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76 Cards in this Set

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the conditioning of 1 cultural group or individual to the traits, values, & social patterns of another cultural group.
automatic thoughts
CBT--thoughts, healthy or dysfunctional, arise spontaneously in response to specific stimuli or situations; reflects person's appraisal of the situation vs. the situation itself
behavioral rehearsal
in-session practice of desired behavior. used in assertiveness training, stress inoculation, CBT
structural family therapy. demarcations b/w individual family members or family subsystems. according to Minuchin, family dysfunction results when boundaries become too rigid (disengaged) or permeable (enmeshed)
brief psychotherapy
usually focuses on specific problems vs. resconstruction of the entire personality structure. retains goals & techniques of psychodynamic therapies; shorter duration
in families, the rule that governs the limits of behavior. in family therapy, this term is associated with the concept of homeostasis; when the "temperature" falls out of the comfort zone in a family, negative feedback recalibrates the system & restores a comfortable balance
closed family system
family system in which honest self-expression is viewed as deviant & differences are treated as dangerous. the general rule is that all members must have the same opinions, feelings, & desires. closed systems are unable to receive energy from the environment & thus become highly disorganized (entropic)
closed group
therapy group that begins & ends with the same membership, & often has a set termination date. impractical for long-term therapy, but commonly used in short-term, task oriented forms of group work
cognitive restructuring
a term which refers to therapeutic techniques (RET CBT) that attempt to alter maladaptive faulty though patterns which are believed responsible for maladaptive behavior & emotional disorders
Cognitive Therapy
a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that assumes dysfunctional behavior is the result of automatic thoughts, logical errors, & dysfunctional schemata.
cognitive triad
Beck's notion that depression is based on negative beliefs about self, future, & world
groups are cohesive in the sense that group members are bonded together b/c of shared goals, expectations, values, experiences, etc. In family therapy, the desired outcome is often increased cohesion. Many therapists believe that family members long for such closeness, & members should support & nurture each other.
the therapist's unconscious emotional responses toward a client. can interfere with objectivity & must be monitored & controlled by the therapist. when counter transference occurs, the therapist may choose to share this information with the client to aid the therapeutic process
crisis intervention
brief & immediate intervention after a trauma or crisis aimed at immediate symptom reduction, strengthening coping mechanisms, & prevention of further psychological breakdowns & dysfunctions.
defense mechanisms
from psychoanalysis--characteristics of a person that have become more or less habitual, & serve as a compromise b/w the basic unconscious drive & the prohibitions & inhibitions imposed by society against those drives. serves to keep unacceptable drives unconscious
types of defense mechanisms
reaction formation
differentiation of self
Bowen--the relative degree of independence of the self from others in a relationship system
Minuchin--the psychological isolation that results when there are strong, impenetrable, or rigid boundaries b/w individuals or subsystems in a family
communications theory; Jay Haley
Conflict created when an individual receives 2 conflicting messages at different levels of abstraction. the messages cancel out each other
that part of the psychic structure which mediates reality & encompasses all the self-preservative capacities
theorists & practitioners who adopted a modified version of psychoanalysis that places greater emphasis on the role of the ego in personality functioning
ego states
transactional analysis--parent, child & adult which are the 3 distinct & independent levels of psychological functioning that we all adopt depending on the circumstances. dysfunctional transactions occur when an interaction designed to elicit a response from a particular ego state evokes a response from a different one
a culture is studied from the prospective of the culture itself--a culture sensitive perspective
emotional cutoff
Bowen--flight from an unresolved emotional attachment
empirical criterion keying
MMPI method of test construction involving selecting items for a test based on their empirically demonstrated ability to distinguish b/w groups
structural family therapy
simulation of transactions that make up family structure. observation followed by attempt to change
structural family therapy
simulation of the family transactions. observation of the transactions followed by an attempt to change them. classic example: eating with anorectic family
enmeshed boundaries
diffuse psychological boundaries b/w subsystems & individuals. Results in loss of autonomy & characterized by high degree of resonance & reactivity b/w individuals
general systems theory--no matter where one enters the system, the patterning will be the same. different causes can produce the same results. therapist studies patterns of behavior & interaction, rather than individual topics
general systems theory. single cause can produce different results.
