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19 Cards in this Set

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1. ABCs
2. Oxygen
3. NPO
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
6. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Abdominal Pain
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen
3. NPO
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
6. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Hypertensive Crisis (diastolic ≥ 120mmHg)
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen
3. NPO
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
6. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Hypotension
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen
3. NPO
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
6. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Nausea and Vomiting
1. Assure scene safety (Refer to the “Hazardous Materials” procedure if indicated)
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
4. NPO
5. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
6. Flush skin / mucous membranes with appropriate solution, as indicated
7. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
8. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Toxicologic Emergencies / Poisoning / Overdoses
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
3. NPO
4. Temperature measurement
5. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
6. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
7. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Stroke
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
3. NPO
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Remove excess clothing and protect from further heat gains
6. Appropriate cooling measures
7. Provide protection
8. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Seizure
1. Maintain scene safely. If scene is unsafe, leave and stage for the police department
2. Consider requesting law enforcement assistance
3. ABCs
4. Oxygen
5. NPO
6. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
7. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
8. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Psychiatric Emergencies
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
3. Assess lung sounds
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Prescribed Metered Dose inhaler – assist according to prescribe dose and amount
6. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
7. Reassurance and position of comfort, seated or in Fowler’s position is preferable
8. For known diagnosed Asthma and wheezing:
a. If ≤ 8kg, albuterol 1.25 mg updraft (1.5ml), may repeat twice for total of 3
b. If > 8kg, albuterol 2.5 mg updraft (3ml), may repeat twice for total of 3 doses
Pediatric Obstructive Airway Diseases
1. Safely and rapidly remove patient from the source of exposure
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen and assist ventilations if indicated
4. NPO
5. Remove wet clothing
6. Cover with blankets
7. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
8. Provide protection
9. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive, elevate feet
Pediatric Hypothermia
1. Safely and rapidly remove patient from source of exposure
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen and assist ventilations if indicated
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Remove excess clothing and protect from further heat gains
6. Appropriate cooling measures
7. Provide privacy and protection
8. Reassurance and in position of comfort or, if hypotensive, elevate feet
Pediatric Hyperthermia
1. Scene safety
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Measure blood glucose as indicated
6. If blood glucose <40mg/dL and patient is conscious with good gag reflex, glucose
paste (1/2 to 1 tube)
7. Recheck blood glucose after sugar administration
8. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
9. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Diabetic / Glucose Emergencies
1. Assess airway and status of breathing
2. Basic life support for partial or complete airway obstruction as indicated
3. If obstruction is removed, assess breathing and circulation
4. Administer Oxygen and/or assist ventilations as indicated
5. If circulation is not adequate, provide circulatory support as indicated
6. Assess lung sounds
7. NPO
Pediatric Choking / Airway Obstruction
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen, assist ventilations if indicated
3. Assess lung sounds
4. History & physical, vital signs (monitor frequently), secondary assessment
5. NPO
6. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
7. Reassurance and position of comfort, preferable seated or in Fowler’s position to aid
Pediatric Congestive Heart Failure/Pulmonary Edema
1. ABCs
2. Oxygen and assist ventilations if indicated
3. Assess lung sounds
4. NPO
5. History & physical, vital signs (monitor frequently), secondary assessment
6. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
7. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Chest Pain
1. Assure scene safety (Refer to the “Hazardous Materials” protocol if indicated)
2. Refer to Chemical Warfare Exposure for patient and self administration.
3. ABCs
4. NPO
5. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
6. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
7. Measure blood glucose as indicated
8. Flush skin / mucous membranes with appropriate solution, if indicated
9. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
10. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Chemical Warfare Exposure (Auto-injectors)
1. Safely and rapidly remove patients from exposure (by trained rescuers)
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen via non-rebreather or assist ventilations as indicated
4. NPO
5. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
6. Spinal immobilization for suspected trauma
7. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
8. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Carbon Monoxide / Smoke Inhalation
1. Safely/rapidly remove patient from source of exposure, if necessary
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
6. Reassurance and in position of comfort or, if hypotensive, elevate feet
7. Remove injection mechanism if still present
8. Remove constricting jewelry
Pediatric Allergic Reaction / Anaphylaxis
1. Scene safety
2. ABCs
3. Oxygen and assist ventilations as indicated
4. History & physical, vital signs, secondary assessment
5. NPO
6. Provide protection and maintain body temperature
7. Reassurance and position of comfort, if hypotensive elevate feet
Pediatric Altered Mentation