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46 Cards in this Set

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definition of environmental audit

a systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evident

- to determine whether an organisation EMS conforms with audit criteria set by the organisation.

successful environmental audit must be

independant, objective credible and transparent,

the audits should be regular and on going

environmental audit will assess

the nature and extent of harm to the environent caused by the activities, wastes or noise from particular company

why we need to audit the EM

to provide information on

= the environmental performance of a company, and

=include environmental issues in the decision making process

= to reduce the harmful consequences of the company action

how environmental auditing was introduced to the world?

-by multi-national company

which demand that their subsidiaries and suppliers have green credentials

how EMS Audit help company to its EM?

-recommendations on how to improve environmental management practices

-reduce impact that company to the enviroment

- to infom the company about the environment issues

In public sector there are 2 form of auditing ..what are those?

- internal audit

-external audit

the objective of internal audit

- to take all responsible efforts to addres known risk and prevent violation

-to comply with legislation

- to asses EMS performance

- to determine strengths and weaknesses for the implemantion of envi. plans , policies, control and records

does envi. auditing are introduce to public sector?


the objective of external audit

-to prepare for the EMS certification application

-to assess performance for the EMS certification compliance

- to prepare for ISO14000 series certification

public sector of Envi. auditing cover on

- energy use

- recycling

- hardwoods from sustainable surces

-environment education

- habitat conservation and creation

- green purchasing and traffic calming

-public enquiry and complaints response

whst is the most common type of envi. audit

compliance audit

What does Compliance audit do?

checks against environmenta legislation and company policy

2 type of compliance audit

-multimedia audit

-programmatic audit

types of audit

-compliance audit

-issues audit

-site audit

-due diligence audit

-product or life cycle audit

-liability audit

-management audit

-activitiy specific audit

Multimedia audit (compliance audit) discuss on?

- identify and auditing all envi. media (air, water, waste etc.) that apply to the operation/company.

programmatic (compliance audit ) discuss on?

-aka thematic or media specific

- limited in scope to specific areas such as air.

issues audit discuss on?

-evaluation of how company's activitires relate to

specific envi. issues.

site audit discuss on?

to eximinate actual or potentia; envi prob.

Due diligence audit discuss on?

assessment of potential envi. and financial risks and liabilities carried out because or

=company merger,

= site acquisition

= acquisition / divestiture

Product or Life cycle audit discuss on?

analysis of envi. impacts of a product thoughtout all stages od its design, production, use and disposal, including its reuse and recyling

Liability audit discuss on?

determine wheather or not a company is in compliance with laws and regulation

management audit discuss on?

determine wheather or not a company is in with applicable laws and regulations

Activity specific audit discuss on?

looks at performance of a company in a specific issues area like carbon emission or waste reduction.

3 main-phases of audit

1. pre audit stage

2. Audit stage/ on site

3. post audit stage

the objective of pre audit stage?

-full management commitmet

-setting overall goal, objective, socpe and priorities

-selecting a team to ensure objectivity and professional competence

Pre-auditing steps

1. define aims, scops , plan audit

2. select team of internal & external

3. collect background info.

4. program audit, activities, time line, people

Audit stage / on-site audit objective

1. on-site audit well defined and systematic, using protocols or checklist

2- review of documents and records

3- review of policies

4- interview

5- site inspection

On-site audit steps

1. meeting with managers, interview

2. examinate EMS records :

policy, plans, systems, responsibilities, etc

3. interview staff:

evidence, data , identify issues

4. inspect site,-

process discharge and sampling point

5. clsing meeting , intial observation

Post-audiy objective

-evaluate of findings

-summarise and document findings

-make plan based on results for future

-inform relevant internal and external stakeholder

-makes plans to repeat the audit process in the future

Post audit steps

- evluate findings

=drafts report, recommendation


=review draft, accept recommendation

-audit report-

-company action -action plan

-implement actions

environmental auditing protocols

-the checklist used by envi. auditors as the guide for conducting the audit activities

steps to implement the protocols for envi. audit

1. set the controls

2a. plant the audit (organisational & method)

2b.undertake the audit

3. evaluate the findings

4.report and verify

5.implement action plan

6.feedback loop into audit cpds

result from the audit should include

- information of next action

-presentation of actual findings

-summary of result of the investigation

-meaningful and useful to the company to inc. its perfomance in EMS

the follow-up programme that auditors should suggest to company

1. developing better action plan

2. implementing the action plan

3. checking and monitoring process

4. reviewing action plan process

the report of auditoring should

-confidential, traceable and supported by other doc.

- clear, concise, complete and understanable

the audit report should be sent to

-lead site perssonal

- who conducting corrective actions


-legal counsels

why audit report are so important?

- to implement the corrective action

-to assess conformance

ISO 14010 (replaced by ISO 19011:2002)

guid for envi. audit = general principle

ISO 14011 (replaced by ISO 19011:2002)

guide for envi. audit = audit proceduces, auditing of EMS

ISO 14012 (replaced by ISO 19011:2002)

guide for envi. audit = qualification criteria for envi. auditors

ISO 19011 is standard to

-managing audit

-provide guidelines to conduct internal and external audit

-for quality and for EMS purposes

-competency and evaluation of auditors

to whom ISO 19011 important to


=organisation who wish to

- conduct / implement quality / EMS procedurs

-bodies that provide certification



to implement envi. audit organisation must have internal audit. program that covers on;-

1. activities and areas to be audited

2. frequency of audits

3. responsibilities of managing and conduction audits

the ISO for auditing is -Guidlines for quality and/or EMS auditng is...

ISO 19011:2002

benifits of envi. audit

1. ensuring compliance with laws, regulation and standard

2.compliance with company policies and requirement of EMS standard

3.enabling environmental prob. and risk to be anticipated and responses planned

4. demostrate orgo is aware its impact to enviroment by giving feedback

5. incr. awareness of stakeholders

6. inc. in

-financial saving

-efficient resource use

- envi practised

-envi friendly tech.