different cultures are studied using universally accepted criteria
extended family
2 or more nuclear families affiliated by blood ties over at least 3 generations
free association
psychoanalytic therapy
individual expresses whatever comes to mind
schematic diagram of the family system including at least 3 generations. maps recurring patterns of behavior & includes critical events (births, deaths, marriage, divorce)
healthy cultural paranoia
normal response of ethnic minorities to oppression & racism
irrational fear of homosexuals or homosexuality
humanistic psychology
3rd force. (CBT & psychodynamic/ analytic theories)
emphasizes the individual's inherent capacity for growth, creativity, & self- actualization. focus on person's feeling state--once a person becomes aware of his/her feelings, this in itself is freeing & sufficiently therapeutic
the psychic structure that operates according to the "pleasure principle" to gratify immediate instinctual needs
inferiority complex
constellation of feelings beginning in childhood that the person wishes to overcome & by doing so develops particular character formations
interest inventories
assessment of person's interests. used mostly in career counseling
Kuder inventory
introjection--Object Relations Theory
form of identification that takes in aspects of other people which subsequently becomes a part of the self-image
Introjection--Gestalt Therapy
acceptance of information (values, beliefs, facts) from the environment without true assimilation
structural family therapy--therapeutic technique of adopting a family's typical behaviors & patterns of communication. Allows therapist to enter the family system to re-structure
member of a minority group does not identify strongly with either the minority or mainstream culture
technique assessing a large body of research on 1 dimension by combining studies & comparing outcomes to the outcomes of the summed control groups
every message has 2 levels, report & command; metacommunication is the implicit & often non-verbal message (command) commenting on the intent of the verbal statement (report). May support or contradict the primary statement
imitation. structural family therapist uses imitation to accomodate a family's style, tempo, affective range
multigenerational transmission process
extended family systems therapy
the emotional process that occurs in a family whereby varying levels of immaturity are projected to different children; produces various levels of differentiation. escalation of family dysfunction over several generation
negative feedback
efforts to recalibrate a system that is in trouble & to resolve that previous state of equilibrium maintains homeostasis
object-relations therapy
theory proposes that characteristic modes of relating to others are due to introjects, internalized mental images of significant others, formed during childhood
open (ended) group
members join & leave the group at different times. no set # of sessions; no set ending date
positive feedback
feedback forces a family into new ways of behaving by making old way of behaving untenable. used to counteract negative feedback
paradoxical directive
prescribing the system--encourage a patient to engage in symptomatic behavior
parallel process
clinical supervision
therapist in training behaves toward supervisor in ways that mirror how the client is behaving
parataxic distortions
cognitive distortions occurring when a person deals w/others as if they were significant persons from early life.
Sullivan--primary cause of maladaptive behavior
primary process thinking
psychoanalysis--type of thinking typical of dreams, young children, slips of the tongue. the opposite is 2ndary process thinking--rational thinking
projective tests
psychodynamic principles. Rorschach; TAT;
projection of their character onto neutral stimuli
rational-emotive therapy
Ellis--type of CBT
maladaptive behavior based on irrational beliefs/thoughts. Emphasis on altering irrational thoughts (I must be perfect; AWFUL;
structural & strategic family therapy
relabel or redefine family's description of a behavior to make it more amenable to intervention/change
structural family therapy
define symptom in interpersonal terms vs. individual ones. usually involves changing a label from a negative one to a positive one
psychoanalysis--client's reluctance to permit repressed unconscious material from entering consciousness. can materialize as hostility toward therapist, going off on tangents, being late or missing therapy
transactional analysis
life plan developed early in life & includes one's characteristic manner or giving & receiving strokes
sexual prejudice
negative attitudes toward a person based on his or her sexual orientation
solution -focused therapy
brief therapy
focus on solution to clients' problems rather than focusing on the problems or causes
stress inoculation
cbt technique
improves clients' coping skills via education, behavioral rehearsal, imaginal & in-vivo exposure
recognition from others can be + or -
style of life
pattern of behavior manifested by his/her goals, attitudes toward others, manner of coping, etc. A "mistaken style of life" is characterized by a lack of social interest
symmetrical communication
equality between partners, but can result in competition & conflict
complementary communication
inequality with one partner taking a dominant role & the other a subordinate role
psychoanalytic theory
the psychic structure containing parental & societal standards of right & wrong (one's conscious)
systematic desensitization
reduce anxiety via pairing of anxiety response with feelings of relaxation.
procedure is imaginable exposure & relaxation training
therapeutic alliance
sum total of + feelings the client has toward the work of therapy. Increases likelihood of success.
therapy outcome studies
body of research on differences among various treatments for specific disorders & the interactive variables that predict therapy success
e.g. working alliance, therapist variables, patient variables, the interaction effects of therapy-patient
client's experience of feelings, attitudes, etc. toward the therapist represents a projection or displacement & repetition of reactions to a significant other in the client's past
Bowen & Minuchin
rigid triad usually involves 2 parents & a child. parents avoid conflict by involving the child, thereby stabilizing their relationship
undifferentiated ego mass
Bowenian family therapy
occurs when egos of individual family members share a common ego boundary. Ego fusion is most intense in less mature (less differentiated) families