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23 Cards in this Set

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number of individuals that will fall ill with a certain disease during a defined time period
people who have the disease at a specific time, someone who falls ill adds one to the incidence
incidence x duration =
case fatality rate
aka lethality, out of everyone who contracts the disease, the number of people that will die
the proportion of the entire population that dies from the disease over a time period
infectious disease
all disease caused by microorganisms
communicable diseases
diseases that can be transmitted from one infected person to another, directly or indirectly
transmissable diseases
diseases that can be transmitted from one preson to another by 'unnatural' routes
carrier state
harboring the pathogen without clinical signs of infection
attack rate
proportion of indivduals who are exposed to an infectious agent who become ill
primary case
person who brings the illness into a population, might not be index case
secondary case
people who are infected by primary case
index case
first case to be discovered by health care system during an outbreak, might not by primary case
reproductive rate
rate at which a case infects other
animal that transmits a pathogen
direct tranmission
mucous membrane contact (STIs), across placenta, transplants, skin to skin, and coughs/sneezes
indirect transmission
water, air borne, food borne, vectors, and objects
differences betw direct and indirect air borne
actual degree of physical closeness to case, flu is direct = need to be close, SARS in indirect = can spread through vents
ecological niche where pathogen lives and mutiplies outside of humans
actual object, animal or person from which the infection is acquired
serial interval
time period between successive generation
the occurence in a community or region of cases of an illness with a frequency in excess of normal
disease that lingers in the same area over time