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39 Cards in this Set

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Galton IQ
intell is hereditary
distributed normally in population
two factor theory
general -g
primary mental abilities
developed method of factor analysis
120 element matrix
divergent- generate new creative and different ideas
convergent -synthesize
fluid and crystallized
stats on heredity vs environment re IQ
50% inherited
MS twins .88
Frat twins .53
siblinigs .49
Zajon'c confluence model
the more children the less resources and less intelligence
Stanford binet
two to adult
content areas
SAS standard age scores (as compared with IQ)
mental age/chronological age x 100
100 sd-16
best measure of g for verbal and performance
vocab and block design
scatter analysis
used in wechsler scales
15+ difference between verbal and performance
scatter is greater in pathology than normals
usefulness is limited at best
SB is better estimate for very gifted or severely retarded
Gesell developmental schedule
4 wks to age 6
motor, adaptive language, personal-social function
observations of activities not tests per se
good for neurological or organic disorder
three scales- mental motor behavior
2-30 months
rating scale
Denver developmental scale
medical screening
developmental delays
infants and preschoolers
assess personal and social sufficiency
birth to adult
adaptive behaviors
interview with others
communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills
AAMD adaptive behavior scale
adaptive behavior inventory for children
english and spanish
peabody picture vocabulary test
point to word given a picture
good for expressive language disorders but normal hearing
2.5 thru adult
columbia mental maturity scale
good for sensorimotor disorder CP and with speaking reading problems
hiskey nebraska test of learning aptitude
deaf and hearing impaired
leiter international performance scale
reading speaking problems
match blocks
good for non english and autism
Cattell culture fair intelligence test
three different tests
no such thing as a culture free test
minority children do no better on these tests
Raven's progressive matrices
perceptual ability and spatial logic
considered a culture fair test
SOMPA (system of multicultural pluralistic assessment
six measures norms for different culture groups
estimated learning potential scale
(mercer and lewis 1977)
Army alpha Army beta
alpha for literate beta for nonliterate
otis-lennon mental ability test
group test for children
otis self administered test
wonderlic personnel test
used in personnel screening and selection in industrial settings
aptitude vs achievement
aptitude measures limited, defined homogenous grouops of abilities- used as PREDICTORS
achievement-measure end result of learning- assesses retention of content
mental measurements yearbook M(MMY)
critical reviews of tests
shows info on reliability and validity
Test in print
referneces to most tests published
school psychology\head start
associated with short term increases in iq and academic achievement and long terms benefits such as decreased placement in special ed classes and increased probabiliyt of graduating high school
ability tracking
involves group children on basis of ability level negative academic and psycholgical effect on low and modeate achievening children
cooperative learning programs
when properly designed are likely to have a positive effect on student achievement
buckley ammendment
parents and students have right to access school records
larry p vs. riles case
banned use of id tests as a criterion for placing children in educable mentally retarded classes
three models of school consultation
- mental health model /consultant interacts with consultee
-behavioral model-deals with teacher's style of teaching
-adlerian model- emphasizes preventative interventions by consultants who educate parents and teachers by applying assumptions and content of adlerian theory
targeting school environment rather students directly is more effective
overcoming parental resistance (campbell)
setting a positive tone
establishin empathy
defininf consultation as a collaboraitve effort
-clarifying parental expectations
-reframing the problem
cognitive development is product of interaction between individual and environment
-child is active learner
head start
increases iq and school achievement through early years but no effect in later years
more likely to graduate less likely to be delinquents
bilingual education
all english problems- 5-8 years to catch up
bilingual- 6 years