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13 Cards in this Set

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1. E P S


1. Akathisia - motor restlessness. 2. Akinesia - motor slowness or absence of movement.

3. Parkinsonism - shuffling gait, muscle rigidity, mask like face, drooling, tremors, pin rolling

4. Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)-involuntary mouth movement, smacking lips, protruding tongue, chewing movement

2. E P S


5. Dystonia - involuntary muscle spasms in the chest, neck, back. Difficulty breathing. Speech becomes thick. Torticollis can occur, patient is unable to get his head upright. The head is tilted to the left or right. 6. Oculogyric, eyes may roll backwards

3. E P S


7. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome potentially fatal. The antipsychotic medication is stopped.

Symptoms include: high fever, muscle rigidity, respiratory distress, change in consciousness to stupor or coma, tachycardia, diaphoresis

Nursing Implications, Teaching

1. medication name, purpose, dosage.

2. frequency, side effects, treat side effects.

3. when to call physician.

4. importance of compliancy if E P S occurs.

Nursing Implications, Teaching

1. Monitor Clozaril for agranulocytosis every week. 2. Clozaril dispensed in a 7 day supply. 3. No W B C = no medication. 4. Call MD for sore throat, fever lethargy, weakness or malaise. 5. Stop Med if W B C >3,500. 6. Clozaril dosage started at 25mg Q D or BID. Dosage gradually increased until target dose of 300 - 400mg per day
Nursing Implications, Teaching
Risperdal Consta is a long acting form of Risperdal. Administered by deep I. M. every 2 weeks. An antipsychotic supplementation is needed during the 1st. 3 weeks of therapy
Nursing Implications, Teaching

For concentrate form of medication give small orange juice or water
Nursing Implications, Teaching
Patient has the right to refuse medications. Unless patient is in crisis or probated. Check with guardian if applicable to start or stop medication.
Nursing Implications, Teaching

1. Stay out of sunlight for prolonged periods of time. 2. Wear sunscreen. 3. Drink plenty of water. Avoid extreme changes in temperature

Nursing Implications, Teaching
Avoid alcohol it changes the effectiveness of the medication
Nursing Implications, Teaching

Use caution when driving or other doing other activities that require mental alertness until response from medication is known.
Nursing Implications, Teaching

If patient complains about E P S, check for

cog wheeling. Have patient relax arm. Hold patient's arm with thumb above elbow, the nurse then extends & flexes the patient's arm checking for muscle rigidity in the bicep.

Nursing Implications, Teaching
Saphris is an oral disintegrating tablet. Instruct the patient not to drink or eat anything for 10 minutes