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89 Cards in this Set

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Absolute Risk
*incidence of disease in pop
*proportion of disease in pop
*no comparison
Relative Risk
*cohort studies
*measures incidence
*measure strength of association
*valuable in etiologic studies
*proportion of diseased in exposed over proportion of diseased in non-exposed
Relative Risk
= incidence exposed (a/a+b) / incidence not exposed (c/c+d)
Odds Ratio
(Relative Odds)
*Cohort and Case Control
*Measures prevalence
*Odds of diseased in exposed over odds of diseased in non-exposed
Odds Ratio
for Cohort Study
= (a/b) / (c/d)
= (a)(d) / (b)(c)
Matched Pairs Odds Ratio
The ratio of the number of pairs that support the hypothesis of an association (pairs in which the case was exposed and the control was not) to the number of pairs that negate the hypothesis of association (pairs in which the control was exposed and the case was not)
When is the odds ratio obtained in a case-control study a good approximation of the relative risk?
1.When the cases are representative, with regards to history of exposure, of all the people with the disease in the population.
2.When the controls studied are representative, with regards to history of exposure, of all the people without the disease in the population.
3.When the disease studied does not occur frequently.
*a+b can be aprox by b
*c+d can be aprox by d
Frequency of disease is low in exposed and non-exposed
Difference in Risk
(Disease risk in exposed) - (Disease risk in non-exposed)

*not a useful ratio
Attributable Risk
*How much of the disease that occurs can be attributed to a certain exposure?
*The amount of proportion of disease incidence (or disease risk) that can be attributed to a specific exposure
*How much of the incidence can we hope to prevent if we can eliminate exposure?
*Applications in clinical practice and public health
*Attributable Risk in Exposed Group **
*Attributable Risk in Total Population
**Attributable Risk in Exposed Group
(incidence in exposed group)-(incidence in nonexposed group)
/incidence in exposed group
**Attributable Risk in Total Population
(incidence in total population) - (Incidence in nonexposed group)
/incidence in total population
Incidence in total population calculation
(incidence in exposed)(% of exposed in population)
+ (incidence in nonexposed)(% of nonexposed in pop)
Cohort Studies
Retrospective and Prospective
Exposed vs nonexposed
Incidence in exposed/Incidence in nonexposed
Prospective determines temporal relationship between exposure and disease
Retrospective hard to establish temporal relationships
Can study association of an exposure with several diseases
Prospective generally long and expensive
Retrospective may be short and sometimes less expensive
Large population needed
Prospective bias in assessment of exposure and of outcome
Best when exposure is rare and disease is frequent
Problems - selection of comparison group and change in criteria and methods over time.
- Persons with dz (cases): (a+c) vs persons without the dz (controls): (b+d)
- Proportion of cases exposed/proportion of controls exposed
- Odds ratio, attributable risk
- Sometimes hard to establish temporal relationship
- Possible to study associations of a disease with several exposure factors
- Relatively inexpensive and small population
- Potential bias in assessment of exposure
- Best when diseas is rare and exposure is frequent among the diseased
Problems: selection of appropriate controls often difficult and incomplete information on exposure
Natural experiments
The business of using groups of individuals exposed for nonstudy purposes as subjects for research to be compared to other groups that have not been exposed
Ecologic Studies
The first approach in determining whether an association exists
Study of group characteristics
Ecologic Fallacy
Do not have individual information
No account is taken for the variability between individuals
Causal Relationship
- Necessary and Sufficient
Without the factor the disease never develops (necessary)
In the presence of the factor the disease always develops (sufficient)
very rare
Causal Relationship
- Necessary but not Sufficient
Multiple factors are required to cause disease to develop
Factors often must occur in temporal sequence
Cancer: initiator and promoter
Causal Relationship
- Sufficient but not Necessary
Factor Alone can produce the disease
Not the only factor that can produce the disease
Radiation or benzene exposure can cause leukemia
Causal Relationship
- Neither Sufficient nor Necessary
By itself, factor is neither sufficient nor necessary to produce disease
More complex model, which probably most accurately represents the causal relationships that operate in most chronic diseases
Guidelines for Judging Causality
1.Temporal relationship
2.Strength of Association
3.Dose-Response relationship
4.Replication of findings
5.Biologic plausibility
6.Consideration of alternate explanations
7.Cessation of exposure
8.Consistency with other knowledge
9.Specificity of the association
Temporal Relationship
Exposure before disease
Strength of Association
Relative risk of odds ratio
Risk Analysis
2.Dose-Response Relationship
As the dose increases so does the risk, however does not rule out causality
Replication of Findings
Relationship apparent in different studies
Biologic Plausibility
Coherent with the current body of biologic knowledge
Consideration of Alternate Explanations
The extent to which investigators have taken other explanations into account and how rigorously they ruled them out.
