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28 Cards in this Set

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The capacity of the earth's natural systems and human cultural systems to survive, flourish, and adapt to changing environmental systems into the very long term future


What is the environment

Everything around us

Environmental science

The study of how humans interact with their environment

What are the 3 goals of environmental science

To learn how life on earth has survived and thrived

To understand how we interact with the environment

To find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainably

Every organism is a member of

A certain species

What are humans called

Homo sapiens sapiens

What does homo sapiens sapiens mean

Wise man

What are the 3 principles of sustainability

Solar energy


Chemical/nutrient cycling

What would be different about life without solar energy


How do human activities degrade natural capital

By using renewable resources faster than nature can restore them

What are a big part of sustainability

Trade offs and compromises

Examples of energy resources

Coal and oil

Examples of metallic mineral resources

Copper and aluminum

Examples of non metallic resources

Salt and sand

How much of the world's waste is produced by developed countries


What chemicals can be classified as pollutants

Any kind that can cause harm

This refers to the degradation of open access resources when someone thinks the small amount of pollution they cause isnt enough to matter

The tragedy of the commons

Humanity is currently living


How can we lessen our ecological footprint

Slowing population growth, reducing resource waste, reducing poverty, move to renewable resources

What is IPAT

A model used to determine ecological impact

What is the IPAT formula

Impact equals population times affluence times technology

True or false

The number of affluent consumers is on the rise


What are the 4 basic causes of environmental problems

Population growth, wasteful and unsustainable resource use, poverty, and failure to pay for environmental costs of goods and services

3 ways we can slow population growth are

Reducing poverty through economic development, promoting family planning, elevating the status of women

About how many people live in poverty

1.4 billion

3 major problems for people in poverty


Inadequate sanitation

Respiratory disease from pollution

How are some companies failing in the environmental area

They arent pricing their products correctly to pay for the environmental costs or producing them

What belief is the environmental justice movement based off of

That everyone should be entitled to equal protection from environmental hazards