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70 Cards in this Set

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An association between exposure and subsequent development of disease is influence by erroneous data.
Case-Control Study
Compares 2 groups of ppl. Those with the disease or condition under study (cases) and a similar group of ppl who do not have the disease or condition (controls)
Case-Report Study
An analysis of detailed reports of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of individuals.
Cohort Study
Measures a pop. at baseline and follows them forward to determine the association of baseline characteritics with subsequent disease outcomes
An association between exposure and disease is influenced by an additional variable that is itself related to both the factor and disease
Control Group
Participants in study who resemble the treament group but do not recieve active medication
Cross sectional study
Examines the associations between disease and other factors as they exist in a specified pop. at a particular time
An influencing or determing agent or factor
Ecological Study
Uses readily available pop. data to determine association between disease rates and exposures in pops.
What researchers measure to evaluate the result of a new treatment being tested
Cause of a disease
Experimental Study
The researcher controls the groups in the study by deciding which ppl are exposed to a new preventitive measure
Refers to how common new cases of disease are at a specific period in time
To ensure that cases and controls are alike as much as possible in all characteristics except the disease and the characteristics being studied
Non randomized trial
An experiment in which groups of ppl consents to participate in a study. PPl are not randomyly assigned but chosen to participate by interest
Observational Study
The researcher observes and analyzes rate of disease in pops. and derives factors that influence the rate
Inactive substance such as a sugar pill or saline injection that is administered as a control in testing
Refers to the presence of a disease at a specific period and measures all cases
A document that describes the objectives, design, methodology, statistical considerations and organization of a trial. Provides background and rationale for trial
Random assignment of participants to either treatment or control groups to reduce biase
Randomized trial
An experiment in which individuals are randomly assigned to 2 or more group
Treatment group
participants in a study who are given the treatment being tested
2x2 Factorial Study
A randomized study of 2 interventions in same trial
A laboratoy measurment that is used to measure progression of disease or effect of treatment
This refers to keeping the investigators and/or study participants unaware of their randomly assigned treatmentq
Clinical Trial
Experimental study of different interventions. Focus here is on trials in which individuals who recieve test intervention and don't are determined by randomization
Confounding by indication
Confounding resulting from a treatment being used based on participant's disease condition
A primary or secondary outcome used to judge the effectiveness of a treatment
Exclusion criteria
Criteria used to determine whether a person should not participate in a clinical trial or not
Experimental Study
Researcher controls the groups int he study by deciding which ppl are exposed to experimental intervention
Fixed allocation ratio
The ratio of the number of study participants in one treatment group to another 1:1 refer to equal numbers in each treatment group
Inclusion criteria
Criteria that must be met in order for a person to participate in a clinical trial
Informed consent
The process of learning the key facts about a clinical trail before deciding whether or not to participate.
Intention to treat
An analysis of all randomized participants according to the randomized assignment
Lost to follow up
a trial participant for whom the outcome of interest is not known
Phase IV trial
A trial of liscensed drugs
Primary endpoint
the main outcome used to compare treatments
Secondary endpoint
Other outcomes that will be used to characterize the relative efficacy of the treatments and safety outcomes
Surrogate Outcome
Laboratory measurement used as a substitue for a clinicly meanigful endpoint that measures directly how a participant feels, functions, survives
Certificate of confidentiality
Document that protects partiipants privacy obtained by the NIH
Clinical Research
Research designed to ask specific questions about mech. risk factors of disease or about the safety and effectiveness of new therapies
The expectation that a research participant's privacy will be protected
Conflict of interest
Situation in which an individual exploits his or her position for personal or financial gain.
Institutional Review Board. Ensure protection of human subjects in trials
a person responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial at trial site
Distributing burdens and benefits equally.
Stages of justice
In equal share
According to individual need
according to individual effort
according to societal contribution
according to merit
Phase I trial
Usually the first use of testing a new therapy in humans. Done using healthy volunteers
All information that a research participant is willing to share during the time they are involved in clinical
Alternative hypothesis
An assumption articulated prior to the start of a clinical trial that can be concluded if the null hypothesis is rejected
Science of using data to draw conclusions in human health studies
Censored observations
In survival time study, data for a patient who does not experience an occurrence of the event of interest.
Chi-Squared test (x2)
Compares proportions of outcomes in 2 groups to determine if those proportions are significantly different
Confidence interval
range of values calculated from a data set such that there is a specified probablity that the true value of a parameter is within the interval
Descriptive stats
Stats used to summarize
Dichotomous outcome
Either the outcome occurs or it doesn't
Fisher Exact Test
Compares the proportions of outcomes in 2 groups to determine of those portions are significantly different. Usually requires a computer
Kaplan Meier Curves
A technique for estimating how many ppl are still free of the event of interest at various points within a study
Log Rank Statistic
A widly accepted stats. test used to determine whether 2 kaplan meier curves are different
Null Hypothesis
The assumption that treatments being tested in a clinical trial are not different
Outcome Variable
A quantifiable characteristic of change that represents the effect of a study treatment on an individual
p value
probablility of obtainin a given outcome due to chance alone
Poison distribution model
Model that provides an estimate of the count of events that occur across a fixed period of time
The probability of obtaining a statistically significant result when the alternative hyp. is true
Quantitative Outcomes
The evaluation of the effects of the experimental treatment by using numerial laboraty measurements
Rate of change
Across a time period, how much did a variable change relative to the time change, typically represented by slope
Relative risk
Ratio of the risk that a negative outcome may occur in group A vs Group B
Survival curves
Technique for estimating how many ppl are still free of the event of interest at various pts in the study
Treatment effect
The difference between the effect of the placebo and the effect of the study treatment in trial
T test
stats tests that analyzes whether the means of 2 groups are statistally different from one another used in small sample