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50 Cards in this Set

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What was the dogs psychic study and what are5 ways it could be improved?
-Control Pam's Return
-Crew shouldn't know Pam's return
-Measure if Jaytle goes to window otherwise
-Pam not permitted to travel in her car
-Define what constitutes psychic ability
What is a way of knowing that is bounded by rationality
What could be a valid form of knowing that is often accepted blindly
what is empirical research?
Systematic (hopefully without bias) observation
What is an empirical paper vs. review paper?
Empirical is about a study, review is summarizing multiple emprical
What is a belief vs. theory?
Belief won't be changed even with counter-evidence, theory is based on empirical evidence
Hypothesis is...
Testable (falsifiable)
What is a broad concept that is quantified/measured and example
construct - dogs psychic ability
What is an aspect of the construct and example
Variable - dogs sense to know when owner is home
What is an operational definition
The procedure used to measure or manipulate a construct. eg. dog's tendency to go to window within 10 minutes of owner heads home.
Independent Variable
Pam Leaving Store
Dependent Variable
Dog goes to window
What is a true experiment?
Independent variable is manipulated and all else is controlled

Only way for casual relationship
What is the only way for a casual relationship?
True Experiment
What is good validity?
Variables tap into the construct we are itnerested in
What is good reliability?
Measures yield constant results
What is a good theory?
Mix of multiple hypothesis that explain a phenomenon.
1. Explains data
2. Predicts new Data
3. Is testable
4. Is specific
5. Is surprising
What are 3 kinds of validity?
What is internal validity?
Extent to which the extraneous variables are controlled
What is an extraneous variable?
Variables other than that of interest
What is external validity
The extent to which the findings can be generalized to population
What is construct validity
The extent to which IV and DV reflect theoretical construct
What helpps internal validity
Random Assignment
What is selection bias?
Selecting experimental and comparison groups without controlling for preexisting differences between groups.
What is the term for when subjects cannot be randomly assigned?
Quasi-experimental research
What is confirmation bias
When you overweigh results that support the hypothesis
What is experimenter expectancy
When experimenter influences the subjects without meaning to.
What is intentional bias?
ON purpose to get published
What is social desirability bias?
methodological bias - When the subject feels pressure to respond in a socially desirable way
What is demand characteristics?
methodological bias - Subtle aspects of study lead subjects to guess hypothesis.
what is carry-over bias?
Methodological bias -
When the order in which you do things changes the outcome of the experiment

fatigue effect - worst later
practice effect - better later
fix with counterbalance.
What are floor and ceiling effects?
When the task is too easy or too hard.
What is the operational definition?
The way a variable will be measured
What is the difference between validity and reliability?
Validity - Accuracy - mean of multiptle experiments is the same
Reliability - Precision - when repeated the SD is small.

What is systematic error?
When the error is caused by something else - like construction during an exam
What is random error?
Just variability in experinment results.
What is test-retest reliability?
The correlation between scores of the same measure on two seperate occasions
Inter-rater reliability ?
Correlation between scores on teh same measure administrered by two different raters
What is reliability within a scale?
Internal consistency
What is face validity?
At face value, does i t look like it measures what it is supposed to?
What is convergent validity?
How much 2 measures are coorelated in the same construct
What is divergent valiidity? (discriminant)
The lack of correlation between measure of different constructs.
What is concurrent validity?
Whether or not you can tell between multiple groups with different places in construct
Predecitive validity
Ability to idnetify future
What is a confounding variable?
An extraneous variable that systematically changes with changes in the IV
what is the name for where a person goes through all of the IVs?
Within-Subject experimental design
What is the name for where many people go through one level of the IV
between-subject experimental deisgn
What was the name of the form of communication that was created in prisoners of silence?
Facilitated Communication - People helped them move thoughts on special keyboard
What is an ordinal variable?
A kind of continuous variable where the distance between each is not nec. the same, ie class rank
What is a cardinal variable?
A kind of continous variable
interval - not meaningful zero - temperature
ratio - meaningful zero - weight