Elite powers help each other secure power. Lobbying is a problem because it benefits the few at the expense of many.
What is a problem with hyperpluralism?
Groups have too much power.
What does hyperpluralism say?
Groups exercise a great deal of control over policy.
What is an iron triangle?
Groups in hyperpluralism that hold too much power.
What is another problem with hyperpluralism?
Trying to please every group interest results in contradictory policies.
What is the most salient interest group issue?
Economy - (labor, agriculture, business)
What are other interest group issues?
Environmental Interests, Equality Interests, Consumer and Public Interest Lobbies
What are some successful interest groups?
American Association of Retired Persons
National Rifle Association
What is a collective or public good?
A good that, once provided, cannot be withheld
What is a problem with interest groups and public goods?
Individuals will not join a group if the good is already public, which lowers the interest groups influence.
What is a free-rider?
People who don't join interest groups but still benefit from the group's activities.
What did Mancur Olsen say about interest groups?
"The larger a group is, the further it will fall short of providing an optimal amount of a collective good."
What is an solution to large free-riding groups?
For a group to provide selective benefits that are only received if one joins the interest group.
What is a benefit of small groups?
Small groups are better organized and more focused on the group's goals
What is an example of a successful small group and an unsuccessful large group?
Multinational corporations are successful. Consumer groups are unsuccessful.
Do interest groups benefit from a concentrated effort on one issue?
Yes, single-issue groups that have a narrow focus draw more membership and attention.
Do financial resources help an interest group?
Yes, monetary donations from interest groups provides better connections and more access to politicians and the policy process.
Collective action and free rider problems are examples of what theory?
Rational choice theory.
What do interest groups do?
Lobby politicians, electioneering, litigation, going public (all will be explained)
What is lobbying?
Communication by someone acting on the behalf of an interest group, hoping to influence a policymaker.
How do lobbyists help politicians?
Give them money, source of information, help politicians strategize for legislation and re-election.
What is electioneering?
Direct interest group involvement in the election process such as funding campaigns, providing workers.
What is litigation?
After failing to influence a policy, can file a amicus curiae to influence court decision.
What is an amicus curiae?
Briefs submitted to raise additional evidence and viewpoints to influence court to a certain decision.
Do courts represent the minority interest?
What is going public?
Interest groups cultivating their own public image through advertising and marketing.
Why do interest groups go public?
To encourage voters to vote and contact legislators.
Do PAC's (monetary donations) "buy" politicians?
Effectively, no.
Why don't PAC's "buy" politicians?
Interest groups give money to politicians that already support their ideas. So in essence, one could only sway a politician, but not manipulate the politician.