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Erik Erikson Psychosocial Theory (psychoanalitic)

Human behavior is focused on our desire to affiliate with other people. Erikson believed that development change occurs throughout the lifespan. Erikson proposed eight stages of development. Each stage comprise a crisis that must be resolved.

Stage one: Trust vs mistrust

Erikson's first psychosocial stage occurs in the first year of life. Development of trust during infancy sets the stage for a lifelong expectation that the world will be a good place to live.

Stage two: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

The stage occurs in late infancy and toddlerhood (1-3 years). After gaining trust in their caregivers infants begin to discover that their behavior is their own. They start to assert their sense of Independence or autonomy. (Means indepndence)

If they are punished or restrain too much, they are likely to develop a sense of shame and doubt.

Infancy 1-3 years at this stage children want to do it everything by themselves.

Stage three: Initiative vs. Guilt

Early preschool age 3-5. Erikson's third stage of development occurs during preschool years. As children and encounter a widening social world, they face new challenges that require active purposeful and responsible behavior. Feelings of guilt may arise if the child is irresponsible and is made to feel to anxious.

Stage 4 Industry vs inferiority

Occurring approximally during elementary school years, 6-puberty. Children direct their energy towards mastering knowledge and intellectual skills. The negative outcome is the child may develop a sense of inferiority feeling incompetent and then productive.

Stage 5 Identity vs Identity confusion

During the Adolescent years, individuals need to find out who they are, what they are all about and where they are going in life. if adolescence explore roles in a healthy manner and arrive at a positive path to follow in life, they achieve a positive identity; if they do not, identity confusion reigns.

Stage 6 Intimacy vs isolation

the their 20-30s, Individuals experience during early adulthood at this time, individuals face the developmental task of forming intimate relationships. if they do not form healthy friendships and intimate relationships, isolation will result.

Stage 7 Generativity vs Stagnation

Erikson's 7th developmental stage occurs during middle adulthood.40-50s. by generativity Erikson means primarily a concern for helping younger generation develop and lead useful lives. The feeling of having done nothing to help the next generation is stagnation.

Stage 8 Integrity vs despair

60 onward. Erikson's eighth and final stage of development which individuals experience in late adulthood during this stage a person reflects on the past. if the person's life review reveals a life well spent Integrity will be achieved if not the retrospective glancesikely will yeild doubt or gloom-- the despair Erikson describes.