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44 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of Life (List)

1)Having complex and organized structures that are organic carbon molecules.

2)Acquire and use energy from their environment and convert them into different forms.

3)Actively maintain structure and internal environment. (homeostasis)




7)Evolve (change)


The organized, systematic enterprise that gathers knowledge about the world and condenses the knowledge into testable laws and principles.

Scientific Method


Hypothesis-Testable educated guess



Should be reported

Must be repeatable

Assumption of Science

Natural causality

Uniformity in space and time

common perception


The change in genetic make-up or gene frequency in a population for generations.

The process by which each type of organism and descended from ancestors that were similar but not identical to it.

3 processes of Evolution

Genetic Variations


Natural Selection


Testable educated guess

Scientific Theory and Scientific Law

scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is traditionally [note 1] acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.

No exceptions found. Ex. Law of gravity

Homeostasis or homoeostasis (homeo- + -stasis) is the property of a system in which variables are regulated so that internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant. Examples of homeostasis include the regulation of temperature and the balance between acidity and alkalinity (pH).

Uses of Energy



response to stimuli

Laws of Thermodynamics

1st Law- Conservation of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transferred

2nd Law- Loss of useful energy. Energy is converted from one form to another, the amount of useful energy decreases. Useful energy is usually in the form of heat.

Potential Energy

Energy that is stored

Kinetic Energy

Energy that is working


Means life.


See Diagram in notes

C3 and C4 cycle/plant

Adapted to different environmental conditions.

ex. C3 do well under cooler and wetter conditions where a C4 does better under dry and hot conditions.

organelles found in plant cells and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce food for the plant

organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers (cristae).

How Evolution Happens (cause list)

Mutation- Ultimate source of genetic variability

Gene Flow- Spreads variability between populations.

Small Population- Cause sudden changes from lack of gene redundancy- genetic drift

Non random mating

Natural Selection

Hardy-Weinberg principle (Equilibrium principle)

Equilibrium population is a hypothetical case where evolution does not occur


No mutation

No immigration or emigration of genes between population

Large population

Reproduction completely random

No natural selection .

Genetic drift effects and types

Bottleneck- tends to reduce variability in a small population.

Founder Effect- Tends to increase variation between populations. occurs when new colony is founded by few members of the original population.

Natural Selection Influences

Directional- Giraffes-favor one extreme

Stabilizing-Giraffes, sickle-cell (polymorphism) -favors both

Disruptive- Adaptions to different habits- favors medium

Causes of Natural Selection

Adaptation---Best for survive and reproduce


predations (co-evolultion)--who eats who

Symbiosis (commensalism, parasitism, mutualism)

Sexual Selection

Alturism--sacrificing for a bigger picture. Soldiers for America.

Causes for extinction

Localized distribution and overspecialization

Biotic interactions (competition, predations, parasitism)

Habitat change and destruction

Analogous structures

Not structurally similar

ex. chicken wings and insect wings

Homologous Structures

Structures that are similar

ex. bat wings and bird wings

Vestigial Structures

Structures with no apparent function

ex. boa with a hindlimb

Convergent Evolution

Unrelated species becoming more similar

Divergent Evolution

Mutations and different selective pressures cause population to evolve along dissimilar paths.

Natural Selection

Process by where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.


The influence of closely associated species on each other in their evolution

Directional Selection

Favors one extreme

Stabilizing Selection

Favors both extremes

Equilibrium population

a hypothetical case where evolution does not occur

Founder effect

when a colony is founded by a small group of the same origin

Population bottleneck

tends to reduce variability in a small population

Gene pool

is the set of all genes or genetic information, in any population, usually of a particular species.

Artificial Selection

Briefing animals for the values us humans want. Milk cow for milk. German shepherd for a guard dog.

Earliest life

Estimated at 3.5 billion years ago

Ages of earth

Estimated at 4.5 billion years ago


Molecule of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat


Virus without protein coat

Plant disease- avocado sun blotch


Replicates without genetic material

Mad cow

Video name, author, and key points

Evolutionary arms race

Author: PBS

Key concepts:

Organisms that aspire to adapt and reproduce

The cost of certain adaptations

Trying to work with evolution and not against it