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17 Cards in this Set

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How is the cause azotemia determined?
- hx, PE: wt. loss, anorexia, depression, edema, fever, freq. or volume of urination, alterations in micturition, alterations in urine appearance
- CBC, BUN, creatinine, U/A, urine culture
- creatinine clearance: indication of GFR
- fractional excretion of Na > 1% indicates renal tubular dysfunction
- rectal exam (bladder, ureters, L kidney), U/S, endoscopy, renal bx, nuclear scintigraphy
What are some causes of ARF?
renal ischemia, acute tubular necrosis, acute glomerulonephritis, abnormalities of hemostasis, acute interstitial nephritis
What are some causes of acute tubular necrosis?
renal ischemia
pigmenturia: hemoglobin, myoglobin
renal toxins: NSAIDs, ABs (aminoglycosides), heavy metals, vitamins, blister beetles, acorns
What are the clinical signs of ARF?
depression, anorexia, changes in urine output, fluid retention, edema, “colic” pain
What is the tx for ARF?
tx underlying dz
discontinue nephrotoxic drugs: don’t give NSAIDs, aminoglycosides
fluid therapy: improve renal perfusion, correct electrolyte & acid-base abnormalities, induce diuresis, monitor PCV, TS, urine output, CVP, lung sounds
diuretics & vasodilators: persistent oliguria/anuria
- diuretics: furosemide, mannitol
- vasodilator: dopamine
What are some causes of CRF?
- chronic glomerulonephritis chronic tubular necrosis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract obstruction
- may be 2º to ARF, ascending UTI, bilateral obstructive dz
chronic immune mediated glomerular injury: Strep, EIA, renal amyloidosis, Lepto
What are the clinical signs of CRF?
wt. loss, lethargy, exercise intolerance, rough hair coat, PU/PD, mild ventral edema, signs of uremia (poor appetite, oral erosions, vasculitis, soft feces or frank diarrhea, GI ulceration/bleeding, PLE, melena, tartar)
What is the tx for CRF?
- minimize further loss of renal function: hydration (water, salt), discontinue nephrotoxic drugs
- stimulate appetite: palatable feeds, grass hays (lower Ca), low (10%) high quality protein, +/- high fat
- supportive care: electrolyte supplementation, +/- B vitamins &/or anabolic steroids (may help w/ appetite)
- +/- tx for hyperlipidemia
- +/- ABs for pyelonephritis
What are some causes of urinary tract inflammation?
infection (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis), urolithiasis, bladder atony, neoplasia
What are the clinical signs of:

a. cystolithiasis
b. nephrolithiasis
a. dysuria, hematuria, pyuria
b. dysuria, hematuria, colic, poor performance, lethargy, anorexia, wt. loss
What is the tx for urinary tract inflammation?
- correct underlying cause: urolithiasis, neurological problem, etc.
- systemic ABs
- ↑ urine production: salt, water intake
- urinary acidifiers: high dose vitamin C
What are some causes of urinary tract obstruction?
urolithiasis, neoplasia, severe inflammation
What are some causes of urinary incontinence?
- urinary: cystitis, ectopic ureter, urolithiasis, neurologic dz, vaginal injuries or polyps
- neurologic dz: spinal cord injury, equine protozoal myelitis, herpes myelitis, rabies, aberrant parasite migration, cauda equina syndrome, sorghum, Sudan grass toxicosis
What are the clinical signs of urinary incontinence?
dribbling urine, urine scalding (perineum, hind legs), strong urine odor, exacerbated by exercise, coughing, etc.
What is the tx for urinary incontinence?
- correct underlying cause
- repeated bladder evacuation
- ↓ urethral tone: α-adrenergic antagonists
- ↑ detrusor activity: parasympathomimetics
- ABs to control cystitis
- supportive care
What are some causes of hematuria?
UTI, urolithiasis, neoplasia, nephrotoxicosis, urethral defects/tears, idiopathic (uncommon)
What are some causes of abnormalities of micturition?
urinary tract inflammation
urinary tract obstruction
urinary incontinence