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8 Cards in this Set

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Describe neural adaptations that occur with resistance training
-CNS is able to recruit more motor units due to increased neural drive
-Synchronicity of motor unit recruitment improves
-Neuromuscular junction morphology improves
-Fewer agonist/antagonist muscles are coactivated
-Autogenic inhibtion is decreased
-Rate coding is increased (alpha motor neuron firing increases)
What is transient hypertrophy?
Increase in muscle size during and immmediately after exercise due to fluid from plasma moving into muscle
What is chronic hypertrophy?
Increase in muscle size as a result of long-term training
What is the difference btween muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia?
Hypertrophy= incease in fiber size (cross-sectional)

Hyperplasia= increase in number of fibers as a result of one splitting apart and forming two fibers
What happens duirng immobilization or cessation of training?
Decreased strength (due to decreased cross scetional area, protein synthesis, neuromuscular activity)

Affects Type I fibers more!
What is acute muscle soreness?
Immediate soreness in the muscles following working out dur to accumulation of H+ and tissue edema (fluid shifting into muscles from plasma)
What is DOMS and why does it occur?
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

12-48 hours after exercise, primarily due to eccentric exercise

-Structural damage, build up of irritants, impaired calcium homeostasis, increased macrophage activity

-may be caused by inflammatory reaction in damaged muscles
How does DOMS affect performance and how can it be reduced?
Max force generation decreases but gradually returns

Loss of strength is due to failure of excitation-contraction process, loss of contractile proteins, physical disruption in muscle

Solutions: reduce eccentric contractions early in exercise, start slow and gradually increase intensity or overload eccentric movements early which will hurt but prevent future soreness