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18 Cards in this Set

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The law that says that we will have clean drinking water in the US is the...
SDWA, Safe Drinking Water Act
The reason we have water treatment plants in this country is because of the...
Safe Drinking Water Act
Th law that says we won't put sewage or industrial waste into waterways is....
Clean Water Act
The reason we have waste water treatment plants in this country is because of the...
Clean Water Act
The law that says we won't pollute the air is the...
Clean Air Act
The reason we burn unleaded gasoline or low sulfur diesel in our vehicles is because of ....
the Clean Air Act
The reason coal burning power plants have scrubbers and cars have catalytic converters is because of the....
Clean Air Act
The law that says we will have cradle-to-grave tracking of all hazardous materials is ....
RCRA, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
The law that regulates pesticides is ....
FIFRA, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
The law that says that you can't kill or harm the habitats of species that are near extinction is the....
Endangered Species Act
The international law that says you won't transport endangered species or their parts over borders is...
CITES, Conference on the International Trade of Endangered Species
The law that says we won't let our soil erode away, started during FDR's time (in the middle of the Dustbowl), is....
Soil Conservation Act
The law that says we will have a fund that will help pay to clean up abandoned waste sites is ...
Superfund Act (CERCLA, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)
A law that says we won't make excess noise is ....
Noise Control Act
International law that bans CFC's from use to prevent ozone layer destruction is...
Montreal Protocol
Law that let a president protect areas of scientific or historical interest on federal lands as national monuments is...
Antiquities Act
International agreement to limit carbon emissions is the...
Kyoto Treaty
The law that says we'll screen new substances for safety before they are widely used is...
Toxic Substances Control Act