Cessation of Exposure
Expect risk to decline when exposure to the factor is reduced or eliminated
Consistency with other Knowledge
Data consistency
Specificity of the Association
When a certain exposure is associated with only one disease; weakest of all guidelines
"any systematic error in the design, conduct or analysis of a study that results in a mistake estimate of an exposure's effect on the risk of a disease"
Selection Bias
- Study subjects are not representative of target pop
- Association perceived because of selection that in reality does not exist
- Response rate higher in those with the disease
- Generally people who respond differ from those who do not
- Affects generalizability of external validity
- Exclusion bias - researchers using past criteria for exclusion of case and controls
Information bias
Occurs when the means for obtaining information about the subjects in the study are inadequate so that as a result some of the information gathered regarding exposures and/or disease outcome is incorrect
Misclassification bias
Missclassification bias
Differential - the rate of misclassification differs in different groups
Nondifferential - results from the degree of inaccuracy that characterizes how information is obtained from any study group. Not related to case or control status. Problem inherent in data collection methods
Derivation of a causal relationship when there is not one
Factor X is a known risk factor for disease B
Factor is associated with factor A, but is not a result of factor A
Confounding causes the outcome
Control for confounding
-Adjusted rates
-Multivariate analysis
"When the incidence rate of disease in the presence of two or more risk factors differs from the incidence rate expected to result from their individual effects."
*Additive-the effect of one exposure is added to the effect of the second exposure
*Multiplicative-multiplies relative risks of each exposure with each other
Very common
Role of genetics and ENVR to Epidemiological Studies
- Every study implicitly or explicitly asks how much of risk is attributable to genetics and how much is due to environmental factors
- Genetics is host aspect of triad
- Genetic form typically develops earlier than nongenetic
Twin Studies
- Test genetic factors
- Monozygotic/Identical/100% genetic material
- Dizygotic/Fraternal/50% genetic material
- Monozygotic most useful for study
- Concordant - both have dz
- Discordant - one has dz and other does not
Adoption Studies
Study environment factors
Most ideal would be monozygotic adopted by separate families
Migrant Studies
Individual migrants from low risk area to high risk area or vice versa
If incidence stays the same then genetic factors are at play if it changes to fit the new environment then genetics are playing less of a role
Good test of genetics vs environment
Does the agent work in the lab? Ideal conditions
Migrant Studies
- Individual migrants from low risk area to high risk area or vice versa
- If incidence stays the same then genetic factors are at play if it changes to fit the new environment then genetics are playing less of a role
- Good test of genetics vs environment
Does the agent work in real life?
Can the agent work better?
Does the agent work in the lab? Ideal conditions
Migrant Studies
Individual migrants from low risk area to high risk area or vice versa
If incidence stays the same then genetic factors are at play if it changes to fit the new environment then genetics are playing less of a role
Good test of genetics vs environment
Does the agent work in real life?
Health Service Evaluation
- Group Data
Important to be aware of the data source
Exclusion criteria varies and contributes to selection bias
Self-selection bias
Can the agent work better?
Does the agent work in the lab? Ideal conditions
Health Service Evaluation
Group Data
-Important to be aware of the data source
-Exclusion criteria varies and contributes to selection bias
-Self-selection bias
Does the agent work in real life?
Migrant Studies
- Individual migrants from low risk area to high risk area or vice versa
- If incidence stays the same then genetic factors are at play; if it changes to fit the new environment then genetics are playing less of a role
- Good test of genetics vs environment
Can the agent work better?
Health Service Evaluation
- Group Data
Important to be aware of the data source
Exclusion criteria varies and contributes to selection bias
Self-selection bias
Does the agent work in the lab? Ideal conditions
Does the agent work in real life?
Can the agent work better?
Health Service Evaluation
- Group Data
Important to be aware of the data source
Exclusion criteria varies and contributes to selection bias
Self-selection bias
Health Service Evaluation
- Outcome Research
- Mortality, morbidity, quality of life, functional status, patient perception of health status
- Large data sets - representative, generalizable
- Large populations
- Using existing data speeds up process
- Cheaper
- Needed measures may not be part of data since the instrument was not specifically developed for that purpose
- Outdated data
- Inconsistent coding
- Must consider age of data and changes in procedures and knowledge since it was generated
Health Service Evaluation
- Individual Data
- Usually preferable over group data
- Must ask two questions when comparing populations
- Are the characteristics of the two populations comparable?
- Are the Measurement methods comparable?
Health Services Evaluation
- Randomized Design
Eliminates selection bias
Randomly chosen to receive one treatment or another
Cohort randomized trial very effective but expensive
Health Services Evaluation
- Nonrandomized Design
Before and after comparison of a new program
Program / No program
Utilizers and non-utilizers comparison
Eligible and non-eligible
Evaluation of Screening Programs
Do the individuals in whom the disease is detected early benefit from the early detection, and is there an overall benefit to those who are screened?
Process or outcome evaluation
- Selection bias
- Lead time bias - How much earlier can the diagnosis be made if the disease is detected by screening compared with the usual timing of the diagnosis if screening were not carried out?
- Overdiagnosis bias - Due to enthusiasm individuals in the screened group are more likely to be erroneously diagnosed as positive than are normal individuals in the unscreened group
Evaluation of Screening Programs
- Study Design
*Case-control - screened/not screened: is the disease present in both?
*Population is randomized and divided into groups (screening and no screening)
*Tough to carry out, ethical issues
*Most screening programs are not randomized
Evaluation of Screening Programs
- Cost
Includes financial and non-financial anxiety, emotional distress, inconvenience
Evaluation of Screening Programs
- Can the disease be detected early?
- What is the cost? financial / emotional?
- Seriousness of false positive results?
- Are subjects harmed?
- Overall benefit to being screened?
- Use operational and outcomes measurements to assess effectiveness
Risk Analysis
1. Hazard identification
2. Dose-response assessment
3. Exposure assessment
4. Risk Characterization
Hazard Identification
Determination of whether a particular chemical is casually linked to particular health effects
Risk Analysis
2. Dose-response Assessment
Determination of the relationship between the magnitude of exposure and the probability of occurrence of the health effects in question
Risk Anlysis
3. Exposure Assessment
Determination of the extent of human exposure before or after application of regulatory controls
Risk Analysis
4. Risk Characterization
Description of the nature - and often magnitude - of human risk, including attendant uncertainty
Risk Analysis
3. Exposure Assessment
1. Interviews a. subject b. surrogate
2. Employment or other records
3. Physician records
4. Hospital records
5.Disease registry records (e.g. cancer registries)
6.Death certificates
"The statistical analysis of a large collection of analysis results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings."
Aggregates the results from a set of studies, with appropriate weighting of each study for the number of subjects sampled and for other characteristics
Study design
Deficiencies in the conduct and implementation of the study
Presentation and interpretation of study findings
Public Policy Issues
1. What percentage of the population should be protected by the policy?
2. What level of risk is society willing to tolerate?
3. What level of control of risk is society willing to pay for?
4. Who should make decisions about risk?
Ethical Issues
- Findings have direct and often immediate societal relevance
- Studies generally funded from public resources and have major implications for allocation of limited societal resources
- Research involves human subjects, and subjects generally derive no personal benefit from the results of these studies
Obligation to Study Subjects
- Truly informed consent - full discloser can create bias in the subject
- Assurance of confidentiality
- Balancing the rights of the individual and the welfare of the society
- Communicating study findings to subjects - the obligation of the investigator to help the subjects further their important legitimate interests, such as disease prevention and control, for themselves and their families
- Medical Records Needed
To generate aggregate data
To identify individual patients for subsequent follow-up
- Legislative proposals
Patient consent is required for medical records
No identifying information
Problems: Patient consent
o Record review for selection
Patients unavailable for consent
Many patients refuse which then create selection bias in those included in the study
Problems: No identifying information
Record review for selection
Identifying information is essential in determining source of data
- Epidemiologic Procedures
- Informed consent required except review of medical records
- All data stored under lock and key
- Case numbers assigned to forms
- Identifying information destroyed at end of study
- Results published in aggregate form
- Unless necessary individual information not entered into computer files
Importance of privacy emphasized to research staff
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
- First systematic nationwide privacy protection for health information in the US
- Allows for release of health information under certain conditions
* IRB waiver
*Preparatory to initiation of research
*Research on decedent’s information
Access to Data
- At what point has a study truly been completed
- Should sharing policy be dependent on who paid for study
- Should policy depend on possible motivations of persons asking
- Under what conditions should identifiers be included
- How can the investigator’s interests be protected
- Who will pay expenses
Conflict of Interest
- Most US research conducted by individuals in academia, industry, or government
- Government and industry usually have internal funding
- Academia rely heavily on outside funding through grants
*Subject to rigorous peer review
- Academia typically has less conflict/ no vested interest in results
- Potential bias introduced by employer pressure
Interpreting and Communicating Findings
How do we assess the importance of a single study that shows increased risk?
How many confirmatory studies are needed?
*Should assist the public in dealing with uncertainty
When does a trivial increase in risk ratio become a public concern?
Must draw best conclusions based on available data fully realizing the possibility of future study
Policy making
*Generating and interpreting data
*Presenting specific policy options
*Projecting the impact of each decision
*Developing specific policy proposals
*Evaluating the effects of policies after they have been implemented
Educator and researcher
*Health professionals, legislators, lawyers, judges, public