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104 Cards in this Set

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Idiosyncrasy credits
a group's tolerance of an individual's disregard for group norms. They can be earned by initially conforming to the group norms
Idiosyncrasy credits
a group's tolerance of an individual's disregard for group norms. They can be earned by initially conforming to the group norms
The Barnum effect
when someone finds personal meaning in a statement that could apply to anyone. ex: psychic
The Hawthorne effect
changing behavior in response to awareness of being observed.
Hawthorne studies
experimenters were studying the physical and environmental aspects of the workplace (e.g.lighting) on productivity and discovered that worker productivity increased in all instances simply as a result of observation by the researchers.
The Rosenthal effect
the idea that the expectations of a researcher can have an effect on the results of an experiment.
original Rosenthal study
(1960s) teachers in an inner-city school were given information about students who were expected to blossom academically. While these students were selected at random,at the end of the year these students did blossom compared with those not on the list.
The law of effect
Thorndike: people will tend to repeat an action that had a previously pleasurable outcome
Raven's Progressive Matrices
one of the best non-verbal tests of intelligence.
Spearman argued that intelligence is based on one factor, general intelligence, or "g," and proposed that intelligence tests should measure intelligence without becoming clouded by specific abilities.
how to decrease intergroup hostility?
a superordinate goal (one that could only be achieved with group working together)
“Self-in-Relation” theory
women develop their sense of self through relationships with others. This theory is in opposition to male-oriented theories that emphasize autonomy and separation as pathways of development.
The Zeigarnik effect
people are more likely to remember uncompleted tasks than completed tasks.
Ethics code policy on testimonials
The APA Ethics Code states that it is permissible to solicit and use testimonials as long as they are not solicited from current patients or those vulnerable to undue influence (e.g., a former patient with dependent personality disorder).
APA Ethics code: what's aspirational vs. enforceable
five general principles: aspirational ten standards: enforceable
Is autistic disorder more common in males or females?
4-5 times more common in males
Is ADHD more common in males or females?
6 to 9 times more common in males than females.
Which disorders are equally common in both genders?
Schizophrenia, Bipolar I Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
The substances whose withdrawal syndromes involve hallucinations
alcohol, and the category of sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics.
barbiturate, which is a type of hypnotic. Very commonly used in the 1950s, barbiturates are rarely prescribed as hypnotics now. They still have a prominent place in the treatment of seizures.
Withdrawal from amphetamines is characterized by:
dysphoria, fatigue, unpleasant dreams, increased appetite, and psychomotor agitation or retardation.
Opioid withdrawal
flu-like symptoms
symptoms of Caffeine Intoxication
flushed face, rambling speech, tachycardia, restlessness, and diuresis (increased urine)
The classic aging profile
maintained or enhanced crystallized intelligence with diminished fluid intelligence.
Crystallized intelligence
knowledge gained through experience
Which WAIS subtests measure Crystallized intelligence?
verbal comprehension subtests of vocabulary, information, and similarities.
Fluid intelligence
the organization of information and novel problem-solving
Which WAIS subtests measure Fluid intelligence?
perceptual reasoning index: block design, matrix reasoning, and visual puzzles.
Adult Attachment Interview
adults are asked to discuss their early attachment experiences. Their responses are not analyzed by the content of the memories but rather by the manner in which these memories are discussed.
In the Adult Attachment Interview, a "preoccupied" style is and would result in what kind of child:
preoccupied: overly concerned with the attachment memories but “get lost” while they are talking, often losing their line of thought. children: ambivalent/anxious
Adult Attachment Interview: “secure/autonomous”and what kind of child?
high coherence and consistencychildren: secure
Adult Attachment Interview: “insecure/dismissing”
contradictions and lapses in memorychildren: avoidant
MMPI K Scale
High: guardednessLow: openness
MMPI L scale
High: Fake good
MMPI F scale
High: overall distressorfake badorrandom responding
measure response inconsistency or random responding
Onthe MMPI-2, which validity scale(s) also serves as a moderator variable?
When MMPI validity results are in a "V-shaped" pattern, this indicates:
high L and K, low/normal Ffaking goodex: could be a job applicant
When MMPI results are in an "inverted V-shaped" pattern, this indicates:
low L and K, high Fpathology or faking bad
List Freud and Erikson's stages by age
1st year: oral, trust vs. mistrust, hope
1-3: anal, autonomy vs shame, will
3-5/6: phallic, initiative vs guilt, purpose
5/6-12: latency, industry vs inferiority, competence
12-18: genital, identity vs role confusion, fidelity
18-35: intimacy vs isolation, love
35-60: generativity vs stagnation, care
60+: integrity vs despair, wisdom
Margaret Mahler's 6 Stages of Development
1. Normal Infantile Autism: 1st mo. Baby is unaware of external world2. Symbiosis: 2-4 mo. baby feels it and mother are one3. Differentiation: 5-10 mo. child can differentiate between self and other objects (stranger anxiety)4. Practicing: 10-16 mo. child learns it can physically separate from the mother (separation anxiety)5. Rapprochement: 16-24 mo. increased need for mother to share child's new skills and experiences, and need for love6. Object Constancy: 2-3 years. ability to maintain image of mother when she is not present, and can unify the good and bad into a whole representation
The function of the correction for attenuation is:
to estimate the correlation between two variables if one or both could be measured without error
regarding achievement and anxiety in schoolchildren:
mildly anxious children are better achievers than more anxious ones
a major concern of personality theorists has been:
specifying the number of dimensions necessary to describe personality
children who are almost 1 year old experience changes in their language learning ability in that:
they become less able to perceive sound distinctions not made in their own language
when interpreting and reporting test results, one should:
focus attention on the confidence interval of a score rather than on the obtained score itself
the research on leadership indicates that:
a large number of situational factors are important in determining effective leadership
the primary focus of the "systems approach" to the problems of business and industry is to improve:
organizational performance
research on the effect of maternal employment on children's development indicates that:
in low SES families, children of working mothers do better on measures of cognitive development than children of nonworking mothers
Assessment Centers differ most sharply from other methods of personnel selection in their use of:
performance-based assessment
psychoanalytic theory states that anxiety arises from:
a failure of defenses to modulate excitation adequately
emic approaches to multicultural counseling training are often advocated on the basis of:
the need to focus on personal and cultural meaning for each individual client
according to classical test theory, the variance of the obtained test scores is equal to the:
sum of the true score variance and the error variance
the neurotransmitter most directly involved in voluntary muscle movement is:
the technique that is most likely to produce an immediate improvement in the behavior of a child who hits others and rips up schoolbooks is:
a combination of reinforcement for appropriate behavior and mild punishment for inappropriate behavior
the correlation between two sets of test scores indicates the:
proportion of variance in one test associated with variance in the other test
at the end of an extensive training program, do high or low ability trainees improve more?
most trainees have improved, but relative standing is generally maintained
the most likely use of an "in-basket" technique in personnel selection would be with what type of employee?
self-control procedures such as those used for controlling alcohol abuse are most easily implemented when?
early in a response chain
double bind definition
A double bind is an emotionally distressing dilemma in communication in which an individual (or group) receives two or more conflicting messages, and one message negates the other.
in Bandura's social learning theory, the concept of self-reinforcement is critical for explaining how in the absence of external reward:
learned behavior is maintained over time
the most valid (but usually unfeasible) way for psychotherapists to monitor the quality of their own services is to:
check in an objective manner their clients' ability to cope with their problems
what is the relationship between aging and sexual functioning?
aging is related to some loss of erectile rigidity in the male
according to factor-analytic studies on tests of motor function:
most motor functions are highly specific
the most dangerous physiological complication of bulimia nervosa is:
electrolyte imbalance
the emotional state of the mother during pregnancy can affect:
variables such as activity level and birth weight of the fetus
linear transformation
converting total number of errors on a test to percent correct, or vice versa
a widely used procedure for matching client aptitudes to job requirements is the:
multiple cut-off method
what happens in aging regarding explicit and implicit memory?
explicit memory capacity declines, implicit memory remains stable
primary advantage of the forced-choice distribution of rated attributes in performance appraisal:
it enhances the reliability of ratings
what is characteristic of brief crisis-oriented therapy?
agree upon clear-cut goals and keep sessions focused on these goals
ethical behavior in the practice of individual psychologists is regulated by:
professional codes and state and provincial laws
adverse impact
a group covered by law is hired at a rate less than 80% of that of the group with the best selection rate
example of constant error
a psychometrician consistently underestimates IQ scores by 10 points
schizophreniform disorder
same symptoms as schizophrenia but duration is less than 6 months and more than 1 month
bartering as a form of payment for psychological services is:
allowable only if it is not clinically contraindicated and the relationship is not exploitative
a woman transmits color blindness to her son but isn't colorblind herself. the defect transmitted by this woman represents a characteristic of her:
when one uses a time-series design, fluctuation in the outcome slope can be accounted for by various alternative hypotheses. according to Campbell & Stanley, the most probably alternative is that:
a simultaneous event produced the fluctuation
babbling in infants from different language communities:
contains the full range of phonemes that comprise all languages
in counseling and psychotherapy, the trend since 1980 has been toward:
greater acceptance of eclecticism
the vocalizations of deaf and normal children differ in that:
during the second half of the first year, normal children increase the variety of sound, whereas deaf children do not.
In a"split-brain" patient:
cannot name objects projected to their right hemisphere because the information can't be transferred from the right to the left. However, research with these patients has demonstrated that the right hemisphere can comprehend some aspects of language.
sampling error refers to the:
tendency of sample statistics to differ from population parameters
With regard to statistical significance and power, which combination is least informative?
statistical nonsignificance under low power
the inability to understand words, without any loss of ability to speak or hear words, is:
sensory aphasia

proactive inhibition (interference)

when prior learning interferes with new learning

ex: Youhave trouble learning Spanish in college because the French you learned in highschool keeps coming to your mind

Retroactiveinhibition (interference)

new learning interferes with what was previouslylearned

Black Racial Identity Development Model

1. Preencounter

2. Encounter

3. Immersion/Emersion

4. Internalization

5. Internalization-Commitment

Black Racial Identity Development Model:


the individual seeks to assimilate and be accepted by Whites, and actively or passively distances him/herself from other Blacks.

Black Racial Identity Development Model:


negative event makes person acknowledge the impact of racism in their life

Black Racial Identity Development Model:


immersion in black culture, avoidance of white culture

Black Racial Identity Development Model:


willing to hang out with respectful whites while maintaining black identity

Black Racial Identity Development Model:


translate personal sense of Blackness into a plan of action/commitment to the concerns of Blacks as a group

Helms's model of WhiteRacial Identity Development: contact

curiosity about blacks & superficial awareness about being white

Helms's model of WhiteRacial Identity Development: disintegration

questioning of the racialrealities (prejudices) the person has been taught to believe.

Helms's model of WhiteRacial Identity Development: reintegration

accepts the belief in Whiteracial superiority and Black inferiority

Helms's model of WhiteRacial Identity Development: pseudo-independence

actively questioning theproposition that Blacks are innately inferior to Whites

Helms's model of WhiteRacial Identity Development: immersion

goal: changing White people and their attitudes toward Blacks

Helms's model of WhiteRacial Identity Development: autonomy

multicultural perspective,and is receptive to thinking in new ways about culture and race

Alzheimer's stages & symptoms

Stage 1: short-term memory loss, forgetting, depression, irritability, anger

Stage 2: explicit memory loss, difficulty performing complex tasks. may get lost & become apathetic, paranoia, labile mood

Stage 3: unable to recognize familiar people, may lose ability to speak, unable to care for themselves, incontinent, ultimately bedridden, apathy, emotional blunting

absence seizures originate in the:


leading cause of infant mortality

congenital malfunctions

encoding specificity principle

people remember things better when certain things are similar to the learning environment (e.g. environmental context, physical state, emotional state)


subjective experience