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60 Cards in this Set

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Environmental science is a

Systematic approach learning about the environment

Most environmental problems result from

Complex, interrelated problems.

In explaining your choice of an environmental science major in college to your roommate, you would probably emphasize the fact that environmental science is a(n)

applied interdisciplinary field concerning the environment with an emphasis on solving problems.

A group of concerned citizens are collecting water samples from a local river to detect the level of nitrogen in the water. They plan to take samples every day for a month and then will divide the sum by the number of days they sampled. What is the group trying to do?

Both determine the mean level of nitrogen in the water and determine the average level of nitrogen in the water.

Which of the following is not an example for how statistics are used?

Determining the context of how data was gathered.

Environmentalism stemming from the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring differed from earlier North American conservation perspectives by

Placing more emphasis on pollution problems

At the end of the 20th century _______ has been added to environmental thinking

Global concerns

Evidence of progress in dealing with increasing population problems is best illustrated by

An decrease in the average number of children born to each woman.

Poverty is passed on from one generation to the next primarily through

The lack of available opportunities.

Proponents of sustainable development argue that

development can proceed with minimal costs to the environment.

What is the probability of getting tails 4 times in a row when you flip a coin?

1 in 16

Compared to poorer countries, which of the following is not true of richer nations?

They have higher fertility.

Parsimony is one of the basic principles of science


What would be considered to be an area in environmental science where we are seeing progress toward sustainability?

Renewable energy

The concept that a resource that is degraded by the increasing populations that utilize the resource without any regulation of that resource is referred to as

The tragedy of the commons.

The relationship among atoms, elements, and compounds is most like the relationship among which of the following groupings

Grains of sugar, sugar, and sweetened iced tea.

Which of the following is not a molecule?


Energy is the ability to

Both move objects and transfer heat from one object to another are true.

Potential energy is _____ energy


Metabolism can be seen as the process of converting

Potential energy into kinetic energy.

The first law of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of matter are similar in that

under normal circumstances neither energy nor matter is created nor destroyed.

What implication(s) does the second law of thermodynamics have for biological systems?

A constant supply of energy is necessary for maintenance of biological systems.

Photosynthesis is the process of converting __________ into __________ energy.

Solar energy; chemical bond.

The process of cellular respiration

releases energy from chemical bonds of molecules such as glucose.

Producers rely on the process of ____________ to release chemical energy and consumers rely on the process of ____________ to release chemical energy.

Cellular respiration; cellular respiration

____ are characteristics of an entire system that are greater than the sum of its parts.

Emergent properties

How do the organisms living around Yellowstone's hot springs get energy?

From chemosynthesis

Nitrogen is an essential component of amino acids and proteins.


Water expands when it crystallizes and freezes


If you were to remove the top predator in a food web or food chain

the producer population will be depleted because there are more primary consumers or herbivores.

There is/are usually _______ tolerance limit(s) responsible for limiting the number and location of a species. However, some organisms have ____________ that limit(s) their distribution.

Many; a specific critical factor.

What would you label the range of temperature from 90F to 94F for this particular species?

Zone of psychological stress.

What is the difference in the adaptation of a sled dog's (such as a Husky) thick coat of hair to help it withstand the cold temperatures of Arctic winters and a dog that adapts to cold temperatures in the fall by growing a thickened coat? The adaptation of the sled dog best describes adaptation at the ____________ level while the dog exposed to seasonal colder temperatures has _____________.

Population; psychological modifications at the population level.

Evolution occurs as a result of

better survival or reproduction rates by individuals with a particular characteristic.

An especially effective strategy for reducing intraspecific competition is

Different ecological niches for juveniles and adults.

Symbiosis means

Living together

An organism's biotic potential is the maximum number of offspring

That it can produce.

A dieback, or population crash, often occurs after a species ________ its environmental carrying capacity.


In the real world, many factors determine the numbers of organisms in any one population. Yet, a SUPERFLY with unlimited food and no mortality would show what type of growth?

J-shaped curve

A biological community's productivity is a measure of

The amount of biomass produced in the community.

Complexity in an ecological community has to do with the number of

Species at each trophic level.

A community with hundreds of different types of primary producers, a few herbivores, and only one carnivore, has

Little complexity.

Primary succession occurs when a community develops ____________ while secondary succession occurs when one ________.

On unoccupied ground; biological community replaces another.

Two unpalatable or dangerous species which have warning patterns or colors and appear similar are an example of _________________.

Mullerian mimicry

Which of the following is not generally true of k-selected species compared to r-selected species?

They have shorter generation times.

Generally speaking wealthy, developed nations have a smaller human ecological footprint than poorer, less developed nations.


A population growing at 1% per year should double in about ___ years.


In the formula I=PAT, which of the following would be representative of the 'A'?

Driving an SUV.

Which country listed below would you expect to have the highest ecological footprint?


The concept that describes the amount of land required to produce the goods and services that are required for an individual to live his or her particular lifestyle is the

Ecological footprint concept.

A population would have zero population growth if

births + immigration = deaths + emmigration.

The annual percentage rate of this population is...


Technological optimists argue that technological advances have...

proven Malthus wrong in his predictions of famine and disaster.

Malthus and Marx

disagreed about the root causes of overpopulation, poverty, and social upheaval.

The demographic transition refers to a country's change from...

high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.

Many demographers believe that birth rates generally decrease as the level of development increases because

women tend to have more influence in family planning.

Which of the following demographic categories best identifies Country "A"?


The graph indicates that there is...

a strong relationship between infant mortality and education for women.

Which of the following is a mechanical barrier to conception?


One of the _________ effective ways to stabilize populations is to _________.

Most; decrease child mortality.