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45 Cards in this Set

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yearly measure of temperature and precipitation
daily measure of temperature and precipitatition
source of life and weather patterns
development of weather patterns
atmosphere and ocean
descibe the climate system
sun, atmosphere, and the clouds, each with its level of activity, interact with the ocean, land, rivers, and lakes. In the changes in the sun, volcanic gases and particles, and precipitation and evaportation, climate changes. Air-ice interactions, air-vegatation, ocean-ice, land-vegetation, heat exchange, wind stress, and heat radiation from the land effect the climate system, too. Thus, changes in ocean circulation, biochemistry, geography, land use, vegetation, and ecosystems attribute with climate.
greenhouse gases...
exist naturally in the atmosphere, and serve to hold some heat that orginates from the sun
greenhouse gases + some heat from the sun=
enables the global temperatures to remain hospitable to life
problem in reference to greenhouse gases
an unntural accumulation of these due to human activities
automobiles, in the last century, uses an internal combustion engine that...
hasmade a substaintial increase in CO2
the theory of global warming
extensive research leading scientists to believe the determined the impact of greenhouse gases
example of greenhouse gas
C02, H20, O3, CH4, and N20
greenhouse gases _____ and _____ heat
absorb and radiate
proxy indicators
pollen from sediment cores and air bubbles from ice cores
proxy indicators have the ability to reveal
greenhouse gas level from the earth's crust
type of research method
computer modeling of weather and patterns
type of research method
air sampling
type of research method
proxy indicators
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPCC in 1988 by U.N.establishment and utilization
serves of international panel of atmospheric scientists, climate experts, and governmental official
Kyoto Protocol in 1997 establishment to combat
the increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. U.S.A. still has not signed
Four global warming predictions
Sea level rise and loss of coastal areas, and intrusion of salt water into aquifers due to level rise
Increase in erosion, and drought normal accustom to ample amounts of precipitation
Increase in the destructiveness of hurricanes
Infectious disease, outbreaks, and sanitation problems
Recent politics entering scientific debate apparently
handicapping the fact-based research being undertaken by various scientists
Is global warming really a threat?
There is debate, or whether greenhouse gases pose any threat at all to global temperatures
"Climate Catastrophe Cancelled"
There is no scientific evidence that says human impact is driving global climate change," stated climatologist...
The Friends of Science Society video outlines how
we have been misconcieved into thinking that CO2 greenhouse gases are heating the earth, when really we are evolving into a global cooling somewhat similar to the Ice Age
Often times, both internal and external pressures
cause scientists to misreport data
Science should be conducted
to learn factual information about how things (biotic and abiotic) function
Where the employer is private company or governmental body,
scientists are pressured by their employers to conclude that their data supports the agenda of said entity
Two types od ocean water energy
Water and tidal motion
Wave motion
Air turns turbine
Tidal motion
Water turns turbine
Highly underutilized resource
Ocean water energy
Waters off the coast of _________ have great potential for tidal energy use
Aqua buoy
The future of wave energy
Hydrogen as a renewable energy source is being developed mainly to
adress the transportation needs of the planet
addressing styrofoam to paper issues
Ford and Toyota
Addressing hybrid vehicles
Pickens and his wind farms
Addressing energy and pollution issues
Addressing alternatate renewable forms of energy
Addressing alternate forms of fuel
Ball State
Implementing programs such as recycling, green building, conserving water and energy, and preserving native habitats
Implementing programs such as Student Union green roof,and The Aboretum preservation of native habitat
Individual citizens can
turn off water and lights when not using them, and get an energy audit
purchase energy efficient appliance, drive less, use mass transit, and carpool more
Individual citizenscan
Remain informedaboutwhat is occurring in the community, make sure to voteby chosing canditates that can mirrior your views about the environment
Buy less, and when buying goods, purchasing thoseyou knowuse an environmentally friendly method of production