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99 Cards in this Set

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homeostasis, temp, metabolism, sleep, eating, drinking
medulla oblongata
brain stem: breathing, heart rate, bp, digestion
occipital lobe
visual cortex
parietal lobe
somatosensory processing: touch, temp, pain
connects 2 halves of cerebellum, regulates states of arousal
pyramidal system
neurons from brain stem to motor cortex: fine movements, speed, strength
reticular formation
operates RAS: filters info about sleep, arousal, atten, pain, reflexes
subsantia nigra
initiation, directions, smoothness of movement
temporal lobe
receptive language, long term memory, auditory cortex
relays all sensory info (except olafactory)
limbic system, emotional beh
basal ganglia
voluntary movement
balance, posture,movement
extrapyramidal system
motor movement, made of basal ganglia, cerebullum, substantia nigra
frontal lobe
motor beh, expressive language, executive functions,
BROCA (aware)
memory consolodation & transfer
limbic system
emotional brain (amygdala, septum, hippocampus, cingulate cortext, cingulate gyrun
occipital lobe
anterior: peripheral vision
posterior: central vision
the formation of new cells (everywhere but striate cortex)
inferior colliculus
controls auditory reflexes
don't recognize own impairments (rt. parietal cortex)
don't recognize faces
don't recognize familiar objects
"associative visual agnosia"
can't name objects but can match and demo how it's used
aperceptive agnosia
can't recognize objects but can if placed in hand
"ideomotor apraxia"
can't carry out command but able to do it spontaneously
"constructional apraxia"
diff with copy simple draw, block patterns
probs with artic
long term potentiation
stimulation of neurons to form new receptor sites
identity foreclosure
no crisis, decided what to do but it's someone elses idea
identity moratorium
identity crisis, actively exploring options
identity diffusion
no crisis, not committed to an identity
identity achievement
resolved identity crisis and committed to a decision
retroactive inhibition
new expererience interfers with previous learning
proactive inhibition
previous experience interfers with new learning
germinal period
conception to implant
embryonic stage
end of 2nd week to end of 8th week
-most suceptible to teratagins
fetal stage
ninth week to birth
best predictor of teenage delinquency
poor supervision and erratic discipline
malnutrition during pregnancy
greatest harmful effects during last trimester because that is when there is rapid growth of dendrites
secure attachment- in environment
explore alone or with mom
secure attachment- with strangers
friendly but prefers mom
secure attachment- mom leaves
distressed, happy to see her
secure attachment- mom
emotionally sensitive and responsive
anxious/avoidant attachment- environment
anxious/avoidant - with strangers
may or may not be wary
anxious/avoidant- mom leaves
little distress, avoid contact when she returns
anxious/avoidant- mother
impatient and nonresponsive OR overly responsive, involved, stimulating
anxious/resistant (ambivalent)- environment
anxious/resistant- with strangers
wary even when mom is present
anxious/resistant- mom leaves
anxious when mom present, distress when she leaves, ambivalent and resistant upon return
ansious/resistant- mother
inconsistent- indifference to enthusiastic
disorganized- environment
dazed, confused, apprehensive
disorganzied- mom leaves
conflicting responses
disorganized- mother
maltreating the child
signs of attachment
social referencing, separation anxiety, stranger anxiety (but OK if mom nearby), response to prolonged separation
sleep problems- prevalence in 1st years
30% of kids
5-6 months of ages
temperament in 1st year of life
stable but not a good predictor
temperament- predictor of later personality
more stable if measured after age 2
easy children
cheerful, react to new stimuli w/low or mod intensity, adapt easily, reg. schedule
slow to warm up children
sad/tense, react to new stimuli w/low intensity, takes time to adapt/initially withdrawn, variable schedules
difficult children
active, react to new stimuli with irritability, difficult to sooth, irregular schedule
goodness of fit
match between child temperament and environment (esp. parents)
warm families
securely attached in 1st 2 yrs of life, higher self-esteem, higher IQ's, more empathic and altruistic
restrictive families
controlling, demanding, expect unwavering obedience, kids are timid
permissive families
few rules and demands, kids are thoughtless, moderately independent
Authoritative parents
set high standards, expect rules to be followed, explain rules and seek input from kids, encourage and reward academic achievement
Authoritative parenting outcome
independent, achievement oriented, friendly, self-confident,higher academic achievement
Authoritarian parents
controlling, demanding, expects kids to follow commands w/o question, punitive
Authoritarian parenting outcome
insecure, timid, unhappy, dependent, lack motivation
Permissive parents
nurturing and accepting, fail to assert their authority
Permissive parenting outcome
difficulty with controlling impulses, ignores rules, not involved in school or work
Uninvolved parents
undemanding, indifferent, rejecting, keep children at a distance
Uninvolved parenting outcome
noncompliant, demanding, lack of self-control
predictor of delinquency in adolescence
weak parental supervision, lax or erratic discipline
Fears in infancy
loud noises, strange objects, strangers
fears at age 3
fear of animals peak
fears at 4.5 yoa
fear of the dark
fears at age 5
fear of imaginery creatures (5% of kids after 5yo have excessive unrealistic fears)
fears in adolescence
social and sexual situations
Treatment for fears
modeling, contact desen, participant modeling, self-statements
Aggression etiology
combination: bio/env factors
parenting, cog, tv viewing
Aggression as a learned beh
imitation and rewards
Dodge & Crock cognitive model of aggression
encode social cues, response search, response eval, response enactment
TV viewing and aggression
increases aggression and tolerance for violence. Decrease if parents watch too and help discriminate
Piaget's moral development
Heteronomous stage
morality of constraint 4-7
rules are unchangable, consequence increases with severity of act, iminent justice
Piaget's moral development
Autonomous stage
morality of reciprocity, 7-8
rules agreed upon, judged based on intentions, consequences alterable
Lying 3-4 yo
lie to avoid punishment or embarassment
Lying under 6
equate lies to bad words
kids don't deliberately lie until they are 7
Lying 6-10
any untrue statement are lies
Lying 11yo
understand lying is intentional
Kohlberg's moral development: Preconventional, stage 1
when making moral judgements, focus on avoiding punishment (10-13)
Kohlberg's moral dev: Preconventional, stage 2
if it satisfies a need, it's moral
based on consequences
Kohlberg's moral dev: Conventional, stage 3
approval of relatives and friends (13- middle adol)
Kohlberg's moral dev: Conventional, stage 4
obey society's laws and rules
Kohlberg's moral dev: Postconventional, stage 5
uphold laws but can be changed with valid reason
some people don't reach this
Kohlberg's moral dev: postconventional, stage 6
justice and fairness transcends legal standards