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95 Cards in this Set

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World Population in 2007
6.6 billion
Montreal Protocol
international action aimed at ending release for chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants
Kyoto Protocol
addressed global climate change; aimed at reucing CO2 emissions and other greehouse gases
Climate of Desert
very dry; hot days and cold nights
Rain in the Desert
less than 10 in/yr
Soil in the Desert
thin and porous
Rainfall in the Grasslands
seasonal rain; 10-60 in/yr
frequent fires
Soil in the Grasslands
rich and often deep
Rain in Tropical Rain Forests
frequent and heavy; over 95 in/yr
Climate in Tropical Rain Forest
no seasons; year long warm temperature
Soil in the Tropical Rain Forests
thin and poor in nutrients
Climate in the Temperate Forests
below freezing in winter; warm and humid summers
Rain in the Temperate Forests
30-80 in/year
Soil in Temperate Forests
well developed
Climate in Coniferous Forests
long and cold winters
Rain in Coniferous Forests
light in winter; heavier in the summer
Soil in Coniferous Forests
acidic; lots of humus and litter
Climate of Tundra
COLD; 8-10 week growing season with long days and moderte temperatures
Rain in Tundra
very little
Soil in Tundra
thin and under permafrost
Trophic Level with most Biomass
tertiary consumers
Organic Molecules are
carbon based molecules that make up the tissues of living organisms
1st Law of Thermodynamics
Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it may be converted into different forms
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
In any energy conservation, some usable energy is lost mostly as heat
loss of usable energy to heat
Nitrogen fixation
bacteria and cyanobacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonium
microbes use nitrate as a substitute for oxygen; returns nitrogen into atmosphere
ammonia is converted into nitrite, then to nitrate
plants absorb ammonium ions ans nitrate and make DNA, amino acids, and protiens
Low Recruitment
high mortality of young
High Recuitment
low mortality of young
Intraspecific Competition
competition of members between the same species
Interspecfic Competition
competion between members of different species
process by which populations of one species seperates and new species develop
Convection Currents
rising and falling of molten materials within the earth
Convergent Boundaries
where plates come together; forms mountains or islands
Divergent Boundaries
plates move apart; forms mid-oceanic ridges
transform boudaries
plates slide past each other; form fault and earthquakes
IPAT Formula
Environmental (I)mapct = (P)opulation * (A)ffluence * (T)echnology
Population momentum
population will continue to grow/decrease even after total ferility rate = replacement rate
Precent Increase Caulation
Crude births - crude death = natural increase /10 = precent increase per year
Thomas Malthus
discovered that populations tend to grow exponentially while agriculture grows linearly
International Confereence on Population and Development
focused on issues of poverty, population growth, and development
Aral Sea
salt water lake that now has three times the salinity of the ocean because of overuse
Adiabiatic Cooling
process where air cools and expands
Abdiatic Warming
when cool air decends
Hadley Cells
the circle made up of the warming and cooling of air
Ogallala is used
to supply 1/5 of America's water
___% of the Earth's water is freshwater
less than 1%
As air warm it is
delfected from the equator
O Horizon
topmost layer of soil, contains dead organic matter, dark and rich
A Horizon
another top most layer, mix of humus and soil below
E Horizon
Zone of Eluviation, water leaches through this layer
B Horizon
subsoil, has iron, aluminum, calcium that leach down
C Horizon
parent rock; saturated in groundwater
fertile, dark soil; found in grasslands, best ag soil
in tropical and subtropical rain forests; lots of organic material, infertile
in moist, temperate biomes; adequate for ag
in drylands and deserts; thin and light colored; lots of sand; suseptiable to salinization
Alley Cropping
trees are planted in strips with crops in between
Shelter Belts
trees are planted around crops
Contour Farming
terracing; when crops are planted in slopes like stairs
Strip Cropping
alternating rows of different crop types
Conservation Reserve Program
pays farmers to turn their crop land into forests and grasses
Igneous Rock
forms when magma cools
Clastic Sedimentary Rock
when rock is weathered, eroded, transported and deposited to form sedimentary rock
Non-clastic Sedimentary Rock
when minerals chemically replace items like bone or wood to form sedimentary rock
Metamorphic rock
when exsisting rock is put under extreme heat and pressure
Lacey Act
forbids interstate to transport illegally killed wildlife
Endandgered Species Act
makes it illegal to kill, trap, uproot, modify the habitat of, or engage in commerce of endangered species
foucused on trade of wildlife and it's parts
international agreement that calls on various actions to protect the world's biodiversity
Caspian Sea seals
were killed by a infection that was spread by dogs
Garrett Hardin
wrote essay The Tragedy of the Commons
Shelter-wood Cutting
removing mature trees
Seed-tree Cutting
removing all the small trees
endosymbiotic algae living in corals
El Nino
warming of the ocean surface waters
used to stun fish in coral reefs
Second Growth Forests
most common forest in US
most common way to get electricity
Production electricity is
30% efficent
Primary Recovery
conventional pumping that removes 25% of oil
Secondary Recovery
inject brine or steam into oil well, pressure brings out 50% more oil
Population of the US
300 million people
Stages of coal
In order of most moisture to least
peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
Oil Shale
when heated to 1,100 degrees F produces a crude oil
crude oil produces by heated oil shale
Oil Sands
tar like substance that wehn heated can be refined
using one source of energy to produce heat and electrical energy
Persian Gulf Region
65% of all proven oil reserves
Largest coal reserves
Years of proven coal left
225 years
Cleanest source of energy in US
natural